View Full Version : What should I change in my system

14-03-2017, 21:44
My system is as per my signature but what do you reckon I should upgrade next in my set up, if a power conditioner, nas, speaker isolation etc.

I'm not really interested in a record deck as I do tidal, ripped music on a nas, and CDs.

15-03-2017, 08:28
The answer should be quite simple

Only upgrade the item you know to be deficient in some way, and accept that changing that one item might show other deficiencies in your system you where unaware of now.

If everything sounds fine now why change

Your wallet will regret it.

15-03-2017, 08:35
I'm not familiar with any of the gear you are using so hard to say. Can you pick out one thing the system doesn't do, or does badly, that you have heard other set ups do well? If you can't then what you have is probably good enough for your needs. A happy place to be.

15-03-2017, 09:15
I think your turntable could do with an upgrade....:)

15-03-2017, 09:35
Aggreed that is a rubbish one he has at the moment and possibly worse than nothing ;)

15-03-2017, 12:15
You are all right , but I don't intent to 'spin me right round, baby, right round, like a record baby, right round.......'. Sorry maybe not very funny. LOL.

I like the idea of an Isotek Aquarius as Ive heard it at Bristol in a demo, a good upgrade. Also people raving about the Townshend isolation platforms, or maybe a better NAS which Ive heard can improve things eg Melco.

I sometimes get slightly harsh high frequencies with digital content, especially with the cyrus detail, but I think this so much depends on the recording. So I could tone this down with a different speaker cable choice, but I am afraid this will make those decent recordings lack any treble, so that's not a move to make.

But maybe 'spinning right round baby' is a good way to not ever get this as Ive heard a record in the right system is ever so smooth. I might make the jump but with records I cant help but thinking it would, in my system, be mostly for asthetic purposes, since content on records is a fraction of CD, streaming and downloads.