View Full Version : Project Classic TT Set up help. Local to Birmingham

26-05-2017, 02:19
Hope I've put this in the right section. Haven't been on here for a while as not been very well, had a very bad break up and ended up having a stroke from the stress. Luckily I've recovered relatively well. Numb left leg and shaky hand and twitchy eye aside 🙄

Anyway! I've traded in my equipment towards a new system as my old one just reminds me of my ex and I couldn't bear tolook at it let alone use it (bitter much?! Me? Noooo! 😂) and ended up with a Yammy RN602, Monitor Bromze 5's and a Project Classic TT.

The issue I've got is...setting up speakers and an amp isn't an issue but setting up this TT would be slightly out of my comfort zone if the above hadn't have happened (but I'd have plodded on and done it) but with a shaky hand and dodgy eye I'm really worried about setting it up and either damaging the stylus (re using the gauge) or damaging "something" or not setting it up right and damaging my records 😞

So I wondered if there was anyone on here local to Birmingham who's got the knowledge and patience could pop over and help me set it up? I'd be soooo grateful. And wouldn't expect you to do it for nothing

At the moment it's just sitting there in its box and I'd like to make sure it's working before the 30 day replacement window expires.

PMme if you can help?

Many thanks


26-05-2017, 07:22
Hi David , really sorry to hear about your run of bad luck . Seems like it has been one thing after another , however you seem like a guy with a bit of character and I''m sure you will come out the other end all the stronger for it . I wish you a return to as near full health as your stroke will allow . Shame I wasn't nearer as you seem like a nice guy .

On the turntable front , have you tried it yet ? . These things tend to be set up at the factory and you should be able to use it out of the box . Alternatively the shop you bought it from may be able to help .
There are quite a few AOS turntable experts in the Birmingham area and I'm sure some of them will be along to offer help when they read your post .
Good luck my friend :)

26-05-2017, 07:45
Quite a few members around the midlands so hopefully one will be able to help