View Full Version : Modwright Instruments SWP 9.0se Phono Stage

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
22-04-2017, 19:26
You don't find these coming up for sale very often.
I am the original owner of the phono stage and bought new from Angelsound Audio about 7 years ago.
It is excellent condition and has performed faultlessly over it's entire life with me.
The phono stage is a 230V model and comes with original box and manual.
It is a MM and MC phono stage,

Front panel has ON/OFF, MUTE, Mono, MM/MC switches
There are 2 sets of DIP switches on the rear panel that adjust for the cartridge loading 50 Ohms to 47k Ohms

Tube Complement: (2)6C45's, (2)6N1P's, (2)5687 tubes
Output Impedance: ~600ohm
Frequency Response: 20Hz –– 50Khz +/-1dB
Weight: 27 lbs. (32 lbs. shipped) - approx 15kg shipped
Dimensions: 17"W x 12"D x 4"H

A review here;


I would prefer local pickup from Redcar, Cleveland I will post but this must be arranged for by the new buyer. At least you then get the courier service and provider you wish for.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/923/XCWA3y.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pnXCWA3yj)

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/DTmh8b.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmDTmh8bj)

22-04-2017, 19:30

Your photos need to be active here on AoS. Links are not really acceptable.


22-04-2017, 19:42
Yup, and the google links dont work... Need pictures by tomorrow morning please, thanks

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
28-04-2017, 06:30
A quick bump back in to the spot light

Johnny nocash
28-04-2017, 22:54
Andy's a top bloke to deal with, have absolute confidence.

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
29-04-2017, 11:16
Cheers Richard
I am quite surprised the Phono and in particular my speakers, the VMPS RM40's have not sold.
Am I missing something, any ideas or suggestions guys?

Andy's a top bloke to deal with, have absolute confidence.

29-04-2017, 15:06
Praps frightened buy your name?

Have a bump :sofa:

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
29-04-2017, 15:17
I'm actually very tame - honest:)

29-04-2017, 15:24
Just a lot of money andy, so not so many can afford I guess. hell i cant sell a £100 cart lol

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
29-04-2017, 16:30
You are right Grant.
Stuff is just not selling as it used to.
It'll go at some point

29-04-2017, 17:55
As far as the speakers go maybe more information about set up and results would be helpful. They generate strong opinions on this point and that may be putting people off - my interest was piqued until I began reading reviews and the issues with set up. Plus they are mighty expensive multi drive on a forum where many purists believe in the single driver route.

Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
02-05-2017, 17:09
Only just seen this, apologies for the reply.
The VMPS speakers (on a different sale thread) have never caused me any setup issues.
I have had these speakers in a number of different locations, Firing along both long and short lengths of the room and again close to room boundaries and in open area's.
Though there are sonic differences, as you would find with most speakers. They have always given excellent results.
I would consider international postage, though the buyer would have to arrange them to be packed (original boxes are very poor) by the courier of their choice and they would get the level of service they wish for.
Hope that helps anyone interested.

As far as the speakers go maybe more information about set up and results would be helpful. They generate strong opinions on this point and that may be putting people off - my interest was piqued until I began reading reviews and the issues with set up. Plus they are mighty expensive multi drive on a forum where many purists believe in the single driver route.