View Full Version : grandinote amplifiers

28-03-2017, 21:58
sometime ago i heard the integrated version of grandinote , the shinai with some heco direkt. the bass was extremely gripping . in fact with a track from interstellar the sofa was shaking with thunder from them . so the interest was stirred

well these solid state amplifiers are from Italy . this is from hifipigs review of the proemio /silva

"grandinote are based in Italy and headed up by Massimiliano Magri. The company use a technology they call Magnetosolid where solid state components are used in circuits more typical of valve amplifiers. Grandinote say this offers the advantages of both solid state and tube amplifiers. All the low signal stages in the amps are direct coupled without capacitors and every device has its own dedicated power supply. All their amplifiers run in Class A. "


so I have the pre amp [ there is a higher one , heaven knows what that sounds like !!!] which is the proemio which is around 7.5k playing into a msb class A amp . they fit like a glove .

the dislikes first , not too keen on the remote which compared to my rugged bel canto feels slightly unsubstantial . neither does it have theatre bypass which is good to have to integrate into an AV system . however its only 15 kg , built like a tank with beautiful finish and extremely easy to use . you can move swiftly from one input to another with the remote which goes up in increments and easy to control

connecting with a modest reference fidelity rca interconnect with the msb . the first thing I notice is my chair can feel the vibration from the music at pretty low volumes . I might just struggle to use this combo with those lovely Kudos titan 707 methinks !!! however the verity audio Rienzi just rock beautifully with controlled bass that is pretty delightful. the main thing that really strikes you is strings sound like they have been plucked by a gladiator ....they really ping..... . piano has a lovely timbre .

listening to a fantastic electrnic album from otarion called monument , the vocal harmonies are very compelling and cymbals and bells so realistic .

only had the proemio on for 3 nights but it sounds good from the off , highly recommended . I know a number have the integrated version with high sensitivity speakers and enjoy them with grandinote

29-03-2017, 19:14
Do you plan to get the Kudos 707 Phil?

30-03-2017, 09:20
ah crimson donkey feels they would be too big , but they certainly were captivating . the verity i have are smallish , high waf factor , sound amazing , do not have too much bass and can sound like wilsons or living voice !!! so no not at the moment

have you ever tried the grandinote ? most impressive i must say .

02-04-2017, 18:05
some pics*

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg160/phil125/P1040935_zpsqguzr6io.jpg (http://s247.photobucket.com/user/phil125/media/P1040935_zpsqguzr6io.jpg.html)

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg160/phil125/P1040936_zpskrjrcgrv.jpg (http://s247.photobucket.com/user/phil125/media/P1040936_zpskrjrcgrv.jpg.html)

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg160/phil125/P1040937_zpse3m9cfoy.jpg (http://s247.photobucket.com/user/phil125/media/P1040937_zpse3m9cfoy.jpg.html)

03-04-2017, 18:31
Nice to have a change from the norm in the styling front without being super blingy.

Looks classy and forceful.

Nice, I like it!

03-04-2017, 21:34
in a few days after playing the modwright I shall put it back in the system . glad you like it

03-04-2017, 22:09
No not heard Grandinote. First came across the name when Leonardo were using their stuff.

Leonardo is a silly expensive push pull Apogee like design of a speaker. Only curious about that speaker because of its philosophy. Instead of the magnets being on one side of the membrane/foil as per Apogee bass drivers, Leonardo puts them on both sides. I'm not sure if that's as good an idea as it sounds it might be.

04-04-2017, 11:49
Wait a minute, HOW muchhh!

It's not that nice lookin:D

04-04-2017, 17:41
its worth it though !!

05-04-2017, 18:56
Gotta be honest I think it looks totally vile.

No redeeming features at all.

I therefore surmise the sound must be ace or they'd never sell a unit!:D

05-04-2017, 19:49
Have been quite impressed by the Shinai and also Grandinotes RIAA who's name is totally lost at the moment!
They are expensive, the homepage is a disaster and the product line seems like the collected works from an mental institute but they sound absolutely marvellous!
I mean, how many 37W amplifiers can there be a need for in a line up? :)

06-04-2017, 08:41
brilliant mike , I have put the proemio back in system and certainly makes the speakers sound a bit like Wilson watt puppys , the grunt and drive is exceptional . playing the farm `altogether now ` this morning , deep purple `smoke on the water` and pinball wizard . it really is quite a beastie . extremely different from the modwright 9.0 which very sweet , textured and creamy smooth and also very enjoyable .

I just love to see how different designers can produce such different sounds from pre amps

07-04-2017, 18:18
Cheers Phil, agree about the powerful presentation. And the RIAAs name is Celio i believe?

07-04-2017, 19:32
ah got it . listening to the grandi now and its pretty real sounding.

27-04-2017, 19:17
so far I have had 3 tom evans vibes , about 6 music first pre amps including the mfa baby ref , bel cant pre 3, vbs and non vbs models , and a few more I can`t remember . I have had the grandinote proemio in the system for a few weeks now and sadly it has to go back very soon so is available to demo . I would be extremely interested if any one tries it against a vitus pre or boulder or krell or any other pre in that league .

certainly it has that je ne se quoi that some ss amps lack , occasionally I have found them slightly clinical . the proemio has texture , is very addictive . last night I was up high in the symphony hall listening to chopin no 1 in a very good concert . it was a bit too far away for me and I actually found myself thinking I wish I was at home listening to the piano on this pre . the attack of the notes is rather good and sounds just like a piano should

I hope to compare the eminently excellent modwright valve dm pre against this proemio next week . it is most certainly on a par from memory though

10-05-2017, 12:17
so the proemio went back and what a pre amp it is . my word its a cracker . if any of you are at munich this year , get in touch with max to hear his system playing . he is playing the high end genesi with demone power amps , the latter seem to be rather good by all accounts

anyway so we have a grandinote shinai in situ at the moment , integrated and that's extremely good as well

been playing a lot for past few days . its pretty good I must say . I am most impressed with the separation of instruments . I am playing supertramp retrospective currently . sometimes I find this album slightly forward with some kit but not with this integrated. just very enjoyable and not a hint of fatigue .

beautifully made but very heavy . on another forum stateside they have called it pig ugly !! but I don`t think they are bad looking !!!

anyway this will soon be off to to another audiophile hopefully for demo . will post more thoughts

the supertramp track `rudy` is so good and has a train announcer giving all the stations . they are clear as a bell ....in fact clearer . the resolution is superb without any brightness or sense of clinical sound .

next week I hope to hear the co-founder of supertramp live at symphony hall so maybe have a chance to compare !


13-05-2017, 12:51
so the shinai has gone to another audiophile to enjoy for a few days . as an integrated it is beautiful sounding . compared briefly to a valve integrated from japan . it compared very very well . tremendous separation and organic sound from the shinai . certainly could replace many pre power systems with ease and sound better with less cables .

so if you are looking for an integrated amp this one is definitely one to compare .

now my modwright is back in situ ,its got lovely texture and timbre and pretty addictive to listen to . it has very tight bass
its different to the proemio . the latter definitely has more subterranean bass which means you might have to be just a bit more careful with your room and speakers . however the DM continues to delight with its delicacy and beautiful shimmering sound with bells and cymbals .

I am so grateful to jack at BD audio in Malvern for letting me hear the proemio and the shinai .


30-05-2017, 11:53
video of max`s new mach 4 speakers with the shinai i had here recently . i rather like it .


30-05-2017, 12:03
Very nice indeed :)