View Full Version : Line level input impedance of a Dynavector L200 preamp

Robert Onion
05-03-2017, 06:46

A friend of mine wants to try an external phono stage with his L200 preamp, which is a later mk1 with remote control.

However, the output impedance of his new phono stage is 1000ohm, which seems on the high side to me.....so, we are looking to find out what the input impedance of the line level inputs of the L200 preamp are ?

Does anyone know because we can't find that information anywhere.....?!

Many thanks

06-03-2017, 09:46
1k output impedance isn't excessive and as long as the input impedance of the Dynavector is 10k or more it should be fine. I would be very surprised if the Dynavector's input impedance isn't at least 10k.

Robert Onion
08-03-2017, 06:59

Found out from the designer that it is 30 kOhms, so should be ok!

08-03-2017, 13:10
Excellent :thumbsup: