View Full Version : Reterminating TQ blue cables

15-05-2017, 12:58
Hi all,

I've a pair of TQ blue cables that were supplied professionally terminated, however recently ive changed my speakers to a pair of jbl L40s which only accept bare wire and so cant currently use the TQ stuff.

My question is I don't know of the make up of these cables so am unsure if I can just cut off the current plugs on the TQ and use the bare wire? Has anyone done this? ( I don't think TQ is supplied in anything but terminated lengths but I may be wrong).

Initially just to get the JBLs up and running im running some budget Cambridge Audio symphony 400 cable which seems to work fine although I would like to use the TQ if possible, however maybe its better of I leave the TQ terminations alone and sell it instead?

Anyone got any thoughts?



15-05-2017, 13:07
Why not use something like this http://www.russandrews.com/spring-clip-adaptors-57049990012/

It will save you messing around with the TQ cables . I don't think TQ will entertain you if you want to reterminate the cables again .

15-05-2017, 13:11
yes, Ive something similar that I used with the pioneer. mine are older but do same job. thats a good price

15-05-2017, 13:24
Why not use something like this http://www.russandrews.com/spring-clip-adaptors-57049990012/

It will save you messing around with the TQ cables . I don't think TQ will entertain you if you want to reterminate the cables again .

That's a good idea and would be suitable, cheers. £40 for both speakers though, was hoping I could find a cheaper way of doing it?

simon g
16-05-2017, 13:22
TQ Blue can be terminated by dealers; the rest of the range cannot. So, you could have it redone. I wouldn't bother though. The cost of that would likely be more than using adapters.

If you just want to get your speakers up and running just buy some unterminated 79 strand, or similar for a few quid. If you like the presentation of them, then perhaps move on to fine tuning with cables.