View Full Version : Bit of a Stink over Bose!

20-04-2017, 16:15

20-04-2017, 16:24
Doesnt surprise me. Its happening all over tbh. I wonder if its in their very, very small print. Google, amazon etc will be doing it too.

20-04-2017, 16:59
Everything and everyone is corrupt these days.

DVLA pockets £25m in five years selling personal details of millions of motorists to parking enforcement firms


20-04-2017, 17:46
Any time a product or service is free on the internet, you are the product.

Even the most trivial apps give themselves all sorts of unnecessary permissions, did you never wonder why?

Most of the time you paid for a product you're being sold 'both ways'

Windows collects and sells user data at OS level.

Chrome browser provides data down to the level of mouse moves. Don't even get started on Android...

Social media definitely and the internet more generally is being used to harvest your hopes, dreams and fears in order to sell them back to you.

Anyone with a spare Pi lying around would do worse than throw this on there and jack it in to your router: https://pi-hole.net/

20-04-2017, 17:58
Didn't Samsung get caught a while back ?
Weren't the Microphones in their Voice Activated Tellys being used to record customer's conversations? Think it was in the Mail so must have been true!!


20-04-2017, 18:04
And this has creepy undertones. What a surveillance tool this could be (or is?).


20-04-2017, 18:06
And this has creepy undertones. What a surveillance tool this could be (or is?).


not much use up here. these things dont understand the accent:eyebrows:

20-04-2017, 20:30
Didn't Samsung get caught a while back ?
Weren't the Microphones in their Voice Activated Tellys being used to record customer's conversations? Think it was in the Mail so must have been true!!


The tragedy here is that the backdoor was opened by the American National Security Agency on this on yet Samsung get it pinned on them.

Ok google
et al

In order to hear you say their name and conduct the activity you ask them to they have to be listening all the time, what happens to that 'stray' data? The web is a huge surveillance tool. Let's not forget that DARPANET was essentially a military project.

Tinfoil hat at the ready!