View Full Version : Car reg for Marco!

10-01-2010, 13:44
Tannoy Boy (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CHERISHED-NUMBER-PLATE-TAN-170Y-TANNOY-TANN-TANNY_W0QQitemZ270435317967QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_C herished_Numbers?hash=item3ef73378cf)

10-01-2010, 14:09
Phew, for a minute there I feared it might have been inspired by the shenanigans on the other threads and forums, something like KN08 EAD ;)

(Hopefully everyone (especially Marco!) will realise this is a joke, hopefully not too close to the bone - oi lurves ya really ;))

10-01-2010, 14:22
Hopefully everyone (especially Marco!) will realise this is a joke...

Hahahaahaha... God, yes, Alex. I might be many things but I'm not a touchy b*stard - love it! :lol:

Nice one, Steve - you don't need to go looking now for next year's Xmas present!!


10-01-2010, 14:26
He he!

Must admit, the seller is a bit optimistic with the price, I think...

My car reg ends "TDL" but it is after my Daughter's initials, not the speakers, though the coincidence wasn't lost on me at the time we named her! :lol:

10-01-2010, 14:54
Even if i had won million's on the lottery ' there is no way i would pay that sort of money for a plate:scratch:

10-01-2010, 14:55
Alex, your daughter is called Transducer Developments???:)

10-01-2010, 16:03
Alex, your daughter is called Transducer Developments???:)

Yep, we call her Duce for short. She's gonna hate me when she's 13, aint she?! ;)

10-01-2010, 16:09

The Grand Wazoo
10-01-2010, 16:29
Yep, we call her Duce for short.

You mean like.........Mussolini?

The Vinyl Adventure
10-01-2010, 17:01
A rather loaded freind of mine had a lexus once with number plate L3XUS he once told me lexus had offered him a sum of money that was three times what he had paid for the car! He kept it none the less...

10-01-2010, 17:03
Apparently Paul Daniels' reg number is MAG1C... :spew::spew:

The Vinyl Adventure
10-01-2010, 17:14
Yeah I think I have seen that on that wife swop tv program
i always wanted HAM15H when I was a little person, I used to draw it on the pictures of cars I drew... I wouldn't be so flashy these days mind!

Dave Cawley
10-01-2010, 18:22
A mate of mine called Nigel stuck it lucky with a product that I designed the VCXO for, he has the last Lamborghini Countach with the plate NIGEL ( N1 GEL)

And my wife Jill has " JIILL X " ( J11 LLX )

My scooter is 1707 TE The 1707 crops up almost as often as 42 and TE is Timestep Electronics.

I just love vanity................


10-01-2010, 18:40
I don't think it was Siralan (Lordalan now I suppose) who had a Roller with AUD10 on it, but it was someone with a huge ego and bank balance in the days of the Totty Ct Road...

10-01-2010, 19:23
I remember seeing one plate a few years ago, that had obviously been selected for how it worked in the rear-view. I wish I could remember what it was, because it was pretty clever, if a little un-memorable!

The Vinyl Adventure
10-01-2010, 20:23

10-01-2010, 20:31
Guy I knew had N1 APS -I thought it was to do with a now defunct camera system until I was told to read it backwards like in a mirror - he now lives there since he retired, I think.

11-01-2010, 10:29
One of the earliest examples of this sort of egotistic shit was Bob Danvers-Walker, a BBC announcer and news reader in the days when they spoke proper and read the news in formal evening wear, his # plate was RAD 10.

I think the plate Nick is struggling to remember is XE 51 LRO.;)

11-01-2010, 10:33
One of the earliest examples of this sort of egotistic shit was Bob Danvers-Walker, a BBC announcer and news reader in the days when they spoke proper and read the news in formal evening wear, his # plate was RAD 10.

I think the plate Nick is struggling to remember is XE 51 LRO.;)

Shouldn't that be XE 21 ARO ?


11-01-2010, 12:49
Third time lucky XE 51 ARO....(there's no 21 year #).:)

Rare Bird
17-01-2010, 11:36
I've found a plate but i'll probs get banned if i posted it


17-01-2010, 12:03

17-01-2010, 17:13
I've found a plate but i'll probs get banned if i posted it


Now, you don't want to do that on the first day of a new term!

Let me guess...



17-01-2010, 18:16

17-01-2010, 18:57
P155 OFF

17-01-2010, 20:50