View Full Version : Something old, something new.......

16-06-2017, 13:45
I'm, "old" and, "new" to this site, that is. Don't like to borrow, but do love the Blues. Firmly believe that electrons perform much better, when modulated through a vacuum(rather than silicon). Cary mono mains, Transnova 9505 woofer amp, Magnepans, transmission line woofers, VPI TT, Maggie arm, BAT VK-D5, TacT RCS 2.2X(a radical departure from my prior straight-wire-with-gain philosophy). Everything's been modded, usually starting with the power supply. OH, and- HELLO!

17-06-2017, 09:20
Hello Al. Welcome to AOS.

That's an interesting selection of equipment you have. If you like modding and DIY, you could feature any projects you are working on in the Drawing Board section. I'm sure they'd be of interest.

Have a look around the site and feel free to join in any chat that interests you.

Enjoy the forum,