View Full Version : Good morning

14-03-2017, 00:52
I'm interested in sound. Some of my favourite sounds are music.
The only good system is one true to a recording. However, being sometimes wrong-headed, I sometimes like bad systems.
I wish I understood why vinyl taken from digital masters appears more appealing than the digital masters. However, I'll have no truck with such patently fallacious witchcraft and exclusively pursue truth in digital sources.
I'm continually surprised by how impractical it is to deliver 'just' noughts and ones.
I don't like switches and connectors.
I like batteries.
I believe in room treatment, not EQ.
I believe a perfunctory speaker in the right spot is better than a exotic one misplaced.
I believe there are no good, small, passive speakers.
I believe in avoiding problems, not solving them.
I abide by the motto: “If it ain't broke, break it.”
I'm a bad salesman but a good listener.
I have an unerring knack for failing to capitalise on the next big thing on the grounds that I would never buy it because it is stupid and pointless and will never catch on.
One day I will learn to brilliantly counter-deploy this instinct to invest in overpriced, trendy rubbish in lieu of fundamentally sound, inexpensive and useful things no-one wants.

14-03-2017, 06:50
I can agree with much of that. Record players have been around for more than 100 years, surely more is known about how to build one than something that was invented just 30 years ago? Digital was invented to solve many of the problems associated with analog sound, but in doing so they created twice and many new problems. It seemed that home theater was destined to sink stereo forever, but just as vinyl has made a comeback, it would seem that stereo has also, if it ever went anywhere. I've only got two ears, and movie soundtracks are not my favorite source of music. And I'm so glad I didn't spend a fortune on a 3D television, they went nearly as fast as they came.

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14-03-2017, 07:21
Good morning Hubsand, welcome to AOS, the mods will ask for a location, and name ( maybe Hubsand is your name). Enjoy the forum.

14-03-2017, 09:33
the mods will ask for a location, and name ( maybe Hubsand is your name). Enjoy the forum.

Yes. This is required please. Just amend your profile so we have a name to call you and give us a region or town. Thanks.

Anyway, welcome to AOS.

Tell us what music you listen to and what equipment you have in your Hi-Fi system.

You'll find a great deal going on here, so feel free to get involved and chat with members.

Enjoy the forum,

14-03-2017, 09:51
I can agree with much of that. Record players have been around for more than 100 years, surely more is known about how to build one than something that was invented just 30 years ago? Digital was invented to solve many of the problems associated with analog sound, but in doing so they created twice and many new problems. It seemed that home theater was destined to sink stereo forever, but just as vinyl has made a comeback, it would seem that stereo has also, if it ever went anywhere. I've only got two ears, and movie soundtracks are not my favorite source of music. And I'm so glad I didn't spend a fortune on a 3D television, they went nearly as fast as they came.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Ah! I remember 3D . . . wasn't that (very briefly) popular back in the day?

Spot on re: digital. As an asynchronous transcription and storage medium, digital's problems are trivial. The unexpected difficulty lies in real-time facsimile re-creation of the data. There is, at last, a welcome mainstream trend emphasising the 'analogness' of digital sources: the two greatest problems here seem to be DACs with miserably inadequate line-driving stages and transports with miserably inadequate design re: power regulation, grounding and broadband jitter that screw things up irreparably at the outset.

Top-flight, properly dramatic digital audio systems are fragile ickle flowers: to thrive, they need a really hygienic environment, forensic handling of the signal path, and preferably very high efficiency speakers driven by pure, lightweight amplification and multiple active LF.

14-03-2017, 18:20
Ah! I remember 3D . . . wasn't that (very briefly) popular back in the day?

Spot on re: digital. As an asynchronous transcription and storage medium, digital's problems are trivial. The unexpected difficulty lies in real-time facsimile re-creation of the data. There is, at last, a welcome mainstream trend emphasising the 'analogness' of digital sources: the two greatest problems here seem to be DACs with miserably inadequate line-driving stages and transports with miserably inadequate design re: power regulation, grounding and broadband jitter that screw things up irreparably at the outset.

Top-flight, properly dramatic digital audio systems are fragile ickle flowers: to thrive, they need a really hygienic environment, forensic handling of the signal path, and preferably very high efficiency speakers driven by pure, lightweight amplification and multiple active LF.

I always wondered why issues with CD playback were suffered when it could have been so easy to put digital music on memory cards, like an SD card. Now days, SD cards are fairly inexpensive to make, especially a write once card just big enough to hold one album. No moving parts, buffer it into your DAC and reduce jitter. But streaming has killed all mediums except vinyl. Or, will before long.

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22-03-2017, 21:37
Welcome to AoS Mark,

Interesting introduction and credentials you have presented; some of which I agree.

What are your tastes in music?

Enjoy the Forum