View Full Version : Greetings from NE London

16-04-2017, 11:06
Hello all,

Sorry for the long post that follows!

After recently getting my own place I have re-fallen in love with music and my hifi.

My kit is on the low-end of the scale as I got most of it when I was in my late teens, but have added a couple of extra bits to improve the sound.

Amp: Yamaha RX-V100D (6.1 AV amp with DAB tuner). Sounds ok, but being budget, I feel is the weak link in my setup as the sound is a little "muddy".

Speakers: KEF KHT 2005.2 (5 "eggs" + PSW2010 subwoofer). Currently set-up as 2 front with subwoofer only. The Centre speaker is the best piece of kit I own, a KEF Reference 90.

CD player: Cambridge Audio D300 SE.

DAC: Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 2i - connected to CD player and laptop.

Turntable: Trio KD-1033 - looking for an upgrade needle or a SL-1210 MK2 currently. Only have a few records which are my girlfriends (who is a huge Queen/Freddy fan), but I love the whole interactivity of them.

Phono pre-amp: ART USB Phono Plus

All the kit, including the subwoofer, is powered on-off by a relay connected to the amp.
I bought some decent-ish "shielded cables" from the phono and DAC as they are not next to the amp.

I don't think the flat is helping the sound, as it is a 4m x 4m x 3.5m high box and am noticing quiet points for the bass. Lucking my seating position is not one of those!

Love rock music old and new, heavy and light, fast and slow! Also quite into EDM and any music where the two types mix.



16-04-2017, 17:44
Hi Sam.not sure that your amp is the weak point in your system. My son had a Yamaha amp that was very capable. I have not heard the Kef eggs, but it may be that the mid-range is limited and a good pair of speakers should be on your list. Have fun here.

16-04-2017, 22:48
N/e London thats where my little black cat first cut his teeth Sam ( walthamstow ), I ll let him know you ve just joined the forum !! ( that was all a bit mad )
In fact if you could take him back up there that would be great as he keeps threatening to take my decca cart out of action. Enjoy the forum i m sure your
have fun. b.w

16-04-2017, 22:57
Hi Sam. Welcome to AOS.

There's a great deal of experience and knowledge here, so if you have questions, just find the right section and ask. Members are friendly and helpful.

Don't worry about thinking your gear is "low end", we like to hear from people regardless of what equipment they use. We don't like snobbery here.

Anyway, take a look around and join in with anything that interests you.

Enjoy the forum,

28-04-2017, 00:38
Welcome to AoS Sam.

Enjoy the Forum