View Full Version : Hi everyone...greetings from Mistley

07-04-2017, 15:35
Hi all,
My name is Tony and I my current residence is Mistley on the Essex/Suffolk border. I've been in East Anglia for around 18 years now, with previous time in St Albans, Santa Cruz Ca, and my home turf in Wallasey.
The "Mightymonoped" name is an in-joke between me and my three kids after I lost my whole left leg (Hip Disarticulation) in a RTA on the M6 in Oct 2000. That kind of put paid to my main hobby up until that point, Shotokan Karate, but I have always had other interests such as Music and Astronomy.
I stress Music as the interest not HiFi, as I'm clinging to the view that if your system is worth more than your music collection, you may have lost the plot! :)
Call me a deviant but I don't tend to change equipment that often. I found a system I was comfortable with not long after I moved to Suffolk and it is only recent changes in circumstances which have me looking at stuff again (I have moved from a decent sized detached house to a smaller, albeit lovely apartment).
I started as a youth with a typical Dual CS505 turntable, NAD 3020 Amp and Acoustic Research speakers, this gradually morphed (via various bits and bobs) to a system that I was completely happy to listen to music on for many years..

Rega Planar 3 with RB300 and Goldring 1012GX
Audio Analogue Puccini SE (first model)
Audio Analogue Paganini CD Player
Triangle Zephyr XS speakers (bi-wired)

The only thing that has changed is the speakers. I found myself unwilling to part with the sound of the lovingly kept vintage Mordaunt Short MS400s I inherited from a family friend so I sold the Triangles when I moved to the apartment.

And that's what bring me here now..investigating improvements along this line..

My music tastes are, and always have been, pretty eclectic. Don't think I have any one genre I could single out but I know that I tend to be rhythmically driven. Here's a few things I've listened to recently...
Tom Misch, John Martyn, Laura Marling, Vulfpeck, Andy Shauf, Stevie Wonder, Kate Bush, Steve Mason, Nitin Sawhney, Willy Mason and Jamie Woon.

That's all for now! :)


07-04-2017, 17:41
Hi Tony. Good intro. Get stuck in and ask any questions you need to.

08-04-2017, 08:14
Hllo Tony. Welcome to AOS.

If you want to revive your Hi-Fi, you've come to the right place for opinions and advice. Our members have a huge breadth of experience.

I'd suggest starting a thread in the Blank Canvas area and outlining your ideas. I'm sure you'll get plenty of replies.

Enjoiy the forum,

08-04-2017, 08:25
Hi Tony. Welcome mate hope you enjoy the forum.

10-04-2017, 18:31
Welcome to AoS Tony,

I agree with your sentiment that one's music collection should be worth more than the system on which it is played. That is certainly true for me when it comes to CD, but I'm not sure about vinyl.

Anyway enjoy the forum