View Full Version : Hi there from Liverpool

29-05-2017, 10:49
Hi all

I've been a member for years, but never posted. I've now decided to take the plunge and get involved.

I've been into hifi for quite a while and built what I think is a decent system slowly over the years.

My main audio system consists of
Amp - Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3
Turntable - Thorens TD166 with home made plinth and dampened chassis
Photo stage - Cambridge Audio - modified with + / - 18V DC supply in stead of the 12vAC input
CD - Marantz CD63 KI signature
Streamer - Logitech Squeezebox Touch
Linear power supply (two outputs) - feeding the logitech and the phono stage
Speakers - KEF LS50s

Conservatory system
Amp - Monitor Audio A100
Music Streamer - Logitech squeezebox touch
AV streamer - Minix H8 Plus
Speakers - Q Acoustics 3020
TV - Samsung UE32k5100

Main AV system
Amp - Sony STRDN1040
Bluray - Oppo 103D
Cable - Virgin Media Tivo
AV Streamer - MAG250
Games - PS4
Speakers - Acoustic Energy Evo 3B 5.1 system
TV - Samsung UE55HU7500

I also have a few back-ups
Amp - Pioneer a300r precision "full monty, blue LED"
Amp - Pioneer a400x
Speakers - B&W 602's
Another Sony AV amp, Devon DVD and a few other bits.

Surprising when I list it down, I've collected quite a few bits and pieces over the years.

I listen to various types of music, mostly 60s, 70s and 80s.

Thanks John

29-05-2017, 10:55
welcome to AoS officially John. What took so long?

29-05-2017, 11:05
Hi John. A late welcome from me too. :)

That's a lot of gear. You're not the only one though, many of us are the same.

Nice to see that you want to get involved. Have a chat with the members. They're a friendly lot.

Enjoy the forum,

29-05-2017, 11:26
Thanks both.... not sure what took me so long to be honest... just been quietly noddeling away in my own little world.

29-05-2017, 11:31
Have you got any plans for changes in the gear you use?

29-05-2017, 12:13
Hi Walpurgis

Nothing firm at the moment..... been considering whether its worth investing in a dac to go between the logitech touch and amp. I've read quiet a few posts and reviews saying it's not worth it and then others saying it is. I guess at some stage I'm going to have to have a play around and see. I could hook up the monitor audio A100 in-between using the digital in and preouts, but I'm not sure how good the DAC in the MA A100 is.

I've not long bought the MF Nu-vista so not sure splashing a lot of cash on a dac would be well received by my better half.

Thanks John