View Full Version : WANTED: Budget turntable

28-02-2017, 21:08
Hi all,

It's been about 4 years since I last logged on here. LONG time lurker! :lol:

I am looking for a turntable under £100. Ideally something to use both as a component within my HiFi set up but also to record my collection to WAV/FLAC. I have some very rare items that I wish to play and enjoy but also digitise so I am not after the most cheap and cheerful method to achieve my goal as such, but at the same time my budget is very limited so I would like to get the best possible bang for buck.

Unfortunately I am unable to collect or meet in person, unless you are in N. Ireland. I'm happy to arrange all courier collection/delivery though to take the hassle off of yourself so long as you pack the turntable really well (which I'm sure folks here will! :)).

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have for me.

01-03-2017, 08:41
I am selling a Pioneer PL-990 for a friend if you are interested.

Looking for £80.

It's piss easy to use, no faff, lovely red strobe light, full metal platter, belt drive, and (unusually) has a built in a preamp so you plug it directly into your line in (not your phono) of your amplifier. Comes complete with manual.

https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2619/33047105121_e4c5cb38bd_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Smg41v)

https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2871/33018151862_99f8937e01_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/SiGEdo)

01-03-2017, 10:21
Thanks a lot for the offer on this. I was considering one before but ended up going for an AT-LP60, which I've had to send back as it wasn't packed properly and the platter buggered the tone arm force weight during shipping. That aside, I think I'd prefer a turntable where I can adjust the tonearm myself. Thank you again though for the offer. :)

01-03-2017, 11:10
How about a Yamaha YP400 for £90?



01-03-2017, 11:13
Thanks a lot for the offer on this. I was considering one before but ended up going for an AT-LP60, which I've had to send back as it wasn't packed properly and the platter buggered the tone arm force weight during shipping. That aside, I think I'd prefer a turntable where I can adjust the tonearm myself. Thank you again though for the offer. :)

No problem - I know this site is more of a 'tweakers' site - believe it or not this is a proper turntable, which of course is oh so simple - but where's the fun in that :)

01-03-2017, 11:14
Sorry wrong place!

martian sunrise
01-03-2017, 11:21
i have a project elemental you can have for £100 - boxed, etc...

01-03-2017, 12:40
Cheers all for the replies. Nothing really 'doing it' for me at the moment, but I much appreciate the offers from everyone. Heard Pro-Ject are a good entry level job, though I'd more be looking for an Essential perhaps than the Elemental.

Don't know anything at all about that Yamaha turntable. What's the story with that one?

Audio Al
01-03-2017, 13:54

01-03-2017, 14:24

Thanks a lot for this. Looks like a nice turntable but not for my requirments in this instance.

01-03-2017, 15:54
I had a Sonab 85S which I think is just a re-badged version of this Yamaha. It was a nicely engineered and decent sounding deck. The whole top plate was cast metal on that but I don't know if the YP-400 is the same.

02-03-2017, 17:01
I have a brand new boxed house of marley turntable, nice looking deck with AT cart, two speed, switchable phono and usb £120 inc delivery

03-03-2017, 08:05
Thanks all, sorted now. Picked up a Pro-ject Essential 1 off of AV Forums UK.

Now to hunt down a rubber or cork slipmat and the SE upgrade kit and that should be me sorted!

Thank you everyone for your offers and help.