View Full Version : Schitt Freya and Saga preamps...anyone heard em?

12-03-2017, 18:17
Write up on the Schitt Saga in this months HFW...
64 step switched attenuator resistor ladder with switchable straight through/ buffered valve output....three hundred odd dollars.

The Freya is double the price but has a 128 position switch, choice of straight through, or valve or J-Fet buffering, balanced operation.

On paper these should be game changers...anyone heard em? They have a power amp about to be released too...

13-03-2017, 13:16
I have the Freya Pre. If you look in AOS Gallery under Dauntless Bibs and Bobs you will see photo's of the unit. My unit is definitely a keeper and works best in my set up with the active valve stage engaged. This unit gives you a passive and an active output in one unit switching by remote control. Mark at Schiit Europe normally has demo models for potential customers to try at home.