View Full Version : Wanted to Buy / Borrow - Deltec Slink

13-01-2010, 00:55

Seeking a nostalgia fix ...

A long time ago I owned one of these green and white interconnects between an Arcam Alpha CD player and a Mission Cyrus 1 amp, playing through some Monitor Audio 9 speakers.... my first real hi-fi rig.

The kit is long since gone, all traded in or given to poor souls needing good tunes (I have it on reliable info that the Mission Cyrus 1 is still going strong in New Zealand 20+ years later with nothing more than replacement rubber bands on the volume control...)

Somewhere along the way I must have also donated this interconnect to some lucky soul and I no longer have it ...

I remember it as being revealing and transparent, and the best out of many I tested at the time ....

As you can no longer get them (unless you guys know better ...) I am looking for one to buy or borrow ....

I want to compare the performance with a couple of interconnects I have got now to either put to bed the fact I thought it was a great interconnect, or confirm it ....

So there you have it ...

Anyone got one in a drawer they'd like to sell ? Or loan me so I know whether to pursue getting another some how?

Anyone know where you can get the green and white wire that it was made up from, so I could solder myself a set?

Anyone know anyone selling one .....

(Or am I just mad - maybe someone can put me out of my misery and tell me that if I but a 1m pair of xyz from abc it is miles better than the slink ever was as time has moved on ... preferably costing not more than £50...)

Help me out here

Thanks in advance



13-01-2010, 18:40
i suppose its not DPA slink is it ?

some on here if it is


14-01-2010, 16:49
That is actually a black slink that is advertised, a different beast.

The basic slink was the same conductors in a twisted configuration, and much cheaper ...

Still sounded fab

Thanks for the info though .....

Anyone else ?


15-01-2010, 21:44
no probs, will keep a look out

23-01-2010, 16:43
I have one ' bought it back in 1988 , still use it though .

04-01-2013, 08:15
Hi Tim, a bit late for this reply but came across your post after Googling Deltec Slink as I was trying to find a pair. I still have a copy of Hi-Fi Choice from 1992 with a comment regarding the Deltec Slink, "errs on the lean side of neutral, but has an uncommon transparency in the midrange"

I've been trying to open up the midrange on a pair of B&W 601 S3's when used for 2 channel music (CD), everything sounds just fine when used with my AV components for 5.1 but with music the midrange sounded a little shut-in to the point of listening to CD through my Senheiser 595's in preference to the speakers.

I've managed to find my old pair of Deltec Slink interconnects in the garage but the outer covering has become yellow with age and I was hoping I may find a new pair but had no luck.

Anyway, long story short, I've swapped the Qunex Qnect 2's I've been using between my CD and Amp for the Deltec Slink's and everything has opened up, sound stage is deeper and wider with more space around each instrument, vocals in particular are better focused and far more prominent, there's a slight loss to lower frequencies but the high frequencies remain smooth without any sting or sizzle.

I'm hoping to try a pair of Kimber PBJ's if I can get hold of a pair and thought you may like a pair of Deltec Slink for loan if I can find the Kimbers at a reasonable price or borrow some.




05-01-2013, 06:09
Must dig my pair out and try them again. I must be the odd person out here, I never really liked them. Nothing overly wrong with them, but they just didn't do it for me sounding rather "unexpressive". One of the directional tags has worn off over the years as well so one cable can't be fitted directionally as intended. I'll try and listen to them again over the next day or so.


05-01-2013, 08:24
I've some of these in my spares bag, nice cables - I think HFC got it right in 92 -- "errs on the lean side of neutral, but has an uncommon transparency in the midrange".

05-01-2013, 09:19
Must dig my pair out and try them again. I must be the odd person out here, I never really liked them. Nothing overly wrong with them, but they just didn't do it for me sounding rather "unexpressive". One of the directional tags has worn off over the years as well so one cable can't be fitted directionally as intended. I'll try and listen to them again over the next day or so.


Hi Hal, AFAIK the green and white Slink isn't directional, at least mine aren't. I tried them once with my early system and they sounded much too bright and thin using a Rotel RA-930AX for amplification. I made the classic mistake of buying without audition:rolleyes:



05-01-2013, 09:35
This is curious, went searching for the Deltecs and eventually found them, lying on the floor behind a cabinet and covered in dust and spiderweb. Cleaned them up and popped them in between Dac and pre and, to my surprise, they sound NOTHING like I remember them. Clear as a bell and seeming to "lean" on the accents and intonations in music making it a remarkable fun listen.
The Deltecs I have are black/blue/red conductors in a twist with "Deltron UK" engraved on the plugs.
These cables have been tried with several versions of pre and power amps over the years with nothing better than a workmanlike presentation that left me wanting more each time. I have very recently though changed to a Shengya CV-15 preamp (think Germany's Vincent - same thing) partnering my Jungson 99C and they are, on the little bit of Deano I've played through them, a great combination with way more character than the Mogamis I regularly use and love. Will listen some more later, but at the moment they are sounding really great. Total surprise to me.



05-01-2013, 09:54
From the description they sound like Kimber PBJ's, the Deltec Slink had 2 green wires and 2 white woven in a braid and covered in a clear coating. Both green and white wires were assembled directionally opposite to make them non-directional. Silver plated OFC with black RCA connectors on the ends.


05-01-2013, 10:17
Yes, other than the plugs, that is most definitely them. Very odd, I most definitely bought, or thought I was buying, Deltecs. Being at least 20 years ago that I got them, I doubt I can send them back for a refund!


05-01-2013, 10:28
Yes, other than the plugs, that is most definitely them. Very odd, I most definitely bought, or thought I was buying, Deltecs. Being at least 20 years ago that I got them, I doubt I can send them back for a refund!


:D They're very well regarded and if you got them for the price of the Deltecs £30'ish, you got a bargain:

HFC '92 "an exceedingly transparent midband but slightly 'clanky' treble. They always managed to sound remarkably uncluttered and open"

Not sure what clanky means in Hi-Fi speak:scratch:

The best bit is, if you had them just hanging around you got a free upgrade;)



05-01-2013, 14:09
Just pulled the trigger on a pair of PBJ's on the bay £33 used, looking forward to giving them a try and comparing to the Deltec Slink. More listening coming up;)



06-01-2013, 03:07
Well, I did a few more hours listening last night and I need to thank someone in the Export Sales division of Richter Sounds some twenty years ago. The HFC description of " an exceedingly transparent midband' and "They always managed to sound remarkably uncluttered and open" is spot on. Clanky treble??? Can't agree with that, they sound exactly the same as my Mogamis in the HF and I wouldn't call it anything but detailed and clear.
I can only assume my setup wasn't as transparent in the past as it is now which stopped the strengths of this cable coming through. The last few years have seen a complete overhaul and I now run World Audio designs 25Ts (designed by Peter Comeau and described by him as "as transparent as I can make them". Jungson 99C is a pure Class A heavyweight while the Shengya/Vincent has been very well reviewed for sounding both clear and organic. This setup loved Dean Martin and, hoary old hifi chestnut that it is, there were elements on the CD that I had never heard as clearly. The unintelligble to me bits when he sings in Itallian sounded so clear that it was as though my Itallian mates from years ago were chatting beside me while, on one intro to a track where the producer is berating him for not getting wording clear "its each lovers arms! sounded as though you were singing each covers arms' and Deano is yelling back "easy for him to sit there" etc - it was all stunningly clear whereas before it was all a bit of a muddle since no one was facing a microphone.
Electronica/heavily produced stuff is maybe a bit too clear and revealing, showing up perhaps the more processed nature of some of the material, while piano was lovely. Let me know how you find them, for twenty years I tried and discarded these cables, now they sound lovely, they are staying in the system and I'm probably going to get a second pair.
(Apologies to the OP for sort of derailing this thread - it certainly wasn't intentional)


06-01-2013, 07:28
Well, here's a pic of some Slink.


The treble is a bit exposed and the balance overall is a bit lean, imo. This can tend to exacerbate treble balance emphasis elsewhere in a system.
But the mids of the Slink really are gloriously open -- if I recall Kimber PBJ correctly from many years ago, that is a much less transparent and open cable. Not unpleasant, but more on the warm and cumfy side with a rather rosy coloured midband, and better suited to systems that need a bit of top end taming.

When I first got the Slink I was so impressed by its transparency that I just had to get some of the "better" Black Slink! :eyebrows: Oops - a more sophisticated and better balanced sound, sure. But it didn't match the "wide as the Texas Praire" midband openness of the basic Slink. I was quite disappointed!

06-01-2013, 10:19
Now I'm really looking forward to comparing the Slink with the Kimber. It appears you've stripped the clear outer covering from the Slink you have, it's badly yellowed on mine and I was considering doing the same but thought I'd give them a listen first.

The Slink seems a little forward on some recordings I have with a touch of sibilance, maybe the Kimber PBJ is just what I'm looking for, only time will tell.



06-01-2013, 11:39
Well, here's a pic of some Slink.


The treble is a bit exposed and the balance overall is a bit lean, imo. This can tend to exacerbate treble balance emphasis elsewhere in a system.
But the mids of the Slink really are gloriously open -- if I recall Kimber PBJ correctly from many years ago, that is a much less transparent and open cable. Not unpleasant, but more on the warm and cumfy side with a rather rosy coloured midband, and better suited to systems that need a bit of top end taming.

I was just about to take some piccies of my Slink (ooer) but Jerry beat me to it. I've got 2x0.5m sets of Slink here at home - nice cable, I find it pretty neutral in my system, particluarly on acoustic piano where the sustain is quite beautiful. :)

06-01-2013, 12:45
A shootout between two famous 90s cables - should be fun and I'm looking forward to the results.


06-01-2013, 19:41
Hi Hal, it'll probably be Friday or Saturday when I get chance to have a good listening session, assuming the Kimbers turn up. The other half will be out at relatives and I'll get the place to myself for some time, I'll be sure to report back.



06-01-2013, 22:26
Turn my back for a couple of days and my long since forgotten nostalgia thread gets more interest than when I wrote it ...

I have dropped out of my nostalgia now ... Though the pictures still make me yearn for a Slink...

So perhaps i could re-ask my question - what is the modern equivalent ? A budget cable with awesome transparency ? What should £50 go on today for this kind of transparency?

Jerry - you surely have a view ...



07-01-2013, 07:29
Well I'm no expert, but I doubt there's anything that compares. There's a set of Kimber PBJ's on the bay £99 used! or some new ones in Poland for £109 (RRP £125)



07-01-2013, 07:42
So perhaps i could re-ask my question - what is the modern equivalent ? A budget cable with awesome transparency ? What should £50 go on today for this kind of transparency?

Jerry - you surely have a view ...



Yup, Tim -- I certainly do have a view. :)

But you have to spend the £50 on each cable.
RFC Pluto interconnects.
I have not heard a more transparent, open and naturally dynamic cable at any price. They astonished me as soon as they were plumbed in to my system - they continue to do so many months later!
If I may be so bold as to link to my own review? :whistle:
-- http://hifipig.com/rfc-reference-pluto-interconnect-cables/

Paul at RFC is a mate of mine - but that doesn't stop his Pluto's being the best i/c I have ever heard! :)

10-01-2013, 09:54
Well the Kimbers arrived today, on removing the outer barrel of the Arcam RCA connectors for inspection I found that the black wire on each interconnect is only connected at one end (the amp end) Could this be to do with the directionality? Would some kind soul care to check theirs to put my mind at rest as they are used.



10-01-2013, 23:51
Well, I'll throw an answer in for Brainz re a transparent cable for peanuts money. Mogami 2534 quad core Neglex cable. Sold on ebay as "DJ cable" as per:


I've used them for over twenty years and they are lovely. Any other contenders?


11-01-2013, 10:00
TBH I can't see any conventional screened cable having the transparency of the Deltec Slink/Kimber PBJ designs, I think it's something inherent in the open weave design. I used to make my own interconnects from professional 'noiseless' studio cable that I bought locally, fitted with gold plated RCA connectors also sourced locally and silver soldered. The DIY cables would hold their own against most cables below £100.


12-01-2013, 12:04
In the time I've had to compare the Slink with the Kimber PBJ I'd say the Slink has the greater resolution of the two with biting clarity, however the Kimber seems to add a little warmth to the proceedings. In particular female vocals having a little more warmth, Julianne Regan's (All About Eve) voice seeming more natural by comparison with the Kimber. Hopefully I'll have some more listening time this evening.


All About Eve -All About Eve
Peter Gabriel - So
Don Henley - The End of the Innocence


Technics SL-PG520A
Rotel RA-971 MkII
B&W 601 S3


13-01-2013, 07:35
I'm interested if you here the "clanky treble" reported in HFC. I've picked it a few times, but I'm not at at all sure that it isn't in the recordings. Most of the time I don't notice it.


13-01-2013, 10:27
I got chance to do some extended listening Saturday when I had the place to myself. There were times when I thought I heard the clanky treble mentioned, in particular on Fletwood Mac - Rumours, but only a slight suggestion, not the best of recordings and I was using it to warm up the system at the time. The Slink sounds slightly brighter and a touch forward in my system, could it be the silver coating? I've left the Kimber in place for the time being due it's it's naturalness. As the evening progressed I did notice the Kimbers ability to handle dense recordings really well, being able to clearly listen to individual instruments in some heavier recordings.

When I bought the Kimber PBJ's on the bay I thought I might well be wasting my money but I'm more then happy with the results, the trouble is I'm now starting to think about speaker cables:rolleyes:

In conclusion, it was a tough call between the two and I'll be keeping the Slink for some fine system tuning if needed in the future.



15-01-2013, 20:49
So perhaps i could re-ask my question - what is the modern equivalent ? A budget cable with awesome transparency ? What should £50 go on today for this kind of transparency?



The Kimber PBJ, available from our friends in Germany

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/0-50m-Kimber-PBJ-Cinchkabel-mit-verspannbaren-Cinchsteckern-Absolutes-High-End-/230687978036?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3 D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D4899769932876465317%26pid%3 D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D230687978036% 26




16-01-2013, 20:12
Thanks for all this ... Might get some Kimber cables to try ..


18-01-2013, 18:17
I'm interested if you here the "clanky treble" reported in HFC. I've picked it a few times, but I'm not at at all sure that it isn't in the recordings. Most of the time I don't notice it.


Curiously I've noticed it again at the start of play this evening, different recording, only lasted until the CDP came on song, about 45mins:scratch:


18-01-2013, 22:33
Yep, sounds as though it's just revealing the equipment being tight before everything warms up. Still have mine in the system and still intend getting a second pair when funds are a hell of a lot better than they are now. (Phonostage to be bought in the next week)


15-02-2013, 21:17
So .... A final note from me on this thread ...

As I sit, having now acquired a Slink, listening to my nostalgia trip .... I realise that it is truly a superb interconnect ...

Between my Caiman and my Prima Luna it has opened up the sound stage and reveals detail I just wasn't getting ...

I can A/B between it and the NVA sound pipe I had been using ... the difference is so clearly there ...

This is everything that is special about this forum .... a great discussion leading to someone helping out with a great deal .... bringing music to life and sharing.


15-02-2013, 21:37
:thumbsup: Glad you're enjoying it, I'm currently playing with mains cables:eyebrows:


15-02-2013, 21:39
Yep, sounds as though it's just revealing the equipment being tight before everything warms up. Still have mine in the system and still intend getting a second pair when funds are a hell of a lot better than they are now. (Phonostage to be bought in the next week)


I must have missed this post, it certainly seems to go after the initial warm up.


15-02-2013, 21:43
Of course Tim there is one other possibility :eyebrows:

Your Slink is indeed a nostalgia trip. Having dropped the cash, your purchase fills you with memories and expecations; you are soon regressing to the halcyon days of your youth before you've even heard it, and you've convinced yourself it's going to be amazing. When you finally listen to the music those feelings are intensified and you unwittingly have induced your self into a state of hypnotic trance, in which your analytical powers go out of the window. The joy of child-like regression merely serves to confirm what an amazing piece of equipment it must have been.

Alternatively cables may make a difference and it's a great cable. :D

16-02-2013, 15:23
Placebo or not ...

Perhaps I've been duped twice ...

Still makes me smile ...