View Full Version : Valve amplifier recommendations!

14-04-2017, 10:50
Hi Folks,

I'm a new member, I've just introduced myself in the Welcome area.

I used to have a Rogers valve amp when i was a kid (yes i'm that old!) and many years later i find myself wanting to get another Valve amp.

I've been slowly bringing my system to the point where i can introduce one as a 'test' against my current solid state amp (a Sonneteer Orton).

My current setup is: Well Tempered Amadeus, Sonneteer Sedley phono stage, Sonneteer Orton, Audio Note AN-J.

Most of my listening is Jazz and acoustic music.

So far i've been thinking along the lines of:

Audio Note OTO
Icon Audio Stereo 40.2 Mk III
Unison Research Prelude
Audio Innovations 1st Audio
Leben CS300X

My listening room is an attic room and fairly narrow but long!

I've seen good examples of all of these amps currently for sale in classifieds or with dealers.
Auditioning them is difficult though!

My budget is around 1.5k but could be more if I decide to sell/trade the Orton.

Any thoughts/experiences with these or other valve amps would be gratefully received!

thanks in advance


Audio Al
14-04-2017, 11:20
Hi Nick
Not sure you need to spend that amount
Our very own Alan ( Firebottle ) builds a full range of Valve amps and I think he does home auditions ? best check that

Also lots of used amps turn up , I have a Audio Innovations 500 integrated with built in phono stage , also a pair of Quad 2's and a Mighty John Wood custom built KT88 integrated , All good fun

14-04-2017, 11:46
Some great kit you've got there. Have always admired the Quad II's. Proper vintage kit!

14-04-2017, 11:59
Radford STA15 or Radford STA25, new ones from Radford Revival.

If I did not already have an vintage STA25 III in very good condition, I would be tempted to get a Radford Revival one.

I also have Quad II's which are very nice, but the Radford is capable of driving most speakers very well, the Quad has less control of the bass into some speakers, and is of more limited power output.

Rogers valve amps are great, even the Cadet into suitable speakers can sound wonderful.

14-04-2017, 12:04
No idea what a Radford costs, but it will be many times what this old codger can afford. Fantastic amps and i dont say that often. Build quality second to none really.

14-04-2017, 12:09
Jazzy says

"My budget is around 1.5k but could be more if I decide to sell/trade the Orton."

Ah, you're are right, 1.5k won't cover it:


Arkless Electronics
14-04-2017, 12:14
Jazzy says

"My budget is around 1.5k but could be more if I decide to sell/trade the Orton."

Not checked the price recently of a new Radford, but 1.5k might cover it.

Double it and you're there! £1.5K is a good price to get a second hand one needing an overhaul for!

14-04-2017, 12:16
Not perfect cosmetically, but open to offers:


14-04-2017, 12:45
Thanks Splendorman. Intrigued by the Radford. I take it this is considered to be in a different league form the amps i mentioned? Might have to do some investigating!.

Audio Al
14-04-2017, 12:49
Some history re John Wood



Arkless Electronics
14-04-2017, 13:17
Thanks Splendorman. Intrigued by the Radford. I take it this is considered to be in a different league form the amps i mentioned? Might have to do some investigating!.

The power amps are amongst the best ever made. Period. Forget the pre amps though as they won't cut it amongst modern ones.

14-04-2017, 13:29
The Firebottle range is quite easily the best sounding gear ive heard. The range spans from from £550 -£1000 and Alan can build you valve only or Valve/SS monoblocks. I have the Monos and they are quite simply stunning. He'll let you demo any of his gear on a sale or return basis and you'd be a mug not to audition them.


Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

14-04-2017, 13:32
The power amps are amongst the best ever made. Period. Forget the pre amps though as they won't cut it amongst modern ones.

Although, the Radford SC22 pre is quite nice to use. Not that bad really.

14-04-2017, 14:08
The Firebottle range is quite easily the best sounding gear ive heard. I heard some Croft stuff recently and they were not as good as the Monoblocks. The range spans from from £550 -£1000 and Alan can build you valve only or Valve/SS monoblocks. I have the Monos and they are quite simply stunning. He'll let you demo any of his gear on a sale or return basis and you'd be a mug not to audition them.


Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

Which Croft amps did you hear Oliver?

14-04-2017, 14:10
Which Croft amps did you hear Oliver?
I knew someone would ask lol. I cant be sure of the exact model but ill text the guy and ask. They didn't look as new as the ones Brian was advertising on here. Ill update when I get the model info.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

14-04-2017, 15:31
As the AN-Js have a quoted 93 dB/W efficiency, the world is your oyster. You could choose a 6W SET 300B, a classic Radford STA15 or a more modern push pull amp. Lord Mortlock's World Design 300B would have been perfect, matched with a suitable preamp. Personally I would look at a classic STA15/II, probably the sweetest of Arthur Radford's classic designs. You should be able to find one for £1200-1300. Partner it with a cheap preamp e.g. a Croft Micro or something similar, and you will have a great sounding system.

14-04-2017, 15:50
Which Croft amps did you hear Oliver?
Jimbo, I was wrong. Its only a Croft Preamp hes using. He said the power amps are old BBC amplifiers he had put in a new case. Which explains why I presumed it was a croft power amp.

My bad, statement retracted.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

14-04-2017, 16:22
Nick, Think carefully and do some proper comparisons because your Sonneteer Orton is a very nice amplifier.

14-04-2017, 16:29
Firebottle is a new brand for me so will look into it.. thanks.

A lot of choices yes. The reason i bought the ANJ's was for the sensitivity and with a view to getting a valve amp at a later date. I heard them in a demo with couple of Audio Note amps and was sold on the idea from that moment really. The Radford appeals in a similar way really. I guess i'm drawn to 'old school' when it comes to Hifi. Well amplification and speakers anyway!

Just out of interest has anyone listened to the Radford amps with any other brands?

Audio Al
14-04-2017, 16:31
Firebottle is a new brand for me so will look into it.. thanks.

A lot of choices yes. The reason i bought the ANJ's was for the sensitivity and with a view to getting a valve amp at a later date. I heard them in a demo with couple of Audio Note amps and was sold on the idea from that moment really. The Radford appeals in a similar way really. I guess i'm drawn to 'old school' when it comes to Hifi. Well amplification and speakers anyway!

Just out of interest has anyone listened to the Radford amps with any other brands?


14-04-2017, 16:32
I don't know if it's within budget but there's a simply stunning audionote power amp for sale on here at the moment - with in built volume control.

14-04-2017, 16:32
"Nick, Think carefully and do some proper comparisons because your Sonneteer Orton is a very nice amplifier."

Good point Dave. I enjoy the Orton immensely.. My original plan was to buy/audition a valve amp alongside the Orton for a while. Just out of curiously really. My other system is a Naim Unitilite which is very punchy. I enjoy it immensely. My thinking was to try valves in my vinyl setup for a completely different experience.

14-04-2017, 17:14
Jimbo, I was wrong. Its only a Croft Preamp hes using. He said the power amps are old BBC amplifiers he had put in a new case. Which explains why I presumed it was a croft power amp.

My bad, statement retracted.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

:) You will have to come over sometime and hear my Croft amps, I think you may be surprised. :)

14-04-2017, 17:18
:) You will have to come over sometime and hear my Croft amps, I think you may be surprised. :)
Lets do it Jimbo, ill come and listen to yours and you can come and have a listen to my FB Monos.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

14-04-2017, 19:20
I don't know if it's within budget but there's a simply stunning audionote power amp for sale on here at the moment - with in built volume control.

Thanks.. just taken a look. Not a model i'm familiar with. Looks interesting though!

14-04-2017, 19:54
this modwright is extremely good . great support . read the reviews


24-04-2017, 11:45
Thanks for your input and ideas everyone.

Decided to hold off for a while while i do a bit of research on this valve thing. My Orton Amp is still very much to my liking so in no hurry.

Meanwhile i've done a little upgrading of my front end. Just purchased a Tron Convergence MC phono stage and a Grado statement 2 Cartridge. Should have them up and running this week :)

Those Tron Amplifiers do look rather special too though!

24-04-2017, 13:30
Just purchased a Tron Convergence MC phono stage

A damn fine choice sir, enjoy :thumbsup:

24-04-2017, 21:00
Thanks for your input and ideas everyone.

Decided to hold off for a while while i do a bit of research on this valve thing. My Orton Amp is still very much to my liking so in no hurry.

Meanwhile i've done a little upgrading of my front end. Just purchased a Tron Convergence MC phono stage and a Grado statement 2 Cartridge. Should have them up and running this week :)

Those Tron Amplifiers do look rather special too though!

very wise re the orton . take a lot of beating from what I hear

26-04-2017, 15:48
Stop press. I dropped into my local dealer to listen to a few versions of the Audio Note OTO today. Oh dear... ended up buying the Signature... amazing thing!

So I will be listing a few items for sale...

26-04-2017, 16:13
Dangerous things AN dealers;)

26-04-2017, 16:24
Not surprised, the OTO in standard guise is fabulous, not yet heard the OTO signature.
Good choice sir !

26-04-2017, 21:06
Agreed.. dangerous places for the wallet!

I could have easily lived with the standard OTO. If only i hadn't requested to listen to the Signature...

No way i'm ever going to ask to hear the high end stuff though! :stalks:

27-04-2017, 17:31
We need pictures or it hasn't happened.

27-04-2017, 18:51
Yeah, OK, so we all shout for what we know so with that in mind I'm shouting for Prima Luna because since 1997 I have used mainly valves and my current amps walk the bloody floor with all of my past ventures. I have a Prologue 3 preamp with phono stage and a Dialogue Premium power amp. These amplifiers are exceptionally well made with a sound to match the stunning quality. Yes, they cost a bit, so do others but these amplifiers are the best I have yet come across for the amount they cost. EL34 or KT88 powered the sound is the best I have yet heard. I do have to say though that in my system they definitely favour vinyl replay. In terms of build quality the pre weighs in at 9kg with the power being 30kg. You get what you pay for. There is no way these are flimsy tin boxes. If you are anywhere near me give me a shout and we'll listen with whisky. All the very best in your quest.

28-04-2017, 12:32
If those Prima Luna Amps sound as fabulous they look your'e onto a winner! Whisky and valve amps.. mmm. Bit of a Whisky fan here too. Just back from a distillery tour of Speyside!

Hey Paul... Funny. I know what you mean. Will post pics when it looks good! The amp is on my crappy old Hifi Stand and my local dealer (Hifi that is;-)) is coming around to tweak my setup (i.e sell me some expensive cables!). Will post a pic after that!

30-04-2017, 12:26
Messy Interim pic. Getting new equipment stand and cables. Sounding delicious already though.

30-04-2017, 12:37
nice wall.. what are the speakers? jbl? amp is a cracker

30-04-2017, 13:00
Cheers. Speakers are Audio Note ANJ-D.

Mut confess i'm already thinking how much better are the ANJ-Spe..?!. :eek:

30-04-2017, 13:01
Cheers. Speakers are Audio Note ANJ-D.

Mut confess i'm already thinking how much better are the ANJ-Spe..?!. :eek:

Lol. That was my second choice. A note.. look similar.. great speakers as are jbl

01-05-2017, 15:06
I owned one of the first Mystere integrated's to come out out the same stable as Prima Luna and it was a beautiful amp.