View Full Version : Crap Weather for May

01-05-2017, 14:49
folks reminded me its May :lol:

weather is still damn cold here... considering. winds at about 15 knotts

01-05-2017, 16:41
I wouldn't know a 'knott' if it bit me but it's only around 10 degrees and cloudy.

Stop press: Sun has just come out through the clouds. As usual, it's too late in the day to be useful.

01-05-2017, 16:46
Lol.. got carried away with t,s... should be knot. About 15% more than mph if memory serves. In the navy...great song. :ner:

01-05-2017, 18:29
Right now we have heavy hard hitting rain. Followed by thunder!


02-05-2017, 09:00
A nice day at last. Bright and sunny and getting warm. About time!

02-05-2017, 09:06
9c and overcast with slight fog

02-05-2017, 09:49
Lol... Exact opposite here: bright, sunny and quite warm, currently 14°C. Just about to embark on my usual walk, which I missed whilst being up in Scotland over the Bank Holiday weekend! :)


03-05-2017, 07:05
Another lovely dry and sunny day here, similar to yesterday. Later on, when it warms up more, it should turn out be a cracker! Happy days :cool:


03-05-2017, 07:25
Slightly brighter here, but mostly cloud yet. odd bit of blue here and there.

03-05-2017, 10:08
miracles; the sun is out and sky all blue hope it stays that way for a while

03-05-2017, 11:38
Just back from my usual walk, so have decided to treat myself to lunch at a local pub: http://www.brunningandprice.co.uk/pantyrochain/

They have nice gardens there, so can sit outside in the sun and enjoy a nice relaxing pint... It's a hard life! :cool::D


03-05-2017, 11:52
Just back from my usual walk, so have decided to treat myself to lunch at a local pub: http://www.brunningandprice.co.uk/pantyrochain/

They have nice gardens there, so can sit outside in the sun and enjoy a nice relaxing pint... It's a hard life! :cool::D


ya bugger yi...:eyebrows: sounds like my kind of life... where did i go wrong:doh:

04-05-2017, 15:06
Sun finally put in an appearance this afternoon. Coldish easterly tho.. forcast to be with us for a while unfortunately

04-05-2017, 16:02
Another lovely sunny day here :)

After spending a morning working in the garden, I went to visit my dad and we enjoyed a nice relaxing lunch (some antipasto with garlic and herb focaccia, then spaghetti with his home-made tomato pasta sauce) outside under his pergola, whilst consuming a bottle and a half of wine between us - some chilled Trebbiano to start, followed by a lovely Pinot Noir.

Just back now, and with a little bit of a suntan! :cool:


04-05-2017, 16:10
Fed birdie earlier, and in sun it was ok but out of it the wind was still cutting. Coming off the Asian steppes i guess

04-05-2017, 16:37
Sun finally put in an appearance this afternoon.

Not here it didn't. It's been overcast, gloomy and none to warm all day. It might as well be January.

04-05-2017, 17:07
Bloody hell mate, it's *so* different here! :eek:


05-05-2017, 06:26
Looks like being another belter of a day here (that's four in a row now)... Bright sunshine and pretty warm, even now, this early :)

What fun awaits me today, I wonder? Don't know yet, as I haven't decided what I'll be doing! :D


06-05-2017, 08:50
Not sure what the weather is going to do today. There's haze and thin cloud across the sky, but the sun seems to be trying to break through. I fancy going to the big boot sale over in Denham, there are a couple of bits I need and may find there.

06-05-2017, 08:52
lovely sunny day here at moment. was quite nice yesterday too although wind was still there. seems lower today

06-05-2017, 09:02
Lol - it's your turn now, as it's dull, grey and much cooler here today (I guess that the good weather we've had recently couldn't have lasted forever)... Enjoy! :)


06-05-2017, 10:14
Dull and chilly again. I just wish it would rain, because the garden is suffering and our ponds are almost completely dry. We haven't had proper rain for months.

06-05-2017, 10:19
water levels are good up here. was going by the pond down road and its not far from the road. always a sign of plenty water around here. occasionally it encroached road and closed it but thankfully not often. Not had much rain lately though

06-05-2017, 13:30
Another sunny day on the Clyde coast

07-05-2017, 07:59
Yesterday was obviously a 'blip', as it's a glorious morning here in sunny North Wales... Looks like being a perfect day for a barbecue, and a long boozy lunch outside on the patio - bring it on! :cool:


07-05-2017, 09:21
Looks like a repeat of yesterday. Overcast and not exactly warm.

07-05-2017, 09:27
a mix of blue and grey here. temp a bit cooler at 8c at moment. wind is down

07-05-2017, 09:51
Well, it's 17°C here at the moment... Just come in from the garden, having cut the grass, and I'm sweating! :eyebrows:

Off out now for my daily walk, then will help Del to prepare lunch. As it's such a nice day, I think I'll open a couple of nice bottles (probably a chilled Chablis for the smoked salmon starter, and a Barolo for the lamb). Spring is here - happy days! :cheers:


07-05-2017, 09:54
up here Spring is some sort of weird bouncy thing:eyebrows: enjoy your lunch, I will be having gruel:lol:

07-05-2017, 10:43
Lol - cheers... Since these weather threads were started it's amazed me how lucky I am to live in a spot where the weather is usually rather clement, even in comparison with what those who live in the south of England are experiencing, where the weather is *supposed* to be better! :D


07-05-2017, 11:25
I think you are rather blessed with your position Marco.

It's lovely and sunny here in the West Midlands but I am waiting for some low wind days so I can go flying.
Should be OK on Tuesday and Wednesday.

A bit of clearing up in the garden this afternoon, it's coming on in leaps and bounds now :)

07-05-2017, 14:12
I think you are rather blessed with your position Marco.

Indeed, Alan. I've had to come in from outside, as it was getting too hot - peeking at around 20°C in the sun! :eek: Other parts of North Wales seem to get more rain than we do, so it must be because we're sheltered here by the hills, or something...

Quite often, I'll drive into Chester (10 mins in the car), and it'll cloud over or start to rain, then on the way back, as soon as I cross the border back into Wales, the blue skies appear - weird, but I'm not complaining! :)

It's lovely and sunny here in the West Midlands but I am waiting for some low wind days so I can go flying.
Should be OK on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Excellent. Hope it goes well for you, so enjoy! :cool:


07-05-2017, 17:08
Decent day it turned out. Too warm for a jersey and too cold for t shirt... bit of a quandary that. Neighbour came over and helped me clean out the pond. Fish will be much happier now they can breathe

08-05-2017, 09:57
Another repeat performance. A blanket of grey cloud and 11C at the moment. Not exactly 'T' shirt weather.

08-05-2017, 10:08
its not too bad here. Sunny mostly. wind is up again so you currently need a jersey but its nice enough.

08-05-2017, 15:36
Same here as it was yesterday, dry, sunny and warm. I intend to enjoy it while I can! We're taking my dad out tonight for his birthday (84), and going out to a new Italian restaurant, so should be good :cool:


08-05-2017, 15:45
warmed up to just about t shirt weather. been in garden a bit enjoying it. Say happy bday to dad.:D

08-05-2017, 15:47
Will do, mate. Cheers! :cool:


The Black Adder
08-05-2017, 16:48
Aye... 84 is really something. Happy birthday to him :)

Have a lovely time all of you.

08-05-2017, 20:45
Cheers, Jo. He's great for his age, still pretty fit (looks after his garden and drives himself up to Scotland) and looks at least 10 years younger - it's all the red wine and olive oil! ;)

We went here tonight: http://www.romazzino.co.uk/menu-nantwich

The food (and wine) was superb, some of the nicest Italian cuisine I've enjoyed in this country, and thoroughly recommended if you're ever near Nantwich :cool:


08-05-2017, 21:29
Glad your dad had a good birthday out Marco. All the best to him! :)

08-05-2017, 23:01
Cheers, dude. He had a great time, thanks :cool:


09-05-2017, 08:14
Another repeat performance. A blanket of grey cloud and 11C at the moment. Not exactly 'T' shirt weather.

Same again.

I think it could get warmer today according to forecast. Doesn't look too promising out there though.

09-05-2017, 08:17
pretty overcast today and colder by a fair bit. looks like the good spell has deserted us.

09-05-2017, 11:43
Well, the skies have cleared and sun is back. yay!!

09-05-2017, 15:40
pretty overcast today and colder by a fair bit. looks like the good spell has deserted us.

Not here, lol... Sunny blue skies again in Wrexham - and pretty warm too! Currently 16°C.

Just about to barbecue some nice pork ribs for dinner (as didn't get a chance to have lunch), marinated in a spicy Texan-style sauce, which I'll be having with some fresh corn on the cob/salad, and washed down with a few ice-cool Buds! :barrel:


09-05-2017, 15:42
Not here, lol... Sunny blue skies again in Wrexham - and pretty warm too! Currently 16°C.

Just about to barbecue some nice pork ribs for dinner (as didn't get a chance to have lunch), marinated in a spicy Texan-style sauce, which I'll be having with some fresh corn on the cob, and washed down with a few ice-cool Buds! :barrel:


Bud is my beer :doh: I like pork too :eyebrows:

Nice here all afternoon. Sun is just going over the roof now though so cooler out back.
Enjoy the bbq. I tidied my shed lol

09-05-2017, 16:53
Cheers, mate. Will do... Never mind, a tidy shed is good for the soul! :eyebrows:


09-05-2017, 16:55
I didn't say it was tidy Just that I tidied it. Lol

Better than was. Just outside vet awaiting pooch

10-05-2017, 08:41
Quite pleasant out there today. Broken cloud and some sunshine. Temperature around 16C (60F). Warm enough to do a bit outside later.

10-05-2017, 08:44
overcast again. hoping it clears up like yesterday

10-05-2017, 09:20
Another roaster here, lol....


10-05-2017, 09:41
Another roaster here, lol....


whit's this roaster's name?:eyebrows:

10-05-2017, 10:03
Sammy Sunshine! :D


10-05-2017, 10:59
Hints of sun around. Slightly brighter now. Can but hope

10-05-2017, 12:06
Bit cloudy today

10-05-2017, 15:06
This is the warmest day of the year here, by far.... Currently touching 21°C in the sun (not a cloud in the sky, but unfortunately not much breeze either)! :eek:


10-05-2017, 15:13
cloud never lifted today alas. Not cold but jersey weather

11-05-2017, 08:28
nice sunny morning. got me up at 6 am :doh: some cloud about but not much wind so far. quite warm... expect the cloud to play a part in the day at some stage

11-05-2017, 08:34
Supposed to be 23 degrees in London today, feels more like 12 at the moment though. Could be a good day for a walk on Hampstead Heath later perhaps. best wishes

11-05-2017, 14:45
Currently 21°C here in Wrexham, warm, dry and sunny, as the recent great weather continues! Think we're due for some rain soon though, which in terms of the garden, will be no bad thing :)


11-05-2017, 17:24
It's been warm and sunny. I've been working in the garden most of the day. Makes a change to be able to without feeling a nip in the air.

11-05-2017, 20:13
Beautiful warm and sunny here.

Had lunch at a Lebanese restaurant newly opened up: minted lamb wrap with mezze and a couple of glasses of Lebanese wine from the Bekka valley.

Then home to sit outside, enjoy the sun, read the papers and do the crossword.

11-05-2017, 20:43
Sounds good, Barry :thumbsup:

My dad took me out to lunch today at a local Portuguese restaurant, where we enjoyed some garlic and paprika marinated king prawns, and steamed clams in a light white wine and cream sauce, served with some crusty bread, which we shared to start. It was awesome.

Then I had (authentic) Piri-Piri chicken with salad and rice. Dad had a traditional Portuguese casserole dish of cubed pork in a tomato sauce with black olives, served with rosemary potatoes. We both had Portuguese beer on draught (Super Bock), served in ice-cool, pre-chilled tankards, which really hit the spot on such a warm day!

We finished off with two double espressos, with the owner then offering us two glasses of a superb sherry-type port (not a true port, much lighter) on the house, to finish off the meal, as we're regulars. Every time we're there, she lets us try something different, as the bar is full of all sorts of traditional Portuguese drinks. The wine list (all unusual stuff, brought in from Portugal you'd never see for sale in the UK) is to die for, but today we just felt like having beers.

You can see some pics of the place here, including the Super Bock beer we drank and the (superb) plate of prawns (scroll down a bit): https://www.google.co.uk/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x487ac71be8975fcb:0x189636d5dfd0f38e!2m19!2 m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m13!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m 1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!3m1!7e115!4shttps://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname%3D117714661191619111365%26id%3D632387 5132874494258%26target%3DPHOTO!5salgarve+restauran t,+wrexham+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e3!2s-_wpTkMYG3PQ/V8Lq7ZLpETI/AAAAAAAAGGM/J0nYhyQAFnE_2opvVq9GT_GsxvK4qvHuQCJkC&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZ97W02-jTAhXsIMAKHWR8C-gQoioIkAEwCg

There's quite a large Portuguese community now in Wrexham, along with the Poles and Italians, which makes the place feel quite cosmopolitan! :)

Then we walked back home from the centre of town, roughly 2 miles, mostly uphill, which for my dad (being 84) was quite good going on such a warm day. He's pretty fit for his age, though. That helped work off some of the food and booze! As I'd had a big lunch, I didn't eat anything much for tea, just some fresh fruit. Been chilling out listening to some choons for most of the evening.

All in all, a rather enjoyable day! :cool:


11-05-2017, 21:02
Sounds like you had more fun than me today Marco. I spent my time covered in cement dust! :)

11-05-2017, 21:06
Lol - what were you up to... Covering up some dead bodies? :D

Looks like we're in for some rain tomorrow, so things will be rather different, and over the weekend it's also looking rather dicy... Oh well, we've had it good here for the last couple of weeks, so can't really complain! :cool:


11-05-2017, 21:08
Lol - what were you up to... Covering up some dead bodies? :D


Nah. Digging a couple up from under the patio, so I can dump the bones in the quarry! :eek:

11-05-2017, 21:11
Sounds great Marco. At 84 that was a terrific walk from dad ( hope that does nt sound patronising btw.) Feel a bit bad now
that my hampstead heath walk was aborted , but tomorrow ?

11-05-2017, 21:11
Nah. Digging a couple up from under the patio, so I can dump the bones in the quarry! :eek:

Yeah, that makes sense. Reduces the DNA trail... ;)


11-05-2017, 21:21
Hi Brian,

Sounds great Marco. At 84 that was a terrific walk from dad ( hope that does nt sound patronising btw.) Feel a bit bad now
that my hampstead heath walk was aborted , but tomorrow ?

Which walk was that then - do you do it often? Yeah, dad really enjoyed himself, and loves walking, as did my mum when she was alive (they use to walk for miles in the countryside, during days off), so he's well used to it, and looks great for his age. Does all his own gardening, too. I'll settle for that, if I get to 84! :)

The walk was a piece of piss for me, as I'm used to power-walking/semi-jogging (at a much faster pace) for nearly 10 miles a day, which really does keep you fit. I also combine that now with a further 5 miles on an exercise bike.

On the walk back home, just to make things a bit more 'challenging', I popped into one of the Portuguese delis and bought 5 litres of red wine (just good quality table wine, which they import and we enjoy with pasta), and carried that back up the road!

My wife Del is enjoying a large glass of it now :cheers:


11-05-2017, 22:15
Yes, My exercise these days seems to be restricted to walking. Not sure if your familiar with camden s famous market Marco but I used
to cycle from the lock there and go for miles as far as Essex/ Herts borders, sometimes doing 30 or 40 miles in a day. unfortunately
bit restricted now with hernia problems so cycling taken a bit of a hit i m afraid. Anyway perhaps you may know of hampstead heath
its a beautiful area just 3 miles from central London, its known as the Londoners playground and given a fair wind tomorrow there s a good chance for me
to do a lap or 2, so maybe a distance of 5 miles or so in decent weather, hopefully ?. best wishes

11-05-2017, 22:25
Yes Brian, I've heard of it (sounds nice), but haven't been there, as these days I tend to avoid London (or indeed venturing into the south of England) unless unavoidable. I hate the traffic congestion and crowding around there [and on the motorways down] - bit too much of a 'culture shock' for me, in comparison with the relative stress-free serenity of North Wales! :eek:

Sorry to hear of your hernia problems, which is a shame, given how active you used to be. Hopefully, as you say, you'll get the chance to do a few laps tomorrow, weather permitting. It seems certain that rain is on its way, though.


11-05-2017, 22:34
I'm down to maybe a couple of miles of walking a day actually. Around a mile walking the pooch and a bit here and there doing other things. Was an exercise freak for many years, to the point where I didn't think it would be possible to get fitter! :D

11-05-2017, 23:04
That couple of miles, coupled with the fitness you've already built up, will still help though, Geoff. When you're not working (like you used to), it's so easy just to turn into an unfit slob! ;)


11-05-2017, 23:14
That couple of miles, coupled with the fitness you've already built up, will still help though, Geoff. When you're not working (like you used to), it's so easy just to turn into an unfit slob! ;)


When the bug bites, I still get stuck in and do a full day humping furniture or digging and other donkey work. I may start working out a bit again actually, but need to watch what I do 'cos of the elevated BP. Not to mention I'll be 70 in about 18 months. Still a reasonably tough old bugger though!

12-05-2017, 10:39
As forecast, the weather has taken a huge downturn... Currently dull, grey and raining, and much cooler too, although not cold. Still, the garden badly needed it! :)


12-05-2017, 10:42
As forecast, the weather has taken a huge downturn... Currently dull, grey and raining, and much cooler too, although not cold. Still, the garden badly needed it! :)


Exactly the same here Marco. It may buck up later hopefully. I have more work to do outside!

12-05-2017, 11:57
I think it's to be slightly better over the weekend, but not much!

Still, it won't stop me going for a walk, as I'll just wear my hoodie... Quite like walking in the rain actually, especially through the park, as I love the smell of wet leaves and that fresh, somewhat intoxicating and evocative, 'earthy fragrance' you get in the air, generally after it's been raining...

The park will be empty too, so I'll enjoy the relative solitude, instead of having to negotiate around folk with prams or kids on bikes! :)


12-05-2017, 12:30
Bright but grey here. Not. COld tho

13-05-2017, 05:43
Very misty this morning and quite cold. Big drop on barometer s

13-05-2017, 06:35
Gloomy and raining here. Should brighten up later I think.

13-05-2017, 08:44
Same here in nth London, bit miserable. Nice to see you up early in the morning and posting Grant !. Marco, talking about his hoodie reminds me I was
once told off for wearing one in lillywhites( a famous sport shop in London ) and was told to remove if forthwith !!. I was about 50 at the time, not exactly a youth likely to run riot in the
shop but there you go thats London I suppose ? Good day everyone

13-05-2017, 08:55
Been pouring down for a while here, although down to a drizzle at moment. Garden wont be too upset, as it was getting too dry.

13-05-2017, 08:56
Same here in nth London, bit miserable. Nice to see you up early in the morning and posting Grant !. Marco, talking about his hoodie reminds me I was
once told off for wearing one in lillywhites( a famous sport shop in London ) and was told to remove if forthwith !!. I was about 50 at the time, not exactly a youth likely to run riot in the
shop but there you go thats London I suppose ? Good day everyone

Yup, usually up with the birds here these days Brian. Early bedder now. Awaiting a Marco quip :eyebrows:

13-05-2017, 09:04
Yup, not great here at the moment either, but showing signs that it might clear up later... Hoodies? Never wear them, apart from going out walking, if it's liable to rain, as they can make you look a little intimidating.

Anyway, it's dry enough now, so will be going out soon :cool:


13-05-2017, 09:05
Yup, usually up with the birds here these days Brian. Early bedder now. Awaiting a Marco quip :eyebrows:

Aye, I had you down more as a WET bedder than an early one! :D


13-05-2017, 09:12
always fancied a water bed

14-05-2017, 11:25
sun has finally appeared and warming up now

14-05-2017, 11:42
Turned out nice last night - sun came out around teatime and stayed that way until dark...

Today's another cracker, just like the previous few days were, but not quite as warm and a bit windier.


14-05-2017, 12:23
quite nice now.. got both doors open and a nice breeze moving by. will go out back later when i can draw myself away from the music

14-05-2017, 16:58
Was dull and wet this morning around 10 am; was out at a boot sale and got slightly wet.

Everything changed by miday: bright sun and 20deg C. Having just cut the grass, I'm now enjoying a glass of nicely chilled Pinot Grigio della Venezie.

15-05-2017, 09:03
Gloom and more gloom. Damp out there too!

15-05-2017, 09:04
pouring down here this morning. all birds grounded

15-05-2017, 09:29
Dull and grey, at the moment, but dry. I expect it'll clear up later, as usual :)


16-05-2017, 08:17
looks nice out there. Warm and sunny so far!

16-05-2017, 10:08
Not here at the moment... It started of dull and grey, then pissed down for about an hour, but now brightening up... It's supposed to be nice later, and pretty warm too, so we'll see! :)


16-05-2017, 11:08
24degC today! Time for salads, barbeques and "lashings of ginger beer". No, not quite - read lashings of Chablis or Pinot Grigio. :)

16-05-2017, 11:14
not great here, and forecast not to be for the foreseeable future. sadly its going to be about 12c and overcast like today:doh: affecting breathing again too:(

16-05-2017, 11:14
24degC today! Time for salads, barbeques and "lashings of ginger beer". No, not quite - read lashings of Chablis or Pinot Grigio. :)

Ha - enjoy... Don't burn your 'little Jimmy' on the barbie though, or Happy won't be very happy! Easy mistake to make when you're cooking those chipolatas :lol:


16-05-2017, 11:16
sadly its going to be about 12c and overcast like today:doh: affecting breathing again too:(

Sorry to hear that mate... It's a bugger when that happens! :rolleyes:


Audio Al
16-05-2017, 11:27
I put my pants out to dry , washing day for this year :D

16-05-2017, 11:29
I put my pants out to dry , washing day for this year :D

Did you do the washing in the rain last Sunday?

16-05-2017, 11:48
I put my pants out to dry , washing day for this year :D

Did you apply the usual test first, daftee, to see if they needed washed?


Audio Al
16-05-2017, 12:12
Did you apply the usual test first, daftee, to see if they needed washed?


Yes , I threw them at the wall and they stuck ;)

16-05-2017, 12:23
Yesh, but the rule now is that you only wash them if the 'crust' formed on the outside remains intact after impact!

So I presume that some 'bits' broke off, including the outer shell? :D


Audio Al
16-05-2017, 12:26
Also rotated 4 times then start again ;)

16-05-2017, 14:01
Cool... You can't complain then, and at least it's only a yearly event :eyebrows:

I had my annual bath last night and clogged up the drains!


16-05-2017, 14:02
Sorry to hear that mate... It's a bugger when that happens! :rolleyes:


Yeah. Sun came out for half an hr so i took chance to go get bird seed and suchlike. Got caught in the rain just after i got it out of car lol. Soaked. Very grey now here. Plenty food for the birds now tho.

17-05-2017, 08:48
Gloom and more gloom. Damp out there too!

Like this again :rolleyes:.

17-05-2017, 09:09
Pretty much the same here too, and the forecast isn't great for later either! It won't stop me doing what I need to do, though... ;)


17-05-2017, 09:25
A bit of sun this morning((unexpected) so was out feeding the baby birds etc. I know I'm sad:doh: they were all very noisy but were eating etc as close as 3 feet from me.

17-05-2017, 13:52
Been raining near enough non-stop. Got drenched collecting a dozen two metre roofing panels from West Drayton and then carting them into the garden. Daft dog wouldn't go indoors, so he got soaked too.

17-05-2017, 13:56
lol.... It sprinkled rain when it went all grey but is ok again now. high grey cloud but quite bright at moment

17-05-2017, 16:58
Still raining. It hasn't stopped all day. I can't remember the last time it went on for so long.

18-05-2017, 07:10
Better today, nice and sunny at the moment. Trip back to selfridges with my new backpack that s got a huge watermark
running straight down it. Whatever happened to quality control !!. Anyway good morning everybody

18-05-2017, 07:47
sun here at moment. dont expect it will last but ok at moment

18-05-2017, 08:46
Sunny and mild here. An improvement after yesterday's drenching. Rain forecast to move in late afternoon though.

19-05-2017, 10:23
Dull and on the cool side. At least it's not raining at the moment.

Audio Al
19-05-2017, 10:27
Its cold and raining , Looks like summer is here

19-05-2017, 10:31
Was again lovely blues sky and sunny this morning. Dulled a little but bright still. Temp ok.. warmer outside than in

19-05-2017, 15:18
Not a bad day today, mostly sunny and quite warm, so I got some work done in the garden. Duller now, but still dry and not cold. Going out later to our favourite wine bar in Chester, so looking forward to that :)

It's a chain, where the concept of cheese and wine, or cheese and antipasto, and wine is very well done: http://www.theveenocompany.com/#bookatable



19-05-2017, 15:27
Cut back a tree stump a bit. Was too much tbh but wanted to do something productive :). Hand is shaking like a fekkin leaf now doh!

19-05-2017, 17:01
Was dry all day until around 3pm, when I went outside to work on a car, then the heavens opened. Bloody typical! :rolleyes:

19-05-2017, 17:07
Was dry all day until around 3pm, when I went outside to work on a car, then the heavens opened. Bloody typical! :rolleyes:

God taking a pee again!


20-05-2017, 06:36
Nice bright start to the day in London, looks a bit dodgy up nth in scottyland etc according to forecast.
No doubt there be a more detailed report on that later. Good morning everybody

20-05-2017, 07:57
Fair bit colder here today. About 7c at moment. Was wettish overnight and looks to be staying that way although not raining uch at moment. Not far from a haar. Staying indoors i think and tempted to put heating on

20-05-2017, 08:03
Lol, sorry to hear that.... Complete opposite here: dry, sunny and reasonable warm, currently 13°C, although it has been raining overnight. Let's hope it keeps up and continues tomorrow :cool:


20-05-2017, 08:29
Quite pleasant here at the moment. Sun is out and it's getting warmer. Forecast says showers are possible though.

20-05-2017, 12:01
Shite now... It's gone all grey and started pissing down! :(

Much better is forecast for tomorrow, which is good, as we'll hopefully be having a barbecue....


21-05-2017, 12:05
It's warm, but the sun has gone in now.

I just skinned a knuckle and finger rather well with the angle grinder, taking down a couple of reinforced concrete posts. Had to take the guard off to use a bigger disk, no choice. Bugger. I knew it would happen! :rolleyes:

21-05-2017, 12:07
That will sting for a while... keep them clean.

damp and none too warm here again but not as bad as yesterday

Roy S
22-05-2017, 10:41
Lovely day here & going to be reasonable all week apparently :)

Almost moved to do some gardening.

22-05-2017, 10:54
That will sting for a while...

You were right.

Still working outside though. So much to do! At least it's nice and warm.

22-05-2017, 16:18
It's been hovering around the 26C (nudging 80F) mark most of the day, Makes a nice change. Wouldn't want it hotter really.

Roy S
22-05-2017, 16:23
Got all my washing dry

22-05-2017, 16:24
Coldish here. Not raining but grey and threatening. Jersey weather and not too far from shelter

22-05-2017, 20:09
It's been hovering around the 26C (nudging 80F) mark most of the day, Makes a nice change. Wouldn't want it hotter really.

Same here, especially around teatime, where it was bloody roasting! :eek:


22-05-2017, 21:09
It's been an absolute belter of a day today - right from dawn to dusk! Not sure of the temperature but probably 23 degC or higher, blue skies with a few scattered white fluffy clouds.

So a Salad Nicoise for me for 'dinner' plus a couple of glasses of a nicely chilled Pinot Grigio Grecanico (2016 Inycon, Terre Sicilane, £5.25 from the Co-op). :)

23-05-2017, 06:49
Temperatures are set to soar at the weekend, in some areas touching 30°C... A little too warm for me, as to feel comfortable, I'm a 25°C max, kinda guy.

Dull and grey here at the moment, but dry and not cold.


23-05-2017, 06:52
The odd bit of blues here and there so might have a better day......might

23-05-2017, 17:19
Well it got warm here. About 14c at one point had everyone stripping off. Lol

Then it clouded over and rained a lot just for fun

23-05-2017, 17:32
Been overcast today, but warm. The clouds separated to reveal blue skies around 4 'o clock. Took the opportunity to cut the grass.

23-05-2017, 18:53
After a dull start, turned out a lovely day here, especially, since 5pm, where it's been like a summer's evening, and pleasantly warm. Just back from the pub across the road, where we had a nice meal and a few beers, ice-cold Estrella Damm, on draught! :cool:

Grass was cut the other day....


25-05-2017, 07:27
Was absolutely SCORCHIO yesterday, and is set to be even more so today! Thank fook I won't be cooped up indoors, in some stuffy, sweaty office... My sympathies go out to all who will be, in this heat...


25-05-2017, 07:30
Was absolutely SCORCHIO yesterday, and is set to be even more so today! Thank fook I won't be cooped up indoors, in some stuffy, sweaty office... My sympathies go out to all who will be, in this heat...

Fantastic weather here too, Marco. Supposed to be stunning today but I now start a week of nights which isnt the best lol

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

25-05-2017, 07:48
Hey ho, mate. You do what you have to do to keep the wolves from the door! :)

We shouldn't complain of course, but I suspect that the level of heat we're being told we're in for over the next few days will be too much for some (me included). It would be nice if you could just adjust a locally-installed thermostat control to suit! :D


25-05-2017, 08:38
Was absolutely SCORCHIO yesterday


Yes. Getting a bit warmer than I really like. And I have a huge amount of work to do outside.

25-05-2017, 08:48
Yes. Getting a bit warmer than I really like. And I have a huge amount of work to do outside.

Ditto, although today it can wait, as I'm going out for lunch to Chester with my dad. Wood oven-baked pizza and ice-cold Peroni await! :barrel:


25-05-2017, 09:05
to be nice here too.. talk of early to mid 20's so hot enough

25-05-2017, 09:21
I do enjoy the searing heat but it can get a bit much for some. Enjoy it while it lasts!!

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

25-05-2017, 09:33
I do enjoy the searing heat...

I don't, not when it's searing, as I simply can't function in it... When it starts to approach 30°C (as it did here yesterday and is due to again today), you'll see me sitting in the shade outside, hopefully where there's still a cool breeze, with an ice-cold drink, or inside with the curtains drawn, in front of an electric cooling fan!!

Thank goodness we have a stone floor in our lounge, as opposed to a thick wall-to-wall carpet, which helps keep the heat down...


25-05-2017, 09:57
Was absolutely SCORCHIO yesterday, and is set to be even more so today! Thank fook I won't be cooped up indoors, in some stuffy, sweaty office... My sympathies go out to all who will be, in this heat...


Meh - I'm in an office but our air conditioning's too good and its bl**dy freezing in here! It's 25 degrees outside so I shall be taking every excuse I can to make "essential" visits to our main production factory down the road.

Do you think they'll notice if I take the long route and spin each journey out for half an hour? :D

25-05-2017, 10:29
Course - call it a perk, and buy yourself and ice-cream, too! :eyebrows:


25-05-2017, 11:20
Lovely day on the Clyde coast

25-05-2017, 18:41
It's so bloody hot here, I'm getting emails from my Seagate hard-drives (clouds) telling me that they're too warm!!

Temperature alert
The temperature reading for cloud2 is above the expected level. Check cloud2’s status by clicking the button below to sign in.
Increases in temperature can be caused by: unexpected changes to the environment; blockages to the device’s ventilation; or, mechanical problems.
Check Device



26-05-2017, 06:22
Looks like today is going to be SUPER-scorchio! We had 29°C here yesterday, and judging by how the morning is starting, we'll break the the 30°C barrier today....

Bring back the rain! :doh::D


26-05-2017, 07:56
forecast to be same as yesterday here. up to 24c in afternoon. about 20c at moment. to break-up a bit tomorrow with some thunder and rain then back to normal on sunday

26-05-2017, 08:31
27C (80F) here already and climbing!

26-05-2017, 08:48
27C (80F) here already and climbing!

That is way to warm. The govt should do something about it :steam:

Im melting away here :D


26-05-2017, 10:02
Garden is looking decent again. My head gardener has been working extended hrs.


26-05-2017, 10:12
Looking good, mate!

Head gardener, eh? I'd like to know what your HEAD nurse does.... :eyebrows:


26-05-2017, 10:13
Looking good, mate!

Head gardener, eh? I'd like to know what your HEAD nurse does.... :eyebrows:


she polishes things :eyebrows:

26-05-2017, 10:17
Ah yes, Buffy! :D


26-05-2017, 10:20
Garden is looking decent again. My head gardener has been working extended hrs.

And I'm still pointing up paving. Been at it for weeks there's so much. I'm fed up with seeing weeds growing in gaps. So there ain't gonna be any! Just did another hour this morning and more yesterday evening. Nearly there.

Hedge to cut this afternoon.

26-05-2017, 10:26
The gardener; ie, my mate next door, just pours salt over the cracks and weeds etc... works well too... they dont like it up 'em capt;)

26-05-2017, 10:29
Ah yes, Buffy! :D


uses this stuff ;)


and this stuff too on occasion :lol:


26-05-2017, 10:41
The gardener; ie, my mate next door, just pours salt over the cracks and weeds etc... works well too... they dont like it up 'em capt;)

Tried that and vinegar and weed killer. They are only a temporary fix. I'm after permanent! :)

26-05-2017, 11:31
uses this stuff ;)


and this stuff too on occasion :lol:


Perhaps a bottle of this too? You never know! :D


26-05-2017, 11:35
You've gotta have that. Lol

26-05-2017, 15:32
Currently 29°C, edging towards the big three-0 (and bloody sweltering)! :eek:

Gone inside the house now, with the curtains closed, to keep the sun out, sat in front of an electric cooling fan, sipping a big (ice-cool) bottle of Bud. Will barbecue some steaks later, and have them with a nice mixed salad :cool:


26-05-2017, 15:33
27c here.. just home and car was at best, .............hot.

26-05-2017, 16:28
27c here..

Same here. Just waiting for it to cool a bit before tackling hedge.

27-05-2017, 09:14
Cooler a bit today with a breeze. Going to break down acording to the barometer. Still warm tho.

Roy S
27-05-2017, 12:17
Quite wet early on but turned out nice now


28-05-2017, 12:09
Still nice here. not as warm and a breeze making things much more comfortable. not sure the temp but guess its about 18c

29-05-2017, 08:50
Dunno what it's going to do today. We had rain overnight, but it's stopped for now. The sky is overcast and a bit dark, but it's mild. Hope it brightens up!

29-05-2017, 09:00
overcast and breezy today. a fair bit cooler too. no rain tho. 11c

29-05-2017, 13:12
Pishing down here in Wrexham, which was forecast, and looks set for the day! Don't mind that though, as it'll freshen up the air and reduce humidity, after the recent (albeit fairly short-lived) heatwave :)


29-05-2017, 13:24
That'll be on its way here then. Was a little bit of sun yesterday, today is totally overcast.

31-05-2017, 08:35
Yesterday and today (so far) have been fantastic - back to summer weather now! :cool:


31-05-2017, 08:42
nothing startling here yet. Was sunny first thing but is clouding a fair bit. not warm either

31-05-2017, 08:47
Lol - I'm sitting here in shorts and t-shirt, with all the windows open, sun blazing down! :eyebrows:

Currently 15°C, but we're apparently due 21°C later...

Just about to go out for my usual walk :)


31-05-2017, 09:08
the sun has returned for now anyway.. warming up a bit now.. about 13c at a guess

31-05-2017, 09:12
Get yer shorts oan, ma man, and show aff yer pins tae the burds! :eyebrows:


31-05-2017, 09:20
Tree trunks these days mate.. not warm enough yet for that level of insanity.....yet!

31-05-2017, 10:49
Lol... With all the walking and cycling (on an exercise bike) I've been doing recently, mine are looking rather trim and muscular! :eyebrows:


31-05-2017, 10:52
As you get older the hair on your shins starts disappearing. Anybody noticed that? Starts around age of fifty.

31-05-2017, 11:44
Nope, not noticed that yet. Still got pretty hairy, tanned legs, all over (always have done) :)

What I have noticed is that my chest has become hairier than it used to be!


31-05-2017, 12:00
As you get older the hair on your shins starts disappearing. Anybody noticed that? Starts around age of fifty.

my leg hair disappeared years ago. was all pulled out by trousers when working lol

31-05-2017, 12:13
Well, I guess that makes your tights look nicer! :lol:


01-06-2017, 08:12
Going to be nice today. Sun's out and it's warming up!

01-06-2017, 08:30
Just checked outside. It's 9.30am and 26C (78F) in the shade already. Gonna be hot!

01-06-2017, 08:32
not here.. its cool and grey. wont rain and it might clear away later but no signs at moment