View Full Version : I'm new here ...

08-06-2017, 18:43
... but being an admin on another (not a hifi!) forum, I thought I really ought to try to follow the rules here.

I've been "into" music since my teenage years back in the 70s. I've amassed various collections in the media of the day, from LPs to cassettes to Minidiscs to CDs to mp3s (I know, heresy) to Flacs, and currently mainly back at CDs.

My main system isn't that special, mid-range hifi aimed more at ease of use rather than finding the last ounce of aural quality.

So, what am I doing here?

I am looking for somewhere suitable to sell some reasonably high-end hifi kit (my deceased father's). No way I'm going to the bay of Evil, and I'd prefer to avoid selling to a shop/dealer. This looks like a more lively and interesting forum than others I've considered.

But, of course, I need to take some photos first, so I'll be back next week with pics, and probably some questions about what it all is!

08-06-2017, 19:01
Hi Tony, try and join in a bit. It will no doubt help you. sorry to hear about you dad.

08-06-2017, 19:35
Hello Tony. Welcome to AOS.

Sorry to hear your father passed away. I'm sure we can assist you in identifying the equipment and giving you an idea of value. I'd suggest starting a thread in the Blank Canvas section and asking for opinions. The members are friendly and helpful.

When you get around to selling, the Private Exhibitions area is the place to offer items.

Feel free to join in the chat, you don't have to be an expert or aiming high with your Hi-Fi. The banter does not even have to be about Hi-Fi. There are sections for all topics and all input is welcome.

Enjoy the forum,

09-06-2017, 06:17
Thanks both