View Full Version : Hi from New Zealand

24-04-2017, 07:49
Hi everyone

I have a vinyl only system which I have had for many years. In 1983 I 'invested' in a pair of Meridian M2 active speakers which are still very much the pride of my sound system. They were a huge investment when I was 23 but they have served me well since and have recently been restored and refinished..
The front end uses a 17d Dynavector cartridge with an E.A.R 834P phono stage (with volume control) wired directly into the M2 speakers.
The turntable is a Rega Planer 2 turntable. This is a very simple system with no preamp, just a phono stage and speakers.

I am in the stage of upgrading my current system although not completely replacing it. I have recently replaced the original Meridian preamp with the E.A.R phono stage which has been a nice upgrade.

I hope the members can help as I would like some advice on what upgrades can be undertaken to the old power amps in the back of the speakers. Similar to 101's I believe. I had intended to send them back to the UK Meridian Repair Shop to be 'reconditioned' however sadly they have just recently closed.



Spectral Morn
24-04-2017, 09:15
Welcome to AoS Phil :cool:

24-04-2017, 09:23
Welcome to AoS Phil. Sure you will get plenty advice from our knowledgeful members

25-04-2017, 09:31
Hello Phil. Welcome to AOS.

Tell us what music you listen to. There's a lot of input here about music as well as audio.

If you want advice about the Meridian speakers, I'd suggest starting a thread in the Past Masters section. I'm sure members can advise.

Feel free to join in any chat that interests you.

Enjoy the forum,

28-04-2017, 00:56
Welcome to AoS Phil,

Hope you can get your M2s fixed, they are excellent speakers.

Enjoy the Forum