View Full Version : Hi from the Canadian West Coast

09-04-2017, 00:52
Good day,

My name is Daniel and I'm relatively new to this wonderful world named hifi. It all started with an impulsive purchase of the Realistic LAB-270 turntable at a salvation army store. Of course I didn't have any other audio components, making this turntable the very first! I'll be truthful to say that it was a strategic purchase to form an excellent excuse to start looking for the rest!

Fairly soon and without further research, I came home with an Onkyo TX-8020 receiver amplifier, a pair of Klipsch RP-160M speakers and ordered the Schiit Uber 2 DAC for my digital flac files. Initially unimpressed with the audio but there are things in this world of hifi that you have to know, which I didn't know. 1) Speakers need to be broken in gently. 2) Speaker placement can be essential, especially with regards to back ported speakers as are the RP-160's! Once these issues were taken care off, I have to say that it sounds pretty good. Perhaps a bit bright for my liking at times, but never shrill! Anyhow, I really can't complain this being my first setup and I'm looking forward to trying different components, whether it be an addition, subtraction or replacing component.

As for listening to records for the first time in my (older) life, I've discovered that we've actually started 'listening' to the music. I'm sure there are psychological reasons for that, but as for myself, I simply can't skip a song or worse yet, skip to a particular part of a song! And so I've started discovering more artists and songs, and then details in the songs that I never heard before and wow! The sound on this record is amazing and for that time especially! What record label is it? And before you know it, I'm 'talking shop' with a preference for records labels. :lol: Who would have known?

Ever since I've found myself interested in hifi components, the 'life-like' reproduction of audio thereof and music itself. Thought I'd join The Art of Sound and become a contributing member of it! May not be much at this point, but as experience grows for sure!

See you around.

09-04-2017, 01:27
Nice introduction Daniel. Welcome to the forum Hope u [emoji4] enjoy

09-04-2017, 06:33
Thanks struth!

09-04-2017, 09:10
Hello Daniel. Welcome to AOS.

We were all new to Hi-Fi at one time. It can be a long and complex learning curve, but worth it.

You need no expertise to be a contributor here. We appreciate any input and look forward to chatting with you..

Tell us what music you listen to and what future plans if any you may have for your system.

Enjoy the forum,

09-04-2017, 12:47
welcome , I use Canadian speakers and they are pretty good

Spectral Morn
10-04-2017, 10:25
Welcome to AoS Daniel.

10-04-2017, 18:38
Welcome to AoS Daniel,

Yes, just get 'stuck in' and talk about anything you like about music and the means on which to play it. We are interested in all our member's thoughts and opinions.

Enjoy the Forum

11-04-2017, 08:02
Is it true that everyone in West Canada smokes weed? Welcome to the forum either way! Sounds like you are well on your way to a serious affliction as a real Audiophile! I look forward to your contributions!


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