View Full Version : Hello from Manchester UK

27-04-2017, 08:38
Hi there ..
My Name is Evan AKA Vipersan.
I am basically a Satellite geek ..but my interests include most things Techy.
PCs Audio Video etc..
You get the idea.
My latest project is a Retro PC.
I guess you could say I have picked up a Retro-Virus.
Using an old surplus Tower and motherboard which runs a pentium 3 ..
It is now equipped with a floppy drive ..and pull out caddy trays so that I can easily switch operating systems ..
So far I have windows 95 ..Windows 98SE ..and XP on seperate removeable hard drives (All IDE) ...not a SATA cable in sight lol
My latest acquisition was an old DDS Dat drive which I am trying to hook into the system and is the reason I stumbled accross this forum after finding a rather excellent description of the process by Kris - Audio adventures in SCSI DAT
I need some help with this and hope that by joining I can get the information I need.
I am very much a child of the 70s ... and have kept pace with most tech even though I am now 60 yo ...but recently have have been ovetaken by the urge to go retro ..
To that end re-discovering my Vinyl collection ..and refurbishing an old Philips record deck to play them on.
regards to all
aka Vipersan
or VS for short

27-04-2017, 09:46
Hello Evan. Welcome to AOS.

Your retro PC ideas sound interesting. Why not outline what you're doing in our Digital Expressions section. I'm sure members would enjoy a chat with you about this.

Take a look around the site and join in any chat that appeals to you.

Enjoy the forum,

28-04-2017, 00:42
Welcome to AoS Evan

Enjoy the Forum