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Spectral Morn
17-01-2010, 21:45
Hi Guys

Just a wee photo update as to where I am at with my analogue recording set up. Having recently rearranged things to facilitate a dedicated rack for recording gear (moving a glass fronted bookcase upstairs, and replacing it with a Target 3 shelf stand + thinner black ash bookcase for CDs-nearly my whole cd collection is now in the main listening room :))

I have left the top shelf free for either of my two ReVox Reel to Reel machines the next shelf down for my Nakamichi CR5e Cassette Deck and the bottom one for the Sony SB-500 three way tape switcher and my Audio Valve OTL RKV mk2 Headphone Amplifier. Cabling being used is Audio Note ANS and ANV with two runs of Barry's cable (in for evaluation) taking the signal from and to my Bat VK31se Pre-Amplifier.

Just recently I obtained a dust cover for my ReVox B77 mk2 Hi-Speed, Half Track, Reel to Reel Tape Recorder. As we have and use a coal fire down stairs in the listening room/living room this was vital to allow me to use this recorder downstairs (offering some protection from dust, though not as much as the A77 cover; which covers the entire front of the machine). While the ReVox A77 mk4 Quarter Track, Dolby unit is very good I wanted to use the B77 more of the time as its 15ips speed and half track recording system will give me better recordings than the A77.

The other reason for doing this, is that it now gives me the ability to use a Reel To Reel machine and my Nakamichi CR5e either together, one to the other or both at the same time (future write-up comparison of the A77 and B77 coming soon).

I am looking forward to using this set up a lot....especially in conjunction with the winning tuner/tuners of my now underway tuner mega review.

ReVox B77mk2, Nakamichi CR5e, Sony B-500, Audio Valve RKVmk2 Headphone Amplifier. To the side the ReVox A77 mk4, a bag of ReVox 10 in Cine reels. In the foreground Zonal and TDK tape boxes.


ReVox A77 dust cover having been removed.



Close up of the ReVox B77 mk2, with dust cover in place + ReVox Pro Nab adapters, ReVox and TDK 10 in metal reels.


Close up of A77 with Teac TZ 10 inch NAB reel adapters.


Revox A77 with plastic Cine Revox reels.


Shot of back of dust cover. Would you believe a few E-Bayers have been selling dust covers with out back sections...with out the back it won't work...despite what they say.


Long shot of system.


Regards D S D L

17-01-2010, 22:30
very impressive Neil ' that Revox is a fine piece of craftmanship .

Rare Bird
17-01-2010, 22:31
Nice one Neil..What your view between the A77 & B77 sound wise to your ears...

Spectral Morn
17-01-2010, 22:37
Nice one Neil..What your view between the A77 & B77 sound wise to your ears...

Hi Andre

Nice to have you back.

I will be doing a ReVox vs ReVox write up soon, now that I am able to do justice to such a venture. So I will keep what i think so far till then if thats okay.

Regards D S D L

Spectral Morn
17-01-2010, 22:40
very impressive Neil ' that Revox is a fine piece of craftmanship .

Hi Chris

They both are, but the B77 is the more impressive looking machine imho. I always wanted an R to R and now I have a few...I have an Akai in the upstairs set up as well-it only takes 7in reels though. I must say I have been putting this all together over the last year since June last year, so I am still very new to it all....but its a fun learning curve...so far.

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
18-01-2010, 00:02
If you get chance of a PR99 grab one they are an improvement over the B77, they go for around about the same aswell..

Rare Bird
18-01-2010, 00:28
A PR99 Mk.III here, i prefer the MK.II all silver jobbies, the Mk.I has analogue tape counter like the 'B77'...


Block your ears while watching :lolsign:

Spectral Morn
18-01-2010, 10:35
Hi Andre

Yes I see Pr99s quite a lot. Price can be anything from sub £100 to £500 ish. I don't really have the room for another R to R, but if one came along ;)you never know. Thanks for the tip.

Regards D S D L

18-01-2010, 10:54
I don't think pro 99's always have proper metering, as they were designed to be permenantly plumbed in to a mixing console..

The B77 should have far higher headroom than the A77 (unless the latter's been modified), as tapes had improved a lot by the mid seventies... I enjoyed my B77's but couldn't think of anything to do with them as I wasn't a live or radio music recordist.

Spectral Morn
18-01-2010, 11:05
I don't think pro 99's always have proper metering, as they were designed to be permenantly plumbed in to a mixing console..

The B77 should have far higher headroom than the A77 (unless the latter's been modified), as tapes had improved a lot by the mid seventies... I enjoyed my B77's but couldn't think of anything to do with them as I wasn't a live or radio music recordist.

Hi Dave

Yes you are right about the PR99, many were ASC modded and don't have VU meters having been modified to work with a desk. However a few turn up like the one in Andre's post with VU metering.

The A77 I have has been breathed on by Brian Reeves, so should be quite a bit better than a standard one + this one is a Dolby model too.

Regards D S D L

18-01-2010, 11:42
Great pictures Neil. The Revox's do have a great look, especially fettled with their dustcovers. You have a fine collection there. I'm really looking forward to your write up on their performance.

Spectral Morn
18-01-2010, 12:16
Great pictures Neil. The Revox's do have a great look, especially fettled with their dustcovers. You have a fine collection there. I'm really looking forward to your write up on their performance.

Hi Nick

Thanks...tuner review first though, then I will do the ReVox shoot out.

Regards D S D L

18-01-2010, 13:34
Geez Neil, what fabulous machines !

I bet they sound fantastic. Always wanted to experiment with reels. Was mostly put off by the cost of maintenance and the availability of material/content.

Is this the case in your opinion ?

18-01-2010, 13:45
Was mostly put off by the cost of maintenance and the availability of material/content.

Is this the case in your opinion ?

If I might comment - IMO maintenance isn't an issue if you take care of your machine, do basic maintenance (cleaning, belts etc as and when) or get a professional to do this on your behalf. Parts are generally available, even if your tech has to get them from another machine (most will have 'breakers' to cover this eventuality).

I love collecitng original old pre-recorded reels. I started a thread here a while back to show off a few of them:


There's another thread here with some more pictures :whistle:


Prices aren't too bad - about the same as original vinyl in most cases. And all the ones I've ever bought sound perfect, so age hasn't affected them.

It's a great hobby, but an addictive one. Watch out! :eek:

18-01-2010, 17:52
Hi Dave

Yes you are right about the PR99, many were ASC modded and don't have VU meters having been modified to work with a desk. However a few turn up like the one in Andre's post with VU metering.

The A77 I have has been breathed on by Brian Reeves, so should be quite a bit better than a standard one + this one is a Dolby model too.

Regards D S D L

A shame I passed all my tapes on to the friend who bought my last B77 HS IEC 2-Track. I wouldn't mind a good A77 with some good life left in it. There's an engineer not too far from Ipswich that services Revox's and he often has fettled machines for sale..

One Revox I really admired, although many were butchered by inappropriate servicing was the A700. I loved that machine and the way the mechanism has with tapes. There was a Studer version too, but I don't know the difference.

Spectral Morn
18-01-2010, 18:17
Geez Neil, what fabulous machines !

I bet they sound fantastic. Always wanted to experiment with reels. Was mostly put off by the cost of maintenance and the availability of material/content.

Is this the case in your opinion ?


Nick has more or less answered the question for you. I very new to this still (its all Nick's fault ;)) He let me know about a Pioneer 707, after I asked him about an Akai. The Pioneer sale went wrong sadly (thanks Nick once again for your help on that)...but I had the bug.

I got a friend to bid on E-Bay for the B77 mainly because it looked to be in reasonable condition and because it was in Scotland; so I could go pick it up in person. That was June last year and it was a marvelous day out...my wife still raves about it.

I then got an A77, but sadly it didn't get to me in one piece (Rodney Hanna is fixing it..nothing major but it needs some work). The guy who sold it to me was a real gentleman and gave me a partial refund to cover the repair...can't get better than that. The A77 Dolby unit (in the photos) was got from a guy in Liverpool (another wonderful gentleman), who had the original box and knew how to beef up the packaging with additional boxes and packaging. It arrived perfect. This one is a Brian Reeves serviced, calibrated, breathed on one...I was delighted to get it.

Getting all the extra bits and pieces was just a case of being patient. Tape can still be got and all the accessories as well (head de-mag unit, tape splicer, splicing tape etc). Unlike Nick I haven't tried pre-recorded tapes as I got these for recording mainly. The dust covers can also be obtained and I was lucky getting these, for reasonable money. All I need now is a wired remote for the A77 (got one for the B77) and thats me...more or less.

It is an addictive interest, but Japanese tuners have taken over at the moment :eek::)

Regards D S D L

Spectral Morn
18-01-2010, 18:24
A shame I passed all my tapes on to the friend who bought my last B77 HS IEC 2-Track. I wouldn't mind a good A77 with some good life left in it. There's an engineer not too far from Ipswich that services Revox's and he often has fettled machines for sale..

One Revox I really admired, although many were butchered by inappropriate servicing was the A700. I loved that machine and the way the mechanism has with tapes. There was a Studer version too, but I don't know the difference.

Must say I am not so keen on the look of the A700, but it may well be better at handling tape. I have never used one so bow to Dave's first hand experience. Sadly they sell for big money usually.

Based on E-Bay watching reel to reel machines reach bigger money on the European mainland than in the UK generally.

Regards D S D L

18-01-2010, 19:53
I just loved watching the tension arms taking up the slack when the transport was started, but apparently the reed switches could have "issues" and the importer's way of "cleaning" them wasn't the best one..

I located a mint looking A77 for my mate's "museum." Externally it was perfect, but all the presets inside were all but crumbling away unfortunately. Once sorted and fettled, it was fine.

Idler drive or not, I'd like to have a Ferrograph Logic 7. The dem one we had made very good recordings and the tape path was very gentle, unlike the equivalent Tandberg TD20A, which all but shredded one of our dem tapes (it snapped an edit when winding)..

19-01-2010, 21:24
@Nick & Neil

Thanks for your insight and opinion. It makes good sense.

I´ll consider looking for a device in the future - still I do lack to hear a good sample and recording. Well all in good time I guess.

19-01-2010, 21:51
Very beautiful recorders, Neil. These machines are timeless. :)

(I promised myself not to by a RtR and tapes anymore... :()

Spectral Morn
19-01-2010, 23:29
Very beautiful recorders, Neil. These machines are timeless. :)

(I promised myself not to by a RtR and tapes anymore... :()

Thank you Themis.

I assume you have a reel to reel machine ? from your comment above. Which one to you have ?

Regards D S D L

20-01-2010, 16:41
I don't have anymore, I gave away my B77... (and the tapes). :(

Spectral Morn
20-01-2010, 17:22
I don't have anymore, I gave away my B77... (and the tapes). :(

Sorry to read that.

Regards D S D L

20-01-2010, 18:32
Sorry to read that.

You know, Neil, I didn't really regret it at first. But gradually, I miss some (very) good recordings. CD is ok, of course, but...

Anyway, perhaps in a few years I'll get another one. You can never know. ;)
These machines last for very long ! :)

Rare Bird
23-01-2010, 04:03
You know, Neil, I didn't really regret it at first. But gradually, I miss some (very) good recordings. CD is ok, of course, but...

I know what you mean, i miss my records but i wouldnt go there again...

Mike Reed
24-01-2010, 21:00
NEIL, your A77 mark 2 really takes me back (to 1972/3). I had the matching amp. and tuner and boy did it look the bees' knees! Used to record most nights from 'Sounds of the Seventies', but from vinyl too. Lovely machine, and much, much better than the A77 mark 1 I had before, or the Tandberg 64X come to that.

Ah, those student days......

Spectral Morn
24-01-2010, 21:15
NEIL, your A77 mark 2 really takes me back (to 1972/3). I had the matching amp. and tuner and boy did it look the bees' knees! Used to record most nights from 'Sounds of the Seventies', but from vinyl too. Lovely machine, and much, much better than the A77 mark 1 I had before, or the Tandberg 64X come to that.

Ah, those student days......

Hi Mike

It was sold to me as being an early mk4 Dolby. I am aware that the switches and dials changed on that model..so I suppose it could be a very late mk3. However the guy who sold it who is very knowledgeable about Revox and Reel to Reels and has a super on-line reputation(I asked if he would like to join AOS, but he so far hasn't)had it described as a mk4. He sent it in its original box + extra box and packaging..it arrived in one piece..with spare metal 10 inch reel and another metal reel full of tape (Ampex 456)...no SS issues. The machine as I wrote earlier was serviced (NOS parts) tweaked and set up/calibrated for 456 tape by the legendary Brian Reeves. It is a delight to use.

I have another one (non Dolby) in for service with Rodney Hanna. It should be up and running fully soon...including some RH modifications...better RCA jacks, end of tape sensor etc.

An early Revox tuner, would be nice, but they fetch too much imho, at the minute. You must have been quite a well off student.

Regards D S D L

24-01-2010, 22:04
I wish I'd kept my A76 tuner - You'd have loved it Neil......

Spectral Morn
24-01-2010, 22:12
I wish I'd kept my A76 tuner - You'd have loved it Neil......

Hi Dave

I am sure I would too.

I keep looking at them, but I can't really do it at the mo. Maybe if I do a classic European tuners write up in the future.

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
25-01-2010, 05:42
Hi Mike

It was sold to me as being an early mk4 Dolby. I am aware that the switches and dials changed on that model..so I suppose it could be a very late mk3.

It's a Mk.III Dolby B model.

Spectral Morn
25-01-2010, 11:44
It's a Mk.III Dolby B model.

Hi Andre

Thanks for that...its sort of what I thought...unless someone used mk3 knobs to replace damaged mk4 ones. Anyone know a way of telling, other than by appearance ? Anyway regardless, its a great machine, and I am happy with it.

Regards D S D L

26-01-2010, 23:14
Your B77 is looking good Neil, virtually mint from looking at the pic :)

I spent a few hours the other day splicing and winding. Very relaxing, it's getting to be a lost art these days.

One handy hint. Before recording onto a new tape (and even used tape newly bought), bed it into the machine first by doing a few library winds all the way through the tape and back. This will 'shave' the tape edges and get rid of any loose oxide which could otherwise get stuck on the tape heads. All newly manufactured tape is slit to the exact width (but still should be wound through first), but a lot of NOS tape is slightly over dimensioned, so 'shaving' the tape first is even more important.

I'm really looking forward to your tuner review. I can spy two of them in the background of your pic behind the arm or your chair. . . .

Spectral Morn
27-01-2010, 08:41
Your B77 is looking good Neil, virtually mint from looking at the pic :)

I spent a few hours the other day splicing and winding. Very relaxing, it's getting to be a lost art these days.

One handy hint. Before recording onto a new tape (and even used tape newly bought), bed it into the machine first by doing a few library winds all the way through the tape and back. This will 'shave' the tape edges and get rid of any loose oxide which could otherwise get stuck on the tape heads. All newly manufactured tape is slit to the exact width (but still should be wound through first), but a lot of NOS tape is slightly over dimensioned, so 'shaving' the tape first is even more important.

I'm really looking forward to your tuner review. I can spy two of them in the background of your pic behind the arm or your chair. . . .

Hi Kris

The B77 is in very good nick... However there are a few marks here and there + a wee bit of tarnishing to the metal work on the sides. A switch head is broke too-which common problem.

Thanks for the tape use tips...I would rewind and fast forward any tapes I would use..video, cassette and reel, just to loosen them up. Thanks for the technical explanation for doing it with reels. I knew about SS issues, but not the
but a lot of NOS tape is slightly over dimensioned, so 'shaving' the tape first is even more important.

There are three tuners in the photo;), and I am getting started into it now.

Regards D S D L

Rare Bird
29-01-2010, 09:00
Hi Andre

Thanks for that...its sort of what I thought...unless someone used mk3 knobs to replace damaged mk4 ones. Anyone know a way of telling, other than by appearance ? Anyway regardless, its a great machine, and I am happy with it.

Hi Neil

It's not a Mk.IV, Mk.IV had a new design printed 'Revox' logo on the flap across the front & if you look at the Record Channels by the side of each VU (Red on yours), the Mk.IV are aluminium..as are the FF, Rew etc..Doubt the Mk.IV knobs could get damaged as they are completely Aluminium ..The power flip switch on the Mk.IV is smaller than yours aswell..Mk.III came out in 1971-74. The Mk.IV is the best but Mk.III is fine.

Spectral Morn
29-01-2010, 10:15
Thanks Andre

I guess it was wishful thinking on my part. I know enough to know you were right before, this clarification. Must say I feel a little let down, as it was sold to me as being a Mk4.

Regards D S D L