View Full Version : Fed up? Sell everything and start from scratch with ten grand!

01-06-2017, 09:01
So, you keep fretting over your current system. It's nice, but somehow you get that niggly feeling things could be so much better. If you flogged it all off and gave yourself a ten grand budget, what would you buy? Would it be new or second hand?

My choices?

I'd be buying largely used I think and concentrating on CD source, so perhaps a Mark Levinson No.37 transport. As for a DAC, I'd stick to what I already have, Monarchy Audio M22C. Pre-amp might be a used Music First Audio Baby in front of a new Radford Revival STA25 power amp driving a mint pair of Tannoy Berkeley Mk.II's. I make that about £9000. Bung in some decent cables and that's the ten grand spent! Should sound rather nice.

The Black Adder
01-06-2017, 09:03
I could do that. Not sure what I'd get though.

It certainly goes through my mind sometimes though.

01-06-2017, 09:17
I've done it numerous times too, last time was just the other week just before I swapped a speaker cable over from + to - and realised I was out of phase lol.

I had to do it the way I have done first, as without buying it bit by bit I would never have allowed myself to spend the money I have spent in one go.

01-06-2017, 11:20
I'd go for a fully active system, 6 channels of amplification, DSP crossovers, giant DIY 3 way speakers. Source would just be a CD player as usual.

Could get the amps for a grand, speaker build about 3 grand, DSP units are a few hundred quid. Would struggle to spend the £10K tbh unless I went for something really flash for the front end or had everything gold plated (which I might :eyebrows:)

01-06-2017, 11:39
Would struggle to spend the £10K tbh unless I went for something really flash for the front end or had everything gold plated (which I might :eyebrows:)

Three Krell power amps?

01-06-2017, 11:48
The leccy board would be happy if I did that...

01-06-2017, 12:00
Starting from scratch I wouldn't be looking at vinyl. Even though I still have over 1000 albums and recognise the superiority of analogue over digital, it is a time limited format (notwithstanding the current resurgence in popularity). In fact, I would probably also bypass CD altogether and go for a top notch disk-based streaming solution.

I would try and be a bit more eco friendly in my selection of amplifiers. As much as I love my Art Audio Quintet power amp, I always feel a little guilty about the inefficiency of valve amps and their resemblance to space heaters! If there was a breakthrough in fission technology I might consider a Radford Revival jobbie or something from Acoustic Research. However, I believe that digital amplifier design has reached a threshold that makes it a contender for my new system. I would probably go for a really meaty digital power amp. I would drive the power amp directly from the streamer so no need for a pre-amp.

I currently have a pair of Magneplanars (the 1.7 model) and would be tempted by one of their larger models. However, it would be a close call between another ribbon or electrostatic design and a good single driver conventional design. If my listening room was on the small side I would go for an Omega Alnico design, possibly their SAM model.

I would spend modestly on cabling, but would be willing to spend some of my budget getting room acoustics right. Oh, and a nice E-Z-Boy recliner to complete the setup.

It would be very easy to spend 10k but in truth I think I would probably spend less than that (maybe 5k to 6k) and use the balance on going to live gigs and buying more recorded music.


01-06-2017, 13:46
Top notch Stax Ear Speaker System & Linn CD12. With the left over change, I'll get some nice mofi CD's.


01-06-2017, 17:41
Interesting.... I wouldn't change a single thing from what I have now.
Maybe splurge on more recordings ?

01-06-2017, 17:41
Ok I'm in, someone give me ten grand and I'll let 'er indoors have the garden room and I'll buy a hot rod. Then bit by bit build a set up on the cheap. Ten grand sounds good especially as mine is not worth anything near that but would probably kick the arse of most on here:):)

01-06-2017, 17:55
I'd keep what I have and build a purpose built single story extension ( only because material costs would be minimal)

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01-06-2017, 17:57
Ten grand sounds good especially as mine is not worth anything near that but would probably kick the arse of most on here:):)

A bold statement. :D

01-06-2017, 17:58
I'd have practically 0 labour costs too [emoji6]

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01-06-2017, 18:03
Ok I'm in, someone give me ten grand and I'll let 'er indoors have the garden room and I'll buy a hot rod. Then bit by bit build a set up on the cheap. Ten grand sounds good especially as mine is not worth anything near that but would probably kick the arse of most on here:):)

Someone will ask what you have Paul [emoji6]

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01-06-2017, 18:06
I'd have practically 0 labour costs too [emoji6]

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You have the skills to do it. Just get the materials you need out of skips or from badly secured construction sites...

01-06-2017, 18:07
I manage a badly secured construction site [emoji1303][emoji1303]

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01-06-2017, 18:08
What do you need ten grand for then? ;)

01-06-2017, 18:12
I still need a wage mate whilst I build

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01-06-2017, 18:13
I'd keep what I have and build a purpose built single story extension ( only because material costs would be minimal)

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I'd have thought 10K was enough to escape Milton Keynes!

01-06-2017, 18:18
I've tried many many times mate and always end up right back here

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01-06-2017, 18:38
£10K is useless. I need more.

And the more I think the more I need.

(A bit borrowed from Iggy Pop's I Need More).

01-06-2017, 18:53
Oh and I'd give the Kefs away

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01-06-2017, 18:55
I've tried many many times mate and always end up right back here

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Blimey! That's sad. :lol:

01-06-2017, 18:57
Alright.... I meant loan em [emoji6]

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01-06-2017, 19:02
I really do need the room !!! Getting whinged at

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01-06-2017, 19:52
Ok I'm in, someone give me ten grand and I'll let 'er indoors have the garden room and I'll buy a hot rod. Then bit by bit build a set up on the cheap. Ten grand sounds good especially as mine is not worth anything near that but would probably kick the arse of most on here:):)
Come on then. What you got?

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

01-06-2017, 20:29
New cabs for my HPDs and the rest on CDs, new shelves and more HDDs to store the rips

01-06-2017, 20:36
Perfectly happy with what i have...

01-06-2017, 20:39
I quite like the idea of going the tech route, linkwitz speakers with all the attendant DSP, nice high end dac, top line cd/ s player, Custom media pc with everything on flac, wav etc.... but I also kinda like the idea of going Single diver horn speaker, nice valve mono blocks, valve pre, maybe a classic deck 401?

I haven heard any of this stuff mind you... but its nice to dream.

01-06-2017, 21:03
Come on then. What you got?

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

Paul lists his system under his signature:

Sony STR 6055 Denon DP80 Stax UA-70 Shure Ultra 500 Zu omen

Office system, DIY CSS fullrange speakers with aurum cantus G2 ribbons Najda dsp as dac Akai AM-U02 Jvc QL-A51 direct drive turntable

System components are subject to change without warning and at the discretion of the owner.

01-06-2017, 21:09
Paul lists his system under his signature:

Sony STR 6055 Denon DP80 Stax UA-70 Shure Ultra 500 Zu omen

Office system, DIY CSS fullrange speakers with aurum cantus G2 ribbons Najda dsp as dac Akai AM-U02 Jvc QL-A51 direct drive turntable

System components are subject to change without warning and at the discretion of the owner.
I cant see his signature as I mainly use Tapatalk. Thanks for the list! Ill be googling lol

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

01-06-2017, 21:22

Ive just read your thread on your TT build and I have to say it looks spectacular. Bravo!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170601/aa8067926ee3eb67cf0cb56ede613162.jpg

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

01-06-2017, 21:30
Is that a Stax arm? Looks rather like an UA-7, but not quite.

01-06-2017, 21:51
Looks nice and low to vinyl. Thats good I guess ?

01-06-2017, 21:55
If someone wants to give me 10k for my system, I shall reluctantly accept.:eyebrows:

02-06-2017, 10:01
Starting from scratch I wouldn't be looking at vinyl. Even though I still have over 1000 albums and recognise the superiority of analogue over digital, it is a time limited format (notwithstanding the current resurgence in popularity). In fact, I would probably also bypass CD altogether and go for a top notch disk-based streaming solution.

I'd be surprised if vinyl didn't outlast whatever digital format you might currently try and for the foreseeable future. It's lasted this far, hasn't it? Most of us can't even access floppy discs from the 80s and 90s. How long before present digital formats/codecs become obsolete? Records from the middle of last century or earlier? No problem.

People will be dropping styli onto vinyl for some time to come, I'm fairly sure. :)

02-06-2017, 10:40
I'd be surprised if vinyl didn't outlast whatever digital format you might currently try and for the foreseeable future. It's lasted this far, hasn't it? Most of us can't even access floppy discs from the 80s and 90s. How long before present digital formats/codecs become obsolete? Records from the middle of last century or earlier? No problem.

People will be dropping styli onto vinyl for some time to come, I'm fairly sure. :)

Yes, but if you are starting out from scratch without a sizeable vinyl collection would you really choose to invest in analogue. Whilst I recognise that vinyl sounds better, it takes precision engineering to get the "music" off the disc. I recently had my 30 year old Linn LP12 services and upgraded with a 3rd party sub-chassis and armboard and it sounds great though I am acutely aware that I would have to spend big bucks today to get the same quality. That it without taking into account the costs of a good preamp and cartridge (I think my AT Moving Coil and EAR 834P would cost the best part of £1500 today). What really tips the scale is the limited amount of new music issued on vinyl and its premium price over digital. I have come to this conclusion reluctantly and only recently. For the first two decades I could barely listen to cd's. However, digital is getting better (note the recent demise of the dreaded MP3 format) and it is possible to buy a digital streamer today for very little that can outperform hugely expensive flagship cd players of recent vintage.

Clearly this forum comprises a biased sample of music listeners. When I went to Uni back in the late 70's it was the ambition of many young people to get their first "proper" hifi and to invest heavily in vinyl. That is no longer the case. It still surprises me when I come across a "youf" who has never heard an album played (start to finish) on a proper hifi let alone bought a complete album, but I would suggest that is the norm. The resurgence of "vinyl" seems to me to be as much a fashion statement as an interest in quality and tied in to the "hipster" movement. Yes, vinyl will survive but it will remain a niche product for enthusiasts, much like valve amps are today.

Anyway, I was expressing my own preferences. I would expect a 10k system to be my last investment in hifi so would be looking for something to see me through for the next 20 years or so. I daresay there will still be devices around then that are compatible with FLAC or WAV format!


02-06-2017, 10:43
Yes, but if you are starting out from scratch without a sizeable vinyl collection would you really choose to invest in analogue. Whilst I recognise that vinyl sounds better, it takes precision engineering to get the "music" off the disc. I recently had my 30 year old Linn LP12 services and upgraded with a 3rd party sub-chassis and armboard and it sounds great though I am acutely aware that I would have to spend big bucks today to get the same quality. That it without taking into account the costs of a good preamp and cartridge (I think my AT Moving Coil and EAR 834P would cost the best part of £1500 today). What really tips the scale is the limited amount of new music issued on vinyl and its premium price over digital. I have come to this conclusion reluctantly and only recently. For the first two decades I could barely listen to cd's. However, digital is getting better (note the recent demise of the dreaded MP3 format) and it is possible to buy a digital streamer today for very little that can outperform hugely expensive flagship cd players of recent vintage.

Clearly this forum comprises a biased sample of music listeners. When I went to Uni back in the late 70's it was the ambition of many young people to get their first "proper" hifi and to invest heavily in vinyl. That is no longer the case. It still surprises me when I come across a "youf" who has never heard an album played (start to finish) on a proper hifi let alone bought a complete album, but I would suggest that is the norm. The resurgence of "vinyl" seems to me to be as much a fashion statement as an interest in quality and tied in to the "hipster" movement. Yes, vinyl will survive but it will remain a niche product for enthusiasts, much like valve amps are today.

Anyway, I was expressing my own preferences. I would expect a 10k system to be my last investment in hifi so would be looking for something to see me through for the next 20 years or so. I daresay there will still be devices around then that are compatible with FLAC or WAV format!


I cant instill any interest in my kids to even consider keeping mine. Apethy of the younger generation eh :D

02-06-2017, 10:46
I'd probably dump the lot and go for a pair of Devialet Phantom Golds and a nice holiday. :sofa:

If that was a step too far, a set of good active monitors would probably be the way to go if I was starting over.

02-06-2017, 11:47
I take your point, Sherwood/Geoff.

For me, personally, yes, I would buy vinyl again (today). But I might save up 20% of that 10K for a trip to Japan to buy some of the Jazz I collect. The music and performances I look for are 'of their time'. That mostly means C20 for me and others I suppose. All the vinyl paraphernalia is, to me, part of the game!

I wonder whether I would be as concerned if I was 20 again, though... :cool:

02-06-2017, 11:53
I'd do it just like i've done it ;)

02-06-2017, 13:02
I take your point, Sherwood/Geoff.

For me, personally, yes, I would buy vinyl again (today). But I might save up 20% of that 10K for a trip to Japan to buy some of the Jazz I collect. The music and performances I look for are 'of their time'. That mostly means C20 for me and others I suppose. All the vinyl paraphernalia is, to me, part of the game!

I wonder whether I would be as concerned if I was 20 again, though... :cool:

Another key factor for me is "portability". I have spent a large proportion of my working life living and working in developing countries. My vinyl collection, vinyl equipment and my valve amps have been in storage for most of the last 20 years for this reason. Vinyl doesn't thrive in the humidity of Bangladesh or the dry dusty climes of Botswana or Namibia. Over that time I have built up a huge cd collection (too embarrassed to admit to a number). The cost of shipping and insuring my cd collection each time I move from country to country was crazy. I have now ripped my entire cd collection as FLAC files to two 4tb hard drives (the second a mirror image backup). Even now, back in the UK the storage space required for my vinyl and cds is huge.


02-06-2017, 13:45
Another key factor for me is "portability". I have spent a large proportion of my working life living and working in developing countries. My vinyl collection, vinyl equipment and my valve amps have been in storage for most of the last 20 years for this reason. Vinyl doesn't thrive in the humidity of Bangladesh or the dry dusty climes of Botswana or Namibia. Over that time I have built up a huge cd collection (too embarrassed to admit to a number). The cost of shipping and insuring my cd collection each time I move from country to country was crazy. I have now ripped my entire cd collection as FLAC files to two 4tb hard drives (the second a mirror image backup). Even now, back in the UK the storage space required for my vinyl and cds is huge.


Interesting. We recently dragged our (my) record collection to NZ and back - having previously dragged it to Trinidad & Tobago and back. NZ was a minefield of mold avoidance, as far as the records were concerned. Worked a lot in Africa but never had need to take the collection.

Do you use a streaming service now? I was wondering about trying something like Qobuz, now it offers real HD streaming. I just bought Monk's RSD 2017 release on Sam Records. But, I was surprised to see it will be offered as an HD item at Qobuz soon too:

Les Liaisons Dangereuses (http://www.qobuz.com/gb-en/album/les-liaisons-dangereuses-1960-thelonious-monk/5051083118484)

02-06-2017, 14:36
I'm not sure I would want to sell much of what I already have as very happy with most elements. What I would do with ten grand is spend say six grand on converting a double garage (currently used for storing junk) to an optimised listening room and the other 4 grand on similar audio items but with speakers that have greater bass. It is amazing the high end kit one can get for small change (if the big names are avoided).

Now if I had to spend a hundred grand then that is another story. I would start with 'cheaper' MBL speakers and work from there. :)

02-06-2017, 14:36
I'm just in the process of doing exactly this!

My life is too busy right now for valves and vinyl, so I think I'm going to go back to a simple streaming system. When the kids were younger, they went to bed early and slept like logs and I could listen as I wanted, now they go later and wake more easily!

As such, I end up with little 30 mins here and there when I can listen, but I can't be arsed with putting the electrostatic heads on my speakers (can't leave them on for fear of them getting knocked), waiting for valves to warm, clean a record etc. I need something instant, with music at the touch of a button on a tablet.

I reckon I'll have a good look at Linn, Chord, Vitus and, maybe, Naim (didn't like what I briefly heard the other day though). I heard some incredible sounds from Luxman and Dali the other day too, but I'd need several x £10k for that system!

Anyone fancy some Cadence Amaya, Leben and a lovely 401? :lol:

02-06-2017, 14:41
Interesting. We recently dragged our (my) record collection to NZ and back - having previously dragged it to Trinidad & Tobago and back. NZ was a minefield of mold avoidance, as far as the records were concerned. Worked a lot in Africa but never had need to take the collection.

Do you use a streaming service now? I was wondering about trying something like Qobuz, now it offers real HD streaming. I just bought Monk's RSD 2017 release on Sam Records. But, I was surprised to see it will be offered as an HD item at Qobuz soon too:

Les Liaisons Dangereuses (http://www.qobuz.com/gb-en/album/les-liaisons-dangereuses-1960-thelonious-monk/5051083118484)


I still prefer to own a physical product so continue to buy cds which I immediately rip to FLAC and then put into storage boxes. Mold is an ever present threat. When I put my LPs into long term storage 20 years ago it was in heavy duty plastic crates packed with large silica gel bags. That kept my vinyl in pristine condition.

I was an early adopter of Spotify which has helped me to regulate and control my cd purchasing. In the past I would buy a cd on the basis of a review or one or two tracks heard on the radio, often being greatly disappointed with my purchase. Now I listen to an album on Spotify first to see whether there are enough good tracks to justify the cd purchase. I did try Qobuz streaming for a while and even bought some HD albums (including a good Eric Bibb live concert) but was put off by the interface. The sound quality was noticeably better than Spotify Premium but not hugely so. I have been pleasantly surprised by how good Spotify can sound at the 320 bit rate (even through my Magneplanar speakers which are very revealing). Spotify bass performance is very good in general, with the main problem being a bit of metallic grain in the treble. I was listening to Judith Owen recently on Spotify after seeing her in concert in Sheffield. The track "My Father's Voice" really got the Maggies shifting air! Hard disk storage is really cheap now: my 4tb Western Digital Passport drives cost me $125 each on a trip to the US last November. Even allowing for 500mb for a FLAC album, that's a potential storage of 8,000 albums per drive!


02-06-2017, 15:01
I'd be surprised if vinyl didn't outlast whatever digital format you might currently try and for the foreseeable future. It's lasted this far, hasn't it? Most of us can't even access floppy discs from the 80s and 90s. How long before present digital formats/codecs become obsolete? Records from the middle of last century or earlier? No problem.

People will be dropping styli onto vinyl for some time to come, I'm fairly sure. :)

I have a lot of vinyl as well but 98% of the time my music format is digital. Can listen to it at home, on the train, in the car on the beach in Bali if I want. It's called streaming. Obsolescence? Welcome to the 21st century.

02-06-2017, 15:14
I'm just in the process of doing exactly this!

My life is too busy right now for valves and vinyl, so I think I'm going to go back to a simple streaming system. When the kids were younger, they went to bed early and slept like logs and I could listen as I wanted, now they go later and wake more easily!

As such, I end up with little 30 mins here and there when I can listen, but I can't be arsed with putting the electrostatic heads on my speakers (can't leave them on for fear of them getting knocked), waiting for valves to warm, clean a record etc. I need something instant, with music at the touch of a button on a tablet.

I reckon I'll have a good look at Linn, Chord, Vitus and, maybe, Naim (didn't like what I briefly heard the other day though). I heard some incredible sounds from Luxman and Dali the other day too, but I'd need several x £10k for that system!

Anyone fancy some Cadence Amaya, Leben and a lovely 401? :lol:

Auralic Polaris, Qobuz Sublime + and any speakers you like. Otherwise AVM or Devialet. Do I get banned from this forum for recommending 3 Class D units? I've had Art Audio valves and Quad monoblocks in the last 5 years and the Devialet Pro puts all in the shade. Have used Auralic for some years as streaming is all about good software.

02-06-2017, 16:03
Yeah, got the Qobuz trial and the Auralics do look very tempting. My only issue is that I'd be looking exdem/ second hand and the meraks rarely come up. Certainly one to audition though (prefer to go same manufacturer).

By coincidence, my last amp was art audio jota - I loved it, but always worried for the expensive KR valves! All of this stuff is fantastic, just different flavours and sometimes we just fancy a change, don't we!?

02-06-2017, 19:45
Is that a Stax arm? Looks rather like an UA-7, but not quite.not quite Geoff as its a UA-70, the 12" big brother, I also have a UA-7 standing by for another turntable if I ever have the time to build one. Thanks Oliver for the kind words.

02-06-2017, 19:52
Yes, but if you are starting out from scratch without a sizeable vinyl collection would you really choose to invest in analogue. Whilst I recognise that vinyl sounds better, it takes precision engineering to get the "music" off the disc. I recently had my 30 year old Linn LP12 services and upgraded with a 3rd party sub-chassis and armboard and it sounds great though I am acutely aware that I would have to spend big bucks today to get the same quality. That it without taking into account the costs of a good preamp and cartridge (I think my AT Moving Coil and EAR 834P would cost the best part of £1500 today). What really tips the scale is the limited amount of new music issued on vinyl and its premium price over digital. I have come to this conclusion reluctantly and only recently. For the first two decades I could barely listen to cd's. However, digital is getting better (note the recent demise of the dreaded MP3 format) and it is possible to buy a digital streamer today for very little that can outperform hugely expensive flagship cd players of recent vintage.

Clearly this forum comprises a biased sample of music listeners. When I went to Uni back in the late 70's it was the ambition of many young people to get their first "proper" hifi and to invest heavily in vinyl. That is no longer the case. It still surprises me when I come across a "youf" who has never heard an album played (start to finish) on a proper hifi let alone bought a complete album, but I would suggest that is the norm. The resurgence of "vinyl" seems to me to be as much a fashion statement as an interest in quality and tied in to the "hipster" movement. Yes, vinyl will survive but it will remain a niche product for enthusiasts, much like valve amps are today.

Anyway, I was expressing my own preferences. I would expect a 10k system to be my last investment in hifi so would be looking for something to see me through for the next 20 years or so. I daresay there will still be devices around then that are compatible with FLAC or WAV format!

Geoffi don't have a sizeable vinyl collection but don't see that as a disadvantage, I know many have thousands of albums but I guess will never listen to them all more than once or twice. I like to have my all time favs on vinyl where possible and those get played regularly. The rest of the time is Spotify and rarely cd, I must have more cd's than records.

02-06-2017, 19:54

Ive just read your thread on your TT build and I have to say it looks spectacular. Bravo!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170601/aa8067926ee3eb67cf0cb56ede613162.jpg

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalkthat photo was just to show the arm pod which is at about 1 o clock.

02-06-2017, 20:34
that photo was just to show the arm pod which is at about 1 o clock.
Its very impressive, Paul. Ive spent most of today looking at denons lol.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

02-06-2017, 22:17
Beautiful work Paul.

03-06-2017, 05:56
Yeah, got the Qobuz trial and the Auralics do look very tempting. My only issue is that I'd be looking exdem/ second hand and the meraks rarely come up. Certainly one to audition though (prefer to go same manufacturer).

By coincidence, my last amp was art audio jota - I loved it, but always worried for the expensive KR valves! All of this stuff is fantastic, just different flavours and sometimes we just fancy a change, don't we!?

There's a little more to it than that. The Jota is just not powerful enough for Harbeth or probably any speaker under 90db, you get really vague and I'll-defined bass. A £500 Quad 909 does much better.

I got my Aries ex-dem from Audio Emotion, the UK distributor. I also have an Aries Mini. Auralic is one of the few brands, life Harbeth, where you rarely get deals or bargains because they are almost 100% keepers. Best bet would be to call Gary at Audio Emotion.

03-06-2017, 06:44
i don't have a sizeable vinyl collection but don't see that as a disadvantage, I know many have thousands of albums but I guess will never listen to them all more than once or twice. I like to have my all time favs on vinyl where possible and those get played regularly. The rest of the time is Spotify and rarely cd, I must have more cd's than records.

It's a matter of economics. Fixed (i.e. investment) costs in a decent vinyl playback system, say, £1,500. Unit cost of "new" vinyl, say £15. Invest in 100 albums and that's a total of £3,000 or the equivalent of £30 per album. If you are investing in vinyl it only makes sense if you already have or intend to acquire a large album collection.


03-06-2017, 06:54
If I was starting again and had no music to start with then I would go for a state of the art digital system. Not sure 10k would be enough tho, but guess I could cut some corners.:eyebrows:
As much as I live my records, I wouldnt start again..............or would I?

03-06-2017, 12:58
Hmm, probably a pair of Kii Threes or something i.e. state of the art active standmounts, otherwise pretty much what is already in my signature.

03-06-2017, 16:31
It's a matter of economics. Fixed (i.e. investment) costs in a decent vinyl playback system, say, £1,500. Unit cost of "new" vinyl, say £15. Invest in 100 albums and that's a total of £3,000 or the equivalent of £30 per album. If you are investing in vinyl it only makes sense if you already have or intend to acquire a large album collection.

Geoffwe will have to disagree then, economics doesn't come into hifi, it's only about what you are prepared to spend and no doubt lose. I don't have 100 albums and never will. If I only had 5 albums that I loved I would still be happy to have a vinyl set up, up to the job of playing them well. I probably have 50 albums of which I play maybe 20. The Denon cost £550 approx. the Stax arm about the same, Shure ultra 500, £500, aluminum sub plinth £150 and the plinth and veneer £60, so just over £2000. Ouch but sounds bloody lovely.

03-06-2017, 16:40
we will have to disagree then, economics doesn't come into hifi, it's only about what you are prepared to spend and no doubt lose. I don't have 100 albums and never will. If I only had 5 albums that I loved I would still be happy to have a vinyl set up, up to the job of playing them well. I probably have 50 albums of which I play maybe 20. The Denon cost £550 approx. the Stax arm about the same, Shure ultra 500, £500, aluminum sub plinth £150 and the plinth and veneer £60, so just over £2000. Ouch but sounds bloody lovely.

I wish I was in a position to disregard cost, but I have to balance spending on music and hifi with other essential and leisure spending. That means taking into account the full cost of ownership.

Irrespective of format (analogue or digital) I could not survive with a core of only 50 albums. Although I do not have the amount of time to listen to albums at home as I used to, I do spend a lot of time listening to music on the move (i.e, flying, driving, on trains, in hotels). That is another reason for me preferring digital, although I still have some home made "compilation cassettes" from the 70's and 80's that I played recently on my Sony Pro Walkman (and very good they sounded too).


03-06-2017, 17:32
I wish I was in a position to disregard cost, but I have to balance spending on music and hifi with other essential and leisure spending. That means taking into account the full cost of ownership.

Irrespective of format (analogue or digital) I could not survive with a core of only 50 albums. Although I do not have the amount of time to listen to albums at home as I used to, I do spend a lot of time listening to music on the move (i.e, flying, driving, on trains, in hotels). That is another reason for me preferring digital, although I still have some home made "compilation cassettes" from the 70's and 80's that I played recently on my Sony Pro Walkman (and very good they sounded too).

Geoffthats fair Geoff, I see vinyl as a ritual where I will listen to a whole side, whereas with Spotify or cd it's too easy to change tracks midway and not settle down and listen. Vinyl is an expensive treat:)

03-06-2017, 18:02
Its very impressive, Paul. Ive spent most of today looking at denons lol.

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