View Full Version : Hi From Cheshire UK

Minstrel SE
30-04-2017, 16:43

Im a bit shy with introductions but the forum recommends introducing myself. Im hesitant to give my name on an internet forum but may as I settle in

I have always been interested in hi fi and music....is that in the right order? :)

I used to read Hi fi Answers all those years ago and have seen things come and go in my room since then.

I have a dabble at the value for money end of "hi fi" and I love a bit of Nostalgia. I am currently comparing a Nytech CA252, Creek 4040 and Arcam Alpha 1.

I have some Royd Minstrels and Coniston Rs which I am very proud of. I also Have a Marantz PM7200 and CD7300 along with four FM tuners, Cassette decks and Minidisc players for a bit of fun. Ive owned a Planar 3 in the past. I dabble with restoring Dual turntables and a Rega RP3 will be on the way soon.

Nothing special but I enjoy the music

I am interested in Naim, Rega, Quad, Linn and all the classic names as I look to upgrade.

I was interested in getting involved in a few threads and I only talk about hi fi and music where I feel I have something of interest to say.

Best wishes to everyone

30-04-2017, 16:51
Hi and welcome Martin. We are all friendly here. Anyone misbehaving gets short shrift so fear not. Just join in the threads if you feel like it

30-04-2017, 17:00
Hi Martin, welcome to the forum

Do you actually have some Minstrel SE or is it just a name?

30-04-2017, 17:04
Hi Martin. Welcome to AOS.

As you're now here, relax and enjoy yourself. This is an easy going place and everybody is friendly.

Tell us what music you listen to and what future plans if any you may have for your Hi-Fi.

Don't worry about having "something of interest to say", just join in the chat, nobody has to meet particular standards and everybody is taken at face value.

Enjoy the forum,

30-04-2017, 17:05
Hi Martin and welcome to AOS. I have a Nytech amp I use in my PC system and very nice it is. I'm a Marantz fan and still keep my old SD230 cassette deck from the early 80's going. Plenty of people here who love vintage gear.

30-04-2017, 17:15
Hi Martin, you're in the right place with all that list of gear!

People here don't tend to compete and they keep things "real" so take your time and just join in when you feel like it.

Minstrel SE
30-04-2017, 21:24
Hi Martin, welcome to the forum

Do you actually have some Minstrel SE or is it just a name?

Hi..... just a name I could get passed. I looked at the SE version which dont come up often when Im ready to buy them. I would like to hear the SE version but have been very impressed indeed by the standard Minstrels.

I have just made some nice grey crushed velvet covered paving slab frames :) and have them spiked on the concrete slabs at the moment. I like them off the suspended floor on the slabs which adds some isolation and tightens things up. Very stable on the adjusted spikes which I am pleased about

A lovely little speaker especially for the money I paid for them in extremely nice condition with some K20 cable thrown in. Its a speaker I needed to make sure have no gumming issues so they are not an easy buy.

For a smallish room they give me a real taste of whats good in speakers. The bass and soundstaging is superb. They have a deftness of touch that makes me smile with the way they handle music.

I listen to a wide range of music from Classical through most genres. I have plans to upgrade in the £500 to £1500 amplifier area and to improve my computer based system with a better computer and DAC

30-04-2017, 21:48
Welcome to AoS Martin,

The Nytech was very well thought of in its day, as was the Creek. Looks like you will have fun listening to them both.

What are your tastes in music?

Enjoy the Forum

30-04-2017, 21:49
Yes, good speakers, they don't sit on the sound. Can see the PM7200 being a good match with them.

Minstrel SE
01-05-2017, 15:21
Thankyou Barry.

Yes there has been some nostalgia going on to hear the things I used to own or wanted to own then. The sloping front Nytechs always appealed to me so I wanted to hear one in action.

Joy Division to Brahms covering a wide range of tastes. I will try anything and have been listening to Cajun music recently.

I will enjoy the forum thanks

Minstrel SE
01-05-2017, 15:34
Yes, good speakers, they don't sit on the sound. Can see the PM7200 being a good match with them.

Yes I first saw the Minstrels in the mid 90s. I remember thinking they looked strange and the designer Joe Ackroyd had some bottle pitching them amongst all the beech multi driver floorstanders that were popular at the time.

The drivers looked funny and uneven (designed for anti standing resonance) and some commented that they didnt look up to the job. I could hear they were impressive when I heard them though.

I should have bought a pair far sooner. I had some MA352s at the time and always remember being busy working or skint :)

The 7200 is interesting and I only paid £200 for it brand new in a deal from Superfi. I went in for a NAD and they persuaded me the Marantz was a good deal with the 7300 cd player. I dont really put it with the Minstrels at the moment but I swap things round with the Conistons when I want to try them. I try some Celestion 3s and have some Gemini 12" pa speakers which actually sound quite good at low volumes. Its not exactly straight path with everything but the kitchen sink inside the box but it sounds ok in class A....a nice smooth amp which handles things fairly well

Im not saying any of my stuff is high end but I buy well for what I want at the time

Best wishes