View Full Version : Manticore Mantra belt drive turntable, 1985/6 vintage, Rosewood finish, Rega 300 arm

08-03-2017, 20:43
Manticore Mantra belt drive turntable, 1985/6 vintage, Rosewood finish, Rega 300 arm, AT120E cartridge. C/W lid (non original). Often described as the "poor man's Linn Sondek"

Uses a heavy glass platter with the original black felt mat - this is a really fine, stable piece of kit. Rewired to have stereo phono sockets on rear panel. Exceptionally low noise system. Dynamically as good as any TT I've ever used ! I'll also include a homemade platter weight (300 gms) with strobe and some Litz wire and silver ends for upgrading (I never got round to it).

Located NN3 Northampton UK. You are welcome to bring your own vinyl and test on my system.

Looking for £300 or swap for Ham Radio HF kit. Postage to UK with full insurance is £25, to USA is going to be £70 !

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16299964_10209729097556783_818350698666795107_o.jp g?oh=0f05e0e82ed5bfab4783595552319fb4&oe=59679993

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16422841_10209729096036745_584567109031999747_o.jp g?oh=c33ca57e7032314140f1a23445522922&oe=592F6E16

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16463658_10209729096516757_3122945916438210902_o.j pg?oh=3b858c185348e8cb24115a404f10e9d5&oe=5934BE25

08-03-2017, 20:49
Nice TT's these, and it's the better MK1 version too (ballbearing sub platter).

14-03-2017, 19:16
sold :)