View Full Version : Wtd: Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna

23-05-2017, 11:59
20350Anyone got one of these they're not using please pm me.

24-05-2017, 08:23
Got one of these mounted on an external mast.
Sorry, but not cracked up to be what is stated and very expensive.
There are far better aerials out there for a 10th of the price.

Plus..... it's Vertical only (ok if in the right reception area) most common broadcast signal are Horizontal.

Only my opinion mind[emoji56]

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24-05-2017, 08:48
Too the rescue again Peter !! Thanks for the tip off . I wouldn't have paid full price as I know they are a rip off , the oem manufacturer of the very same antenna were selling them at a third of the price of the MD ones so buyers are paying £100 for the magnum Dynalab sticker .

Thanks again

Ps, the tuner should arrive today .

24-05-2017, 09:00
Got what it's worth Andy,

Just contact a local arial installer and get his recommendation. Local guys know the scorer on what is best. Unless you are into heights and DIY and have the appropriate FM signal strength device.

I think.... from my memory, the install was £50 or so !!! Plus you can bollock the bloke if it don't do what it says on the box [emoji41]

Good luck in whatever you choose. (Multi Array or Uni Directional).

A good Ariel WILL pay dividends .

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