View Full Version : Django TVC passive preamplifier

20-04-2017, 11:20
I need to have a “spring clean” !

I purchased this from take5 in 2014 and have been using it quite successfully with a variety of valve power amplifiers in my system. However system changes have meant that it is now surplus to requirements and the time has come to part company.

I believe this to be a factory-built example and the photographs demonstrate that it is in excellent condition. It has 3 x RCA or 2 x XLR inputs, 1 RCA or 2 x XLR outputs and two gain settings. I have only used RCA in/out so cannot vouch for the XLR connections.

I do not know which make of transformers are fitted. I have taken one out but there is no name/identification of any sort on it. Maybe someone can identify them from the photograph ? From a post on HiFi Wigwam advertisement "the transformers are the Silk Audio Supermalloys, I came across Brian's original sale posting whilst looking for reviews and info. DIY HIFI SUPPLY introduced these as their top of the range when Stevens and Billington stopped supplying theirs to other manufacturers. The reviews I read said they were not far behind the S&B at all."

I am looking for £400 plus p/p at cost, although I would much prefer collection from Linslade, Beds, LU7. I could demonstrate then if required.

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr232/khapahk/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0133_zps1szm4zly.jpg (http://s487.photobucket.com/user/khapahk/media/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0133_zps1szm4zly.jpg.html)

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr232/khapahk/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0134_zps9xolrglb.jpg (http://s487.photobucket.com/user/khapahk/media/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0134_zps9xolrglb.jpg.html)

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr232/khapahk/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0135_zpswzjtw0hs.jpg (http://s487.photobucket.com/user/khapahk/media/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0135_zpswzjtw0hs.jpg.html)

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr232/khapahk/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0136_zps6u5ikh0g.jpg (http://s487.photobucket.com/user/khapahk/media/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0136_zps6u5ikh0g.jpg.html)

http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr232/khapahk/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0139_zpscfncj26n.jpg (http://s487.photobucket.com/user/khapahk/media/hifi%20for%20sale/DSC_0139_zpscfncj26n.jpg.html)

22-04-2017, 15:33
Additional information:-

Measurements - 36 cm wide x 32 cm deep (including posts) x 12 cm high (including feet).

Volume control is stepped with 24 steps.


27-04-2017, 11:28
Now sold.


08-05-2017, 12:06
As the latest owner of this by a slightly roundabout route I can attest to its bodaciousness. It has transformed the sound of my system (no pun intended) and removed any doubts I had over the other components in the chain.