View Full Version : Hello

07-04-2017, 18:26
Hi - I have spent some time on other forums (fora?), and thought I'd try AoS for a bit of a change in tone - I have been spurred into action by the misbehaviour of my DAC setup - I can't decide whether to try and track down a decent example of the guilty component, or risk upsetting the sonic applecart by replacing it with something more recent/reliable...
My current system consists of:
JVC TT71 in DIY Cuban mahogany/bamboo plinth with carbon-fibre-bastard-son-of-Hadcock tonearm & Cartridge Man MMIII cart
Modwright modded Pioneer transport running into Modwright Perpetual Technologies P1a/P3a
Modwright LS100 pre with built phono stage
Sugden Musicmaster amp - tweaked by Sugden to increase standing current
Proac 1SCs
REL Strata V

My music taste covers covers a lot of ground : Krautrock, post rock, psychedelia, prog, jazz, rap, dance, folk, punk post punk etc etc - basically anything that isn't lieder, and probably not a great deal of Radio 2 daytime output.

08-04-2017, 08:21
Hello Macklow. Welcome to AOS.

If you are having 'digital difficulties', I'd suggest starting a thread in the Digital Expressions section and describing the problem. I'm sure you'll get plenty of response.

There's a whole lot going on here, so take a look around and feel free to join in. the members are friendly.

Enjoy the forum,

08-04-2017, 08:22
Hi and welcome.. hope you get your dac fixed

10-04-2017, 18:27
Welcome to AoS Macklow,

Yes, I hope you get your DAC sorted soon.

Enjoy the Forum