View Full Version : Hello from Leicester

16-03-2017, 13:37
Hi guys,

Life long music lover here and as I'm getting a little older (36), I'm beginning to appreciate a wider variety of music compared to my teenage years.

I grew up with a lot of electronic 'music' which I rarely listen to now. I'm now more in to Metal, Acoustic, Jazz, Blues/Blues-Rock, 70s/80s/90s pop. A bit of everything really.

I've had quite a few different set ups over the last 15 years but I currently have:

Naim Nait 5si (New 2 weeks ago), replaced Marantz PM6004
Atlas Equator III I/C
Marantz CD6004, which is going very soon.
Focal Aria 906 speakers with kelvin Audio K19 cable on Atacama Moseco 7 stands.
Chord Mojo Dac, which I'm not getting on with (too bright/forward).

Just purchased the Caiman SEG , which should hopefully match my system better.

I'm struggling with digital music at the moment and have been tinkering with Raspberry Pi, laptops etc. None of which have convinced me to give up on the CD format yet! Overall I'm after a slightly warmer sound.

Imminent purchases:

Rega Apollo-R CD player - maybe just as a transport, not decided yet.
Rega RP3 TT
Pro-Ject valve phono stage.

Look forward to picking your brains and helping out where I can.

Thanks guys.


16-03-2017, 14:10
Hi Kev, welcome to AOS. Start a thread on your wants... Both the Rega's are good, but like others on here, not that keen on the project, you can get better. Enjoy the forum.

16-03-2017, 14:17
Thanks Pal. Will have a look at alternatives. That's what it's all about, looking for opinions and guidance to avoid making costly mistakes, like I did with the Chord Mojo.


17-03-2017, 10:51
Hello Kev. Welcome to AOS.

I think many struggle with music streaming. If you look through the Digital Expressions section, you'll see what members have been trying. Some are very happy.

Nothing wrong with CD and vinyl as sources though. They are both very popular. A Rega player is a decent choice in either format.

Feel free to join in and chat with folk here, they're friendly.

Enjoy the forum,

17-03-2017, 13:33
Hi Kev, welcome to AoS

Some good kit there, you have a much better system than I did when I was 36!

I don't think you made a mistake with the Chord DAC but that is for another thread.

Spectral Morn
17-03-2017, 15:19
Welcome to AoS

17-03-2017, 15:39
welcome to AOS

18-03-2017, 15:58
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys.

18-03-2017, 17:39
Welcome Kev, always good to get more folks from Leicester.

22-03-2017, 21:12
Welcome to AoS Kev,

Enjoy the Forum