View Full Version : New system question

23-05-2017, 13:18
Soon I'm going to be moving into somewhere on my own so it's time for a new system! So to celebrate I'm going to build myself a system because the one where I'm living now isn't mine.

So this is what I have so far:

2x Sonus Faber Venere 1.5 – Black
SVS PB1000
NAD C 388
And a HTPC as my source.

It has been suggested that the 150W that the NAD C 388 provides would barely be enough to power my speakers and that I get an AMP that puts out >150W. My question is if I did get an amp that puts out >150W would I be running the risk of killing the speakers by feeding them too much power? I ask as the suggested AMP power output for the onus Faber Venere 1.5's is 30W – 150W without clipping. I do like listening to my music LOUD.

23-05-2017, 13:42
Your more at risk of damaging speakers with an underpowered amp due to driving amp into clipping. Excess power in amp wont in itself do any harm unless you try to blow them up by going past the bounds of sense.

24-05-2017, 10:14
Your more at risk of damaging speakers with an underpowered amp due to driving amp into clipping. Excess power in amp wont in itself do any harm unless you try to blow them up by going past the bounds of sense.

Thanks struth. By bounds of sense, do you mean turning the volume up to the max?

24-05-2017, 10:21
Yes, if you make it so loud your ears bleed, then your asking for a blow out. If amp is underpowered it will clip and take the speakers out eventually de to overheating. Much more likely with an underpowered amp to do that than blowing them with too much power, although you could if a bit mad

26-05-2017, 09:56
Unless you are a truly insane headbanger (there are some about) then I'd be guided by the manufacturer's spec of 30-150W.
If you push the volume control too far otherwise you could well be endangering the drivers.
If your speakers don't go loud enough with 150W then I think you need different speakers!