View Full Version : Wanted: Arm, armboard + relevant bits from a Techie

30-03-2017, 00:40
I'm about to acquire my first Technics deck since I first hit the big time and bought my LP12 back around 1986! From Jerry, it's an SL-150 MkII with a rather tasty AT1010 arm on it.

Having made the commitment to buy, I find I'm now I'm pondering using this arm on it for another idler project (though very early days), so tentatively looking for another arm for it .. I'm assuming that the Techie 1200 arm would be a good match? Anyone got an arm assembly they are willing to part with? (I assume the armboard must be the same or similar).

The current armboard is an SME fitting so I guess other SME pattern arms will work nicely too.

There are Techie arms on ebay but they don't come with the stuff you need to use them like counterweights, bases and so on - what's that all about?!

EDIT: Further thought suggests this might be the moment to check out a high-compliance setup as I've been running only low compliance for years .. be interesting to check out some of the really cool high compliance cartridges out there that Ive avoided for a very long time. So any I'd look at featherweight arms as well. Looking not to spend too much as I suspect my lad who is getting into vinyl might possibly nab this deck off me at some stage.

30-03-2017, 05:35
The 1200 / 1210 arm assembly is not a straight swap since they are three hole mounting, screwed in from the underneath.
The 150 is a 4 hole, top mount.

If you want to go featherweight, I've got an SME iii that I'm not using. I'd prefer to swap it for an arm of equal value rather than sell though. It's the proper, full fat version, in good condition with original lead. I don't have the other weights that I think they came with but it's set up for normal MM cartridge mass.

30-03-2017, 08:56
Having great results with an AT1010 and a Lenco GL75 / PTP5 :)

Wakefield Turntables
30-03-2017, 09:07
You need to speak to speedy Steve at magma audio for any missing parts.