View Full Version : Hi all,

02-05-2017, 16:47
Just getting back into audio after a long break raising kids etc.

TBH I'm a little daunted at the prospect as in the past hifi has led to manic OCD, obsessiveness and crushing disappointments whilst chasing some elusive audio nirvana.

No doubt like others I've probably lost thousands and at times had to put up with some dire sounds due to poor purchases.

Last satisfying system was in 2006. A Notts Analogue TT, Trigon Vanguard Phono, MC25FL, Cambridge CDC, Sugden A21a into some Epos 11's. Not a bad system but I always hankered for valves.

Anyway, I now find myself with my old NA TT and MC25FL, a Yaquin MC13S that I haven't yet heard and some mint Totem Arros.

I'm awaiting delivery of some Mark Grant VD Hifi cables to hopefully fire it all up this week, fingers crossed I'll like the sound.

I'll be posting asking if anyone has a schematic of the Trigon Phono so that if I change the cart I can adjust the gain, also some advise on what would be a good replacement for the MC25FL. I was thinking trading in for an Ortofon Quinet bronze.

Anyway, happy listening!

02-05-2017, 16:55
Hi Anthony, welcome to the forum.

Know what you means about the thousands of pounds and the crushing disappointments, got a t-shirt somewhere. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Anyway let us know what happens when you get it all strung together - some pics would be good, too :)

03-05-2017, 20:58
Hello Anthony. Welcome to AOS.

That's a nice selection of equipment you have. I'd imagine it all sounds pretty good together.

I rather like the MC25FL, I've had a couple. They're very musical. A trade in is one option. However, you could maybe consider a ZYX R50 Bloom as a step up at the sort of money you may be spending. Also, the Goldring Eroica LX is a great MC for the money, one that most people never consider. It has a very vibrant and pleasant presentation.

Enjoy the forum,

07-05-2017, 22:34
Welcome to AoS Anthony, and welcome back to audio.

Why do you want to change the Ortofon MC25FL? It's a very good cartridge - what is it about it that causes you to think of changing it? If you can give us an idea of what you want from a cartridge then we might be able to help.

Anyway I would agree with Geoff - in the meantime try to hear a Goldring Eroica and/or a ZYX.

09-05-2017, 08:18
Welcome to AoS Anthony, and welcome back to audio.

Why do you want to change the Ortofon MC25FL? It's a very good cartridge - what is it about it that causes you to think of changing it? If you can give us an idea of what you want from a cartridge then we might be able to help.

Anyway I would agree with Geoff - in the meantime try to hear a Goldring Eroica and/or a ZYX.


I was going to change for no other reason that that the MC25FL is old and hadn't been used for some 9 yrs or so.

As it turns out I fired it up last week and it sounds fine. The cantilever does seem to be at a slight angle to the left but if I recall it was always this way and tracks fine.

I'm planning to change my vinyl front end soon so may go the whole hogs and get a new cartridge as well.

I was thinking about a trade in on a quintet bronze but will see what is suggested whenever I get a new deck.

Cheers guys

09-05-2017, 08:22
yes the Ortofon is a good un. NA decks are all pretty good