View Full Version : Bristol H-Fi Show 2017 Pics and BS

26-02-2017, 16:46
Wait for it...;) Won't be long...

26-02-2017, 16:47

26-02-2017, 16:54
Yesss... Justy's usual awesome quality pics and vids - can't wait! :yay:


26-02-2017, 17:02
I liked this Stereo 50 ifi Retro All In One Vacuum Tube Amp and matching LS3.5 compressed bamboo speakers.

https://vzqcha-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mt_psnBh4kWQRsT4qRpZs-oSG-IerIZDb3BtM_rnihQX7E6nemDw3Q0gmz_aFtzHVPgY_PE2U1jD 7tDJA9wBdj9nVnkeQEXhZYN1XjfdA4xRSon6ThjwPiNiivHdnx _IlynT-nUj4lS4rNRx7CaW5GJM4HKyj6FhwBoOYU5ehwcg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmttyw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mSf5sUJnsCEfoIrZnIEjP8uGhiiunma60CPl70H0XVnpvTKZ 0Lg5QFEcpc-Y8JueoP6e1ZpEF-iYMVFZ_E9UVQVr5AHyaGH187zaBuhJtXZT8Bl5BDCzsmZ9hxmS 3AmV9hkvOQdakkjHyjwfUX0vstRCeX7AH6Eyea6HbX03ddCA?w idth=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmskwq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mYUZ_gRlGp_eXAET9xakB2zDXxsl5Xt5FayLV-aLzS6xCxndtlI1K-584U7dq5yBddf5lio2RNvcOAYf5Xm0KPer6hhw7shWNCl8w2v1 SC3NYe31BfYH7LgXM1w7RjgV0piysoK5ZWxnCwLmK9U5GgYOPL 1lknufw2KRDhjgxupk?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

No idea of price. Couldn't cop a listen to the speakers, but had ago on some planar magnetic headphones.

It does a lot - aptX Bluetooth, high res USB coax/PCM/DSD/DXD, 3D bass, 25 Watt/ channel tube amp, MM/MC preamp.

The LS3.5 is a modern take on the LS3/5a according to the blurb.

The headphone listening wasn't that promising I have to say but I was unfamiliar with the source and headphones. It might be alright in practise.

Very nice looking in the flesh.

26-02-2017, 17:05
did you take any of those georgeous kudos 707 ? now they WERE something

26-02-2017, 17:06
Looks pretty.. its about $1500

26-02-2017, 17:08
ah you mean the retro :) the kudos is 13700

26-02-2017, 17:16
Always liked the idea of a pair of these Pioneer Exclusive 2402.


Or even the Rey Audio RM-11BC.


So I was quite shocked to see these in the Icon Audio room

https://aeitaw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mMeDrD6isP3NAPJcSVtj897c43QlZCxeMiEzwMB8RRWrkmrC woa5OaV6ZAW9ecFLL55AKDOZ69LFkRJ885eG02rfivoCXWj4qr OxPqULJQu_v3abLie7-YADgUmzzCEBYLHfo2zBJugSSfa4Mspfi5bjMl6c7SypGSZfMG6 5LvAw?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

£10K so I was told. Obviously not in Rey or Pioneer Kenrick audio "pimp my speakers" quality. They sounded peasant enough, though I didn't get any hint of the sort of sound coming from the Kenrick videos played back on a decent system.

Interesting. I asked if they were a Pioneer copy and the man said no. He said they assemble their own drive units. But what that really meant is they buy in the bits to make them. He also said they were TDL inspired. How so? I thought. Any ideas anyone?

Another thing I liked was the TJ rectifier. The pic unfortunately is shite, but in the flesh they look fantastic. Been meaning to buy a pair and I think I will now. Shallow I know but the standard TJ 274B is pretty good, so I am sure the sonics of this elongated version will be fine too.

https://a7cdsa-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mWVf1RTyH1iXYZivxdWDEFeIVwj26vHmai_ACBrInTgth_8u jKvEJQTzG0YtDkvhZkSfdESQCUAw64KeXri6LvbEw5XeZqxGB-m84nh2QndSxqpvnCstyMSoQbnS-K_0DsAD0LOKalGaOh9MnRXfWJ_c3mNCbrveAlbOGU64Crps?wi dth=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 17:32
Yesss... Justy's usual awesome quality pics and vids - can't wait! :yay:


Got pics but no vids. I am fed up with receiving messages from YouTube saying my video has been banned due to copyright restrictions from various multi-nationals. Loads of them have been blocked.

26-02-2017, 17:36
did you take any of those georgeous kudos 707 ? now they WERE something

Yeah... but do you remember a while back they had some even better ones... the Titan 808 (http://kudosaudio.com/titan808/)? Now they really were good. I could live with a pair easily, I really could.

https://kxkd1w-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mLz3ywgcSI5d0nrjHDkRCKHGhLkja9Ns1VxamdgIdVJX6Taz MQgha0lG0GfOgGQkmqkFlnHjBkvl5KrkPOIkcntnLZ264QkXhn zxl-G3Svp-Jxb8tonbDUxGWMii5dCmYjAEUWUrmsZzvsfavB2bQj0eGDZUfv X98f49gwb1NiTo?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://kxlmeq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mqfdIgtIjZ6Tj0ZlIrYg8YC1rdGLQdbqHn73v2pqDs6FiaFS bITf-pTi0v3vzLwJ5bpxVGLhgYr5TjWd1Fn3M4C9R_2V9UP17uj2HhK oINCceee6I8wNgWVoP3S9Av8YeS6DjVjAQDX5yfrz6gL0n1Wn0 mXZ78MO2Pd4T9yPqmZA?width=900&height=1600&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 17:44
This was quite good. The MFA room using a Nagra, playing some stuff recorded off iTunes, through some Graham speakers. Very pleasant when I was in there. Smooth, refined sound possibly lacking in res, but if a relaxing, nice listen is what your after this'd fit that bill.

https://ivbiqq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mNQrn9MeDqy-YAhSCxlnY9yiMPaX1htujLGYpJKXU1AbWzVMDyhRIgDeasqbVO D8prxDQs8_eLV-emS8383R_pCLygZ2CXaHepTXnkA9Q2I1YRJ3vatArOBq11twur rr5jLlljGvop2XNh1RPeyzPqn4vYAXo0Mv4N2hM7LtdhEo?wid th=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://ivazbw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mE8P7w1jwn0oWCEFopEnl_hzSGJZyK0sc3NNNvfJFhPuHbv-PnItQTHPVCvzzjhZyPhzwLQUSjR9BPyuFr2iSOMQPa1furslYl Cc95-5lD2QAL5o5ILo-7f1SFmV_NEZGcTOV6Bv_LpAefwUuEkWtHCOqxCKXMHJaNT_LUu Dx7Ks?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://ivyykw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mpPAuDKb1pFkF9lCxQpayHFv4bawzQ4GBUt5O0865tFw9rVg c5HtEWl_TBhSKv2HYkUItkoPgo8eqDp4QqC3ctX0TIJO0liyqk DPRiPj0ldQZiSnHYYiVe8mdjMteOrR34YtZqFU7oQ80sTcwpea ahbvQHgmatVv3sCvctiw6xSo?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://aejcpq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mkkM1ySgZGnPqQ84_qnKhPHKh8HQlSWimyXF22ZuddVxYTFc lM4iIdBRXW5Dr48hWgPFpPFgeuejyuLD2-yuHVgvIIdqLDvjQA8oSBfutOw0x1e3QbPEKYU8Az3eOFZ60JJI XZhhWQpWR-I3RmRjXr1imMK4gkZM8AeHW0IaxCZ0?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://ael3gq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mjDGN9SaB5bDpzh2Kh1Rn0LcKUIgbcL7RCsVk6xX9TVfFk7E 8ceIZBqoJ3wsTeWDMAC62-tg8cxp4mbiPBDRM4QXKMROwPhUCTMfkhqu7SQuwrDWlDCP62TH BSQZn9oxx3H0c4OwVUbv3Nl_zYl4FJRfC3BBUsizcShN0NwMZI Ls?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 17:51
Kef and MF. Decided the latest MF kit looks smart. Me likey. The sound was good too, as the Kefs are none too bad.

https://kj2jyg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mAOWDX9RW3M4KkG4Q6tYUK67gtMPv9_tCRKuv7aAhetRtpRH bnApKcCJSOZmSFbvx2tDozbWr6vrYh6JVUCNNiIvRpOCQ6PrW5 0mh4viU3WjOMGLOE60v4x7-aUbspnjpVOLAwEfCPVjO8nKsfnRw5ZZANlLKqJzf6MFbJ28BJQ M?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://kj24ba-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mz1Fl-tUuqGkLk6a0NdVZR303GmOD6c0tbVb2BOqs6mpEBEE1Tbdmxpt PAbj7jkkiegKRJ6Il5EYUmtEeQVLNW9U13O7ALEOQ8tBUM3e9C HNZY5HUcLBp_Yu2eu5SxV1aaWQbHt9NrUSkIG8owL-kJCVioRNj-SPxZEiAukD4Qxw?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

It is the CDP that takes it - it looks GREAT I think. But after having been bitten on their Tri-Vista player's irreplaceable transport a while back, they'll never have any more of my money. Ever. Again.

https://kj3u7q-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mNx83LKJnlfBUciPAcTD-u-pFGakmJpq6ABUbo0aljMOdlPCTyDglFl0srZIcbM_KhhlnnZXk jDYpqCYc8FvQhVr2BJe4US9Rjgi7ZeYwXH-xTwGm6JZMaXUTJXS2PMMhJU8AC4I6w0Pv-hRlincOH0Q5lqzvh_liEs0wv-YdmVQ?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 18:08
Serious REL sub. Out of action. Had to fight through the people then ask for movement to get a pic - so there was a lot of interest in here.

Below it, a lesser REL but I have heard it before and it is very good. Way, way better than the older downward firing stuff I think. If I get any posts saying bass isn't directional and firing into the floor is fine, I'm not listening:D;)

https://kj31na-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mrwvk2w9oYgfrKIbmCqNz_pt21yBP8Y6r9k-NzkElb9kmRfWJSB_2OFEirMfdXScBE8q2Gzjj9Ih5r5qjK_3vH ki6mOJ9EYkw_dU9fjCKK0RpEAzbaHD5gvWwze3evhGFiMBKgkk T3mWaqU2IUx7ODqdOq6Rtr0Lk9cItJxPdEu8?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://kj0k1w-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m-cd8ce_mF8IP3ya_1RwM185ooTNw-Bsd7z-PVbh6M-EmtbMg9shnT8u5tFPfEKSP3ihxZgUDF56SnkS937ayMaRiv3Uh W9OcjSZn_ISx1pmusluDcjlld8Lf35_-FBNU_cOPCn5TJh2S-Shs4KGOAnjb8vxz0p8yFNQbbmmYN3U?width=900&height=1600&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 18:11
Digital cartridge fiddling...

https://jmu8nq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mkrT5gD2-_yD0tm2wZpXerYPIxDeUplg3IlDCesP6D_lLeQkHFgfjjfOs0X ZiA4TOFDF4pdxfcrpMtrEqnJy0HjdZfmZZBiDYTIIQmrfxGtE6 LUEX7IyKnGuXvk1tM1MyFSCpWght36xNjirvc7V_KwE3s6Rr5G cUzD-R2hWI4xE?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmugta-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mAGFL5LQzKSz7DYnNp0sJCg0s1Qf6eXGUn6x5uBafPGODsLI u75UhaWpzk0EJ7gihWob7S55CWYh9rXBIk6cwy6Fct9SgYyoI5 n4lx1eN4L44-R89BqEWkdkrjN0rqWIutAvAtKOtkyJMY7ZagkEys5MKc8qW4a5 ZXp0Pdc4xPtQ?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 18:17
Seemingly stupidly good for the money. Freakin' tiny, but excellent playing Leftfield. Almost beggared belief. I spoke to the designer - -6DB at 53Hz and no deliberate bass emphasis higher up. I was impressed. Two Hi-Fi Piggy reps were in there, one agreeing with me, the other one smiling.

£699. Orphidian (www.orphidian.co.uk) Minimo. Of course they could be rubbish playing something else, I thought, so I walked back in later. Still really good.

Genuinely surprising things.

https://7ugfkg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mwZNH46KHUhhHlP3y8f7d3pmRllckWOnsiBRAD5Bc5VHuqrO xHInQYlq63I1Tnk6xfoVYbPdMT2CuI4L-bEkD8Dc1MBtJYveEefLLgbRFUq-MMO8LnGNTO1vXYLJEcdFZaWi4JcHNuXjrKHnx8Dyh5GESGaxW_ L0At44o89wkOb4?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://7uhvew-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m-2q9s3TBa76JKIVkSHS1YwGZdJQdYF4FXc1AbTDyryPQdwkvV_9 1HCNWrbtkwcwkFWJ2MuCEq3nuPKjmXH9g2Ku_xL726dsyVGwne 4WiMfYac6EKSC4buupDiHi313dMLOz32IVJYZjfoQoHjMDG21i TFyzvGCGtZErN1tZxQHg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 18:39
Accuphase meterage. Those with power meter afflictions please avoid, or take Martin's (Macca) course of power meter appreciation therapy.

Unsure what the speakers were but since I thought the amp sounded really quite Accuphase like, I reckon they were perhaps a bit better than they looked. Nothing to write home about, but OK, I reckon.

https://7ueehg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mCD2OH5HCUUKovzg59asv2Oe3BBydbgLklg99PrZwCl0f6OF U5IH_7CmTrJddfJeuXFW82Yqzd_H1hoYXns_zLuOXDp8zCGxQ4 ysQzFWXJDL50VX9KlLR3USpvjbqA-sCOz3CM1Qn-dp--ghayn3HcdNR9R22Azi3xEZWC0I13AI?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://7ufpqq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3myJNfxAcuOrs4Vb_q1LtJeXRvMmdoZLrIckwlcDIFQuRQ5ET 4aMctAflE8GldBy023ZZJXRwDUXI3GaET6zyw78pHLi095xYbM YJcgkN7b5SDjoCE7zpWi80WlNja7oFqj_V3F8A5Ccctv21HexK FhIMnZ1uIwjdFsrfHj_mJc6Y?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://7uhona-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m14Br3NC_JN_I2xdiAInxdVyQTybqlJVSZsISQNe-yHqMLckd9VTNlTxxs3kc7S1vgYzWRs6FnJQPY5zx647JZyYiqz ez_kTfR1vzt9_jrQSvDallkpmCYRpNFMWTn0g9gF2qJ8c6n1gC 2PLVs3Ont7D5zVo3mkAWx_o0ktWyscM?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 18:44
For me, year on year on year on year, the WB stuff always sounds really disappointing. There's a tonne of money here with the CH Precision kit. But it always sounds average in here, no matter what WB speakers are playing. I think the room must be cursed.

I've heard CH Precision gear sound good in Germany with other speakers. I'm pretty sure WB just don't make speakers, at any level, that I have any empathy with at all. You may think differently.

https://vz9n2a-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3my-xna6465bNUUy7KQqDmywJqxvCgRyrk3SnXP34B0QXDQfeuwPbS 2oJLtZCOPSuxJfujSZEt1E37yiXilraFQtZtKIntUrPMuDrkJA Zvr5vTHlku2KuY0PDrdw0Z44QD79Sl0XqbqNDrbmZa0YRpGZl2 wDfPHW4l0qFI2ZzWk6w?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://7ugysw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mq9JIIzPmH1VcMtU8pXTx0lUlE-D_-cm9gemL6521LezSi2GR1WofIsuuD7Zkt-rg2BmDI4fTUR6UWtFOdPXHPl-2wcu6bJ0gql4pJOzM01YkvkIc9dvCGXMkN4PHtazvyzbizDe0J 35jU8N0EzSTJbUqyWYHcBUqsiXcnpkmMpg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 18:59
fab ...keep it coming :)

26-02-2017, 19:04
fab ...keep it coming :)
Later on things to do...

26-02-2017, 19:13
The Nagra is slick. I've been hunting for a complete one for a long time.

26-02-2017, 19:44
Any pics of the Michell room, Justin?


26-02-2017, 19:51
This was quite good. The MFA room using a Nagra, playing some stuff recorded off iTunes, through some Graham speakers. Very pleasant when I was in there. Smooth, refined sound possibly lacking in res, but if a relaxing, nice listen is what your after this'd fit that bill.

https://ivbiqq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mNQrn9MeDqy-YAhSCxlnY9yiMPaX1htujLGYpJKXU1AbWzVMDyhRIgDeasqbVO D8prxDQs8_eLV-emS8383R_pCLygZ2CXaHepTXnkA9Q2I1YRJ3vatArOBq11twur rr5jLlljGvop2XNh1RPeyzPqn4vYAXo0Mv4N2hM7LtdhEo?wid th=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://ivazbw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mE8P7w1jwn0oWCEFopEnl_hzSGJZyK0sc3NNNvfJFhPuHbv-PnItQTHPVCvzzjhZyPhzwLQUSjR9BPyuFr2iSOMQPa1furslYl Cc95-5lD2QAL5o5ILo-7f1SFmV_NEZGcTOV6Bv_LpAefwUuEkWtHCOqxCKXMHJaNT_LUu Dx7Ks?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://ivyykw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mpPAuDKb1pFkF9lCxQpayHFv4bawzQ4GBUt5O0865tFw9rVg c5HtEWl_TBhSKv2HYkUItkoPgo8eqDp4QqC3ctX0TIJO0liyqk DPRiPj0ldQZiSnHYYiVe8mdjMteOrR34YtZqFU7oQ80sTcwpea ahbvQHgmatVv3sCvctiw6xSo?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://aejcpq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mkkM1ySgZGnPqQ84_qnKhPHKh8HQlSWimyXF22ZuddVxYTFc lM4iIdBRXW5Dr48hWgPFpPFgeuejyuLD2-yuHVgvIIdqLDvjQA8oSBfutOw0x1e3QbPEKYU8Az3eOFZ60JJI XZhhWQpWR-I3RmRjXr1imMK4gkZM8AeHW0IaxCZ0?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://ael3gq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mjDGN9SaB5bDpzh2Kh1Rn0LcKUIgbcL7RCsVk6xX9TVfFk7E 8ceIZBqoJ3wsTeWDMAC62-tg8cxp4mbiPBDRM4QXKMROwPhUCTMfkhqu7SQuwrDWlDCP62TH BSQZn9oxx3H0c4OwVUbv3Nl_zYl4FJRfC3BBUsizcShN0NwMZI Ls?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

I hope any tapes played back on the Nagra IV-SJ had been recorded on the same machine, as the IV-SJ is an instrumentation recorder and does not employ equalisation!

Interesting combination of a passive MF TVC with a Quad 405 power amplifier. :)

26-02-2017, 20:04
For me, year on year on year on year, the WB stuff always sounds really disappointing. There's a tonne of money here with the CH Precision kit. But it always sounds average in here, no matter what WB speakers are playing. I think the room must be cursed.

Yup - agree with that.

26-02-2017, 21:00
Thanks Justin , I appreciate you taking the time to post these very nice pictures :)

26-02-2017, 21:03
Any pics of the Michell room, Justin?


Yeah - the usual Michell/ProAc thing. Was quite quiet when I was in there.

Are they losing the aesthetics a bit? I think they are. I don't like those big plastic cages they are using much. Still good quality stuff, though, I say, speaking as a Michell owner.

https://wrq6hq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mH2A32MIYLBOb8QLI1oQl_eWjHO4YflnXDHdffyQ4JxdgWU6 9-1YGPVzAFDYwRIeZIjEIaRCS114pVqjeR9T-nDCkOjAmynCkhmS7EgET2S8ysR7uClsKGpso5u_IVWZ-g9u5e18b7AT4gv30eia39onFLPFz_UZAgL5K-3bA2dk?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://wrtvkq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mjNjS_hghkfcwhG-A23q3w0w-aZQ-uZG1Iim4jUWoNvQ_rdIzGmd5HVf_oOZ61wMjKcDLYTh7PzPtjf MTUhMrLrrTe3ew6DIYgPcgatSCP1OOFw7gLukis9NqmQf2NXbs TZ9tdczBrkZRyGa11OGMPv6jM5fh0O48wBTX6c8TruU?width= 1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://wrsm7w-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m1OdVm85X08uqJl03Eq6CJp8l3G4Vgp7aRQILitS7C4VliUR bcK37QHJmRtIbS1tM-gCZhhWhC087xJQHZgaB_nFJkmI5-LsHq5zUgnHnYdbGYK2Y6KFYdQnVVBrKqNPLo6BLq94FHjfn5V-cUgT4JC2oKe6AOzMzvLI0mWAKHtI?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 21:05
I hope any tapes played back on the Nagra IV-SJ had been recorded on the same machine, as the IV-SJ is an instrumentation recorder and does not employ equalisation!

Interesting combination of a passive MF TVC with a Quad 405 power amplifier. :)

Whatever they did sounded balanced. To bolded, yes. 405 a bit long in the tooth. But I guess the speakers are sort of present day retro.

26-02-2017, 21:12
How did you find the sound, from the Michell/Proac/Sugden combo?


26-02-2017, 21:17
Here's a few PMC pics - with AVM hardware. Strange looking port on the PMC, but they did sound good. I think PMC make decent speakers in general.

https://vzppmw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mYTQesoS8cgX3hHPw_gV5MspoOJFyAFjKqVMZ0uPuHbdSfdo zwGpr9kdOYzRS8ju7Wg2rnfPPwD07nJjf6UAZkLRzqlz1Pb2K_ eacrcKTNk_NbssQYsmD6eDZpiwpKsPJl0K_Z4VELiPU8UHepKy HWrKh_vC8wQtp_VU_y6_at4M?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://vz9gkq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mRjuh2r0r619lzPaiPSRoCXYj52BHSNiRUoIKAJeVL_JNCSP 4exOY68QgE5qCHkCURj7u7zBI_LTOOB0O7bfLPonitr5DHbkN9 1NWaKRyy4DtYJKvMhGSu9qaAh5X6NRAgBm7ELcU43E1IpOwQwU YVxWu562Q_ix7MGOKLVDTbQo?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://vzpweg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mnbhY-SjSu4eE5RdYGuLEkmLLGxnr5Au2-wpoltQOWoOR1Ps_DWYHNeiwr3z9T0_3r-DwPDPr3o2Rg8FZzF_uhzP9W3eknC9lb_GcGFyq85fp4EeX6LQK uvToCOk8uk1t496Usuj86DDZSYh4iGdhoE0d997jMcSZS6QpjO r3n1w?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://vzqfha-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mnDev6mOXjsytguui9oiGoUWqOPwu1hYiFxoYpOUIKY7S_pH rNGx8k4UK9xyKq9zMp3TypaCrlDPc7qk6ZxGn0FR-k2OgpKdM25j_x-VfZcOPzLXrRvOaYHLWGput8b1wdt_yf4-3FczB9g7QIR_WcjPiQ6RRGAVQgxLY71KLVns?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 21:22
Chord stuff including Dave... the demo played a track for about a minute at 44.1KHz, then again massively upsampled to above 700KHz, which I believe the rep said the transport was doing. He had to add 3DB to the upsampled version as apparently it loses 3DB in the process. I heard no difference and left. That's not to say this isn't decent gear. I just heard no difference:) My strong expectation bias is not to, though.


https://vzq7bq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3msGaRg21oR1y9xhshcB06OkLnUXYUsC09-3MwEYPoskdjaeR27dF2ILkNzUscWsY7WVeZzldvFDt7J89Aq9X MhcA13x5m93XqWetPPggBfuZm7C12x81mfTMX0eXIp9MhdmToW FO_q0ijeS0a6zDl0VG7HWl8qJsitjHKFgOQ2fA?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 21:26
Quad sounding really quite alright and better than previous years when I was in there.

https://vz8ctq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mMbo2wYdirOjK8nDt-T1Fxr4w_DmAFybw61xVmrahcEXC03VavbATdGN6aggu8oB-UUH9Q5UQSflfH7_1-ykerooXjU0CZLapGAN72SqFezJaQ5l7rMKCsq2loVe_1hNQS5X kEolUxA_tAO2m4rfWVdv7mtNuoKTTvEvFlh2XbNQ?width=160 0&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 21:39
For me, year on year on year on year, the WB stuff always sounds really disappointing. There's a tonne of money here with the CH Precision kit. But it always sounds average in here, no matter what WB speakers are playing. I think the room must be cursed.

I've heard CH Precision gear sound good in Germany with other speakers. I'm pretty sure WB just don't make speakers, at any level, that I have any empathy with at all. You may think differently.

https://vz9n2a-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3my-xna6465bNUUy7KQqDmywJqxvCgRyrk3SnXP34B0QXDQfeuwPbS 2oJLtZCOPSuxJfujSZEt1E37yiXilraFQtZtKIntUrPMuDrkJA Zvr5vTHlku2KuY0PDrdw0Z44QD79Sl0XqbqNDrbmZa0YRpGZl2 wDfPHW4l0qFI2ZzWk6w?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://7ugysw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mq9JIIzPmH1VcMtU8pXTx0lUlE-D_-cm9gemL6521LezSi2GR1WofIsuuD7Zkt-rg2BmDI4fTUR6UWtFOdPXHPl-2wcu6bJ0gql4pJOzM01YkvkIc9dvCGXMkN4PHtazvyzbizDe0J 35jU8N0EzSTJbUqyWYHcBUqsiXcnpkmMpg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

It's not just you Justin.

I've never clicked with anything they've demo'd, at Bristol or elsewhere. It seems like technology for the sake of technology, not for the sake of music. I've never had any emotional reaction to music played through any of their loudspeakers since the days that Jim (ex-Audiolincs) was the technical director with them.

26-02-2017, 21:40
How did you find the sound, from the Michell/Proac/Sugden combo?


Too quiet to judge. But it is pretty static - year on year they use ProAc, which are generally decent, as is Sugden. Nothing to worry about there.

Interesting that ProAc seem to be using ribbons quite profusely these days. I will say, though, that the ProAc/Esoteric setup elsewhere left me cold. Must have walked in at the wrong time.

As usual at shows, it is very easy to come to the wrong conclusion. Just going off a few minutes in a room is riddled with flaws, and decent systems are easily missed that way.

26-02-2017, 21:42
Guess it proves the point that specs aint everything.

26-02-2017, 21:44
The ProAc/Esoteric setup I mentioned above. Surely some volume and some music I like would have improved the situation vastly, I thought.

https://ivyrta-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mQVgRAM8BQK9EcupyhTLq93zIq3sQTMwAaujnBHFTeUCRy01 j8UXCs7H7hE5cTtEJDU5-QnMAz9CgT5mO4ai3z2CH6gS0kjXFMjx02Ls2LPrpO_F8XIQ63x xvaz3vc_HZMx6MPYHoKYQBzO8QRPlAwnLoNC1Lq-Y33oz3nOhRY3k?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmujta-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mDcyd2NkETJlerm172saoQsZrfzThUgRyJjX6SOtmrYyuENe QXe_F_EhARFd9Fq3yM24nn9_ZHkgor4Prd0vlpQ5Vs9FJoBAvT eraqFImN1mjlnkLuO6SQRsodsTqDPJmqRRigIDJNAlhybagC2T aDHaeebNeTdwmQaMlvtRlMr4?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmtaqg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mXgEVwPc3YXVAYd7GOwJ6Vzmghvq0GNbiHW1z1YWMKshlHHu VM4jNrreugxEmzp3edtJMpJWXcsclLk7dpffrn03-U5L3vVV31cgJVcACYyZMXF8eQwSuvzndqIEO_BldFL_4KFtecm rWunXxvQ8mwDkQIOuasJ04C9sbw_W0Qog?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://vz8qqa-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mVI3yAzWHCsP6ZSoF6a5xxpGVdRgmhXF0Kdg9e0lCwQhBfmC 4s7Rp4INBhuzdlN-UrQurkPgkm4W_mAHHw38AYLAxVqDJe-wNZFpiE6BnPN8x6n_GmpAmQSQLLj_7oEwHjo-op4dNFzVEbA7J67_FcfHaHoICscBDsW7uJmWepKc?width=160 0&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 21:55
AG Zeros. Too freakin' quiet when I was there. I've heard them before at Munich, where I think Duos were quite notably better, and Trios/basshorns better again by a large margin.

The reason it was quiet was simply the sales pitch concerning what appeared to be some sort of media server box thingy. I had no interest in it and left.

https://aeksjg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mRANgSwokQlpgXfb21h91iaBlKTYq_YdiNMac8zzBfCTmVUW dKM2Lb_FTY6RdfnAFw85b9L68y_cubLk35NNnm152SaVnWbpt5 29Rk_OjDIL4ECi9pJzhq3Y2WvGoTx1JeYuL8LTfGLzouRgr8Gh J3-5P6ccyBdOeJmOEEgDYubk?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 22:04
Another decent sub maker. JL. Paired with ATC. Sounded good. Sub in use about £1800 I think he said, for one. Not cheap, but definitely good I think. If you can live with wall penetrating thudding, that is, the definite downside of high excursion subs. Buy two or a brace if you really don't like that neighbour...

https://a7fupq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m-qZJ1m-zi2nbFkNhcD5rfGfWF8pwn9mBQdlc1-DPCbtQMSX_TT-6PSKTWVJulH-GZ_CA1Qk3lQBQOMAzK9k966MzDQgFMGvP97OLMluz0D94A0X4Z XPZ9VKraya-4WFVNMTA6BmZPvFwyGuOHuYOXfzfO9g7Orq-JhfPmcK0f1c?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://a7do0w-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mz4VuxetAYzfjFpsgHmePdNqb_-TyXW-cbJnBPv20BK4IGBreGfCnayIbPmGHP2TF5ZC8-wETY87bx0V5lI6XDIrCCnm7mGwR3XX2q62ObO4jBDHlDG_9IT8 Mt-FIZO2-90wyndrJLZVhSxn_MahQbqOZ1eyNKmi7wwn2vrx--ug?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://a7dvgg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m1XclBrTRGTRrX-9RznWbzoy44XEJ4xjASpt0Y8LPQcrw5tJSt0PKefeN60Sevnqy-zAV4vUnycNRtg4Zsv3uWPk7PscLxs1wcC4TUJ0qCNOBWQ45rDy qdmjNBvma-0WVgpbiTiFKE2fGiojZk1t-jWWrtjgbn7tkyKEdMxztHiY?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://a7c5mq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mL4r7opYvbko5T-KTWP2KD4WidQXsZN78pCGbA7BmgZzY8ZIU1G_LQudJV-fyv2DoB1p3-qbLnadnoD_Povrm_QTHLyczfaRpZzWqiV32fIpWdpfbqLTSsLY 9he_ND8aunTIgo_wWFcxOyGjmXFTOG6uqGQZ_qapaRIVP73aqN lE?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 22:05
Maybe it's one of the Chinese knockoff 405s. They sound better than the real ones, and look identical from the front.

26-02-2017, 22:17
Maybe it's one of the Chinese knockoff 405s. They sound better than the real ones, and look identical from the front.


26-02-2017, 22:22
Primare / Revel speakers. Liking that there Primare aesthetic. Sounded pretty alright too - well articulated and detailed. Two pics in varying light, just for the hell of it. I'm assuming that's the American Revel company, responsible for some quite elaborate speakers. Can't be arsed to check.


https://a7ckjw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mz87gLyFX475Lar3dZhUUXUpLTfd8P4-WC7m3GFU2p8zD3npJn5T1OR39bj2Qd8gi3VdFeJCtHSJ0mb-rP1jGvaXa5AbVLNsK01DXqtzbpk_HBLUHwoKJaW7tqs4f6-YQo25BZUnAzJ89FP30P7L7pvNsNFAmGobjKGb_ISoMRmg?widt h=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://a7fb7a-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m-s5IDKk1Z3W7sKuBeP6v4Uk1amiT0r-cL7y9zjBIeYzD0yJpww_r5v-fDJn-UfPVPmquP0t4FVvc0AV85S8NKkZgdxY0iQGR0LavFYrnawbYeL f007lKxuoeygoGbANRJrkoo5PPemYujaapwKLWGustbzQQZAxo p6NxZceFBmI?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

26-02-2017, 22:24
That'll do for today.

26-02-2017, 22:32
They were great, thanks for taking the time to post them.

So who had the best sound going on? And no crap about 'it's difficult to say'.

I bet it was them with the Pioneer speakers. It was, wasn't it?

26-02-2017, 22:36
That'll do for today.

Awesome, matey (as usual). Great enjoying all the pics, so thanks again for taking the time to take them and post them :thumbsup:


26-02-2017, 22:39
They were great, thanks for taking the time to post them.

So who had the best sound going on? And no crap about 'it's difficult to say'.

I bet it was them with the Pioneer speakers. It was, wasn't it?

I'd imagine if the Kenrick Pioneer's were actually there, they'd fuck the whole show up and reduce all the other players to tears.

26-02-2017, 22:40
Awesome, matey (as usual). Great enjoying all the pics, so thanks again for taking the time to take them and post them :thumbsup:


No probs. Quite enjoyable really. More pics tomoz probably.

26-02-2017, 22:40
yes you must be exhausted !!!! great though

26-02-2017, 23:26
Gutted I couldn't go, stuck at work on a sunday, it was pouring down so that helped a bit, but came across this thread now.. Any pics from audio note room to drool over?

And many thanks for the photos

26-02-2017, 23:55
Gutted I couldn't go, stuck at work on a sunday, it was pouring down so that helped a bit, but came across this thread now.. Any pics from audio note room to drool over?

And many thanks for the photos
No actually they were doing that live cello against the system thing. I couldn't be doing with it. The only place in the room was right by the door it was so packed. I withstood the celloist for about 2 minutes as he was in spiel mode, realised the speakers were only Ks and left!!!

the little audio company
27-02-2017, 00:19
Seemingly stupidly good for the money. Freakin' tiny, but excellent playing Leftfield. Almost beggared belief. I spoke to the designer - -6DB at 53Hz and no deliberate bass emphasis higher up. I was impressed. Two Hi-Fi Piggy reps were in there, one agreeing with me, the other one smiling.

£699. Orphidian (www.orphidian.co.uk) Minimo. Of course they could be rubbish playing something else, I thought, so I walked back in later. Still really good.

Genuinely surprising things.

https://7ugfkg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mwZNH46KHUhhHlP3y8f7d3pmRllckWOnsiBRAD5Bc5VHuqrO xHInQYlq63I1Tnk6xfoVYbPdMT2CuI4L-bEkD8Dc1MBtJYveEefLLgbRFUq-MMO8LnGNTO1vXYLJEcdFZaWi4JcHNuXjrKHnx8Dyh5GESGaxW_ L0At44o89wkOb4?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://7uhvew-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m-2q9s3TBa76JKIVkSHS1YwGZdJQdYF4FXc1AbTDyryPQdwkvV_9 1HCNWrbtkwcwkFWJ2MuCEq3nuPKjmXH9g2Ku_xL726dsyVGwne 4WiMfYac6EKSC4buupDiHi313dMLOz32IVJYZjfoQoHjMDG21i TFyzvGCGtZErN1tZxQHg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

Cracking little things. And smaller than Neat Iotas!

27-02-2017, 00:50
I'm actually thinking about getting K's or J's later on this year, would have loved to hear the K's. Unlucky, what can I say. Probably would not have enjoyed it anyway, not too big on Belanger.

27-02-2017, 09:38
They were great, thanks for taking the time to post them.

So who had the best sound going on? And no crap about 'it's difficult to say'.

I bet it was them with the Pioneer speakers. It was, wasn't it?

imho it was the kudos /naim system . absolutely beautiful

27-02-2017, 09:39
Cracking little things. And smaller than Neat Iotas!

do you have them on demo david ?

27-02-2017, 10:23
Here's a few PMC pics - with AVM hardware. Strange looking port on the PMC, but they did sound good. I think PMC make decent speakers in general.

https://vzppmw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mYTQesoS8cgX3hHPw_gV5MspoOJFyAFjKqVMZ0uPuHbdSfdo zwGpr9kdOYzRS8ju7Wg2rnfPPwD07nJjf6UAZkLRzqlz1Pb2K_ eacrcKTNk_NbssQYsmD6eDZpiwpKsPJl0K_Z4VELiPU8UHepKy HWrKh_vC8wQtp_VU_y6_at4M?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

The strange looking port is a wave guide, designed to provide smoother airflow and thus reduce port noise considerably


27-02-2017, 10:31
The strange looking port is a wave guide, designed to provide smoother airflow and thus reduce port noise considerably


A posh alternative to drinking straws.

27-02-2017, 10:38
A posh alternative to drinking straws.

That thought crossed my mind too.
You have to admit that the PMC flow port looks a lot nicer than drinking straws would have done.

27-02-2017, 11:03
They were great, thanks for taking the time to post them.

So who had the best sound going on? And no crap about 'it's difficult to say'.

I bet it was them with the Pioneer speakers. It was, wasn't it?

Music First Audio's room, with a MFA passive pre, a Quad 405 power amp, and a pair of Chartwell speakers. The source was a Nagra reel-to-reel tape recorder, but it was (only) a recording from Apple iTunes, not a master tape.

Runner-up was the Harbeth HL5+ 40th Anniversary speakers, powered by a Hegel integrated amp with a laptop as source.

the little audio company
27-02-2017, 14:09
do you have them on demo david ?

I certainly do - the whole of the M Series :)

the little audio company
27-02-2017, 14:13
A posh alternative to drinking straws.
I suppose it is in a way. The owner's son used to work in Formula 1, and the idea was taken from certain aerodynamics findings. It is basically controlling the air leaving the transmission line outlet. Slightly differently, Spendor used a similar idea for the D7 model (if I recall correctly) when they introduced it.

27-02-2017, 15:56
Maybe it's one of the Chinese knockoff 405s. They sound better than the real ones, and look identical from the front.

Is that a generally held opinion or is it your own. I've heard the exact opposite opinion.

27-02-2017, 16:18
Is that a generally held opinion or is it your own. I've heard the exact opposite opinion.
It's my own. I've put them side by side with friends present and they all agreed. 405s aren't that common here, but the Chinese models sounded better to my ears compared to a stock 405 with no upgrades other than a re-cap.

I've never bought one of the Chinese ones that had a power supply pre-installed, and always built one myself. I have tried the same power supply in both models and the Chinese ones always win in my opinion.

There are different boards that you can get from China as well. I have always used the ones with the MJ15024 TO-3 transistors.

27-02-2017, 16:45
Is that a generally held opinion or is it your own. .

It could be both. But then it would be opinion as to what qualifies as a 'generally held' opinion.

Sorry, as you were.

27-02-2017, 16:55
The price of a 405-2 is around $400 here "serviced". The service is always questionable until you open it up and see what they consider serviced.

I actually think they are really good amps for my type of listening, but they generally need some work. I have had quite a few of them over the years but I think the price/performance doesn't really even out.

The Chinese boards cost $50. Another $75 if you want the case with all of the modern connections already cut out. You can do a lot to improve it for the extra $275 that would have went towards a real 405 that needs work.

27-02-2017, 17:07
It could be both. But then it would be opinion as to what qualifies as a 'generally held' opinion.

That's just your opinion! :D

27-02-2017, 18:08
That's just your opinion! :D
It sounds like he's embracing subjectivity to me.

27-02-2017, 19:59
A few TAD shots. TAD Compact Evolution One loudspeaker. Worthy of a better room I think quite unable to justify itself and expose expensive speaker advantages in here. Nothing to complain about they clearly sounded fine this year, just not particularly memorable.

I like the higher end TADs. But they are damned expensive. I think they are best appreciated at the likes of Munich where the relative price to the rest of the gear/other loudspeakers at the show isn't high.

Personally, for £18K odd, I kind of want more loudspeaker than this. One that can displace some real air.

https://9sis1g-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m3gRi_4NGfltdFeOEra5GL1QE8mTy8QHKAq8i9bqJWpzmbDW AFVpYqSP1GLTEamSxksImRN5aavSvtHCUuPhfIuVxghgfRtE1_ U_dSykRvg6nG09QGeUGll5jQhGrUmUAUDUwoQVDNgtyM1qXPPA AoF6L2U-Hwc_Ia_JsAw836Lc?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9sh27q-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mRwmUuuFgK0y39Pn4RtTufOoN0zWy_TsfkoxvUZyMffJdgu-qykWTzNfc1L7R-MK-I3GF67Ks9m1NiJkrFwma639tnQvPDyB1570pMQeSO7dTUxsJ7F sL0hPfq8LYhnoklmBsSxQnhDEXPOmvEmVMFjkkupksff4RXZOD 6jaenzI?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9sjbea-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mjHRxPQ1iM0Gdwm1az12rSv529oecaIFehslEfZkOJMWV4XT RNzzq1eg8aSAc0NSCIf_1MsyWTJ9gXm5FhUBckJZKanKXiwlh0 XOejbOg8t8J5Wvs3l3cLofdmaRuXk7aMcKg5FVQhyREWoh5joO CQ5rtykgMSvgIyXP_0teZX-U?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9sgryg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mmz-fRrO7pr8Dc8Jie_SJs2VLrn8TSgTaut1z1Uz5oFcIjbZcLISai TepgI_sxxSKdnkIWWNm6LWYq24YJ6TpQ5gZPMzK7sa-DSZ02mai3A4mKhs70v9HjhyyfIHPoxEAiHUvJ8cKK8fQE8U9Yl Sbg1vM4CgtqeZYBO3J0FXVpzg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

27-02-2017, 20:12
Gamut and Clearaudio. Just the pics, no comments, apart from it's nice stuff and sounded OK.

Note liking for TT aesthetics from number of TT shots:D

https://9sh9na-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mneGYTdyqul2VZkItU_Zpw8ife6oo3PhMCxKOXisJxyGHza0 rjhK1ZdzgmnB9bI7ssz18N4cduYbpLu9sq80FfBXNW9qcY1KWC qWi5D1UolPEH3y6uU5sIDujAoqbircgJ4phU8aVCmGui-KGo5YC07iHdumj8ECq5o7uHXMXir4?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9sizhq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mNWDYYgv96Io9aIbvf2ydysXTmTetdxav5gGsZeUIIcL2cZK 8_CRUAHRQIVdAWqZvhDZnZp85HLJ4mrq3cwqNZQq5dxWtcDnYp pCq60XwDcU64imfneGAeWH4msXH1Uhf7hDmv421kHdNHqiLwbZ b2bo45yfWjWvw9emKNO09UAM?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9shokg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mAgMva4Gix0PBYr3BJtjpJGGCj_W9nJ7aYjz9rIcZ4zR47BR uUo0DMi9Rahf-aDTyRNGaaHiznHBHssgZTCMPlSrpn2F9jrz_vyrAKI0S7hFCNI J7YmE1iozcLZayQQz8bpZAoz8gxP8CI1d9s8FNaFXLuK4ilQR8 HJ2F7mQs2r4?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmtqbq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3myzfzF7abplnKgIPaX8VyD8xT37llwyNSyb2jBXbZR1T2qZ2 2_TfF0CYNKcwZau1LtDRfxdjAABXvrt1WbBzHDb2QOiqDdesgi lZPAGnZ8xarFfLBfbFkPo3q3IZwNx1yY9Ht3xGHxLL-IEN7CpejqcP-psflLTeRxz-fk-ikzWg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmvkka-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m9o49JGqeL8h2zzKc8zAJHHNE9SuKm7aEhCHQYBowXfhmQCa UlPEnqqHGNgR_3SotFu1uooNFWnUJHdPefcwojzKsHNzVsZ_Ns AMYM4iIFR8bR3UT7r8MoDWnLRmCUoPO5QorGMvc6iMzEvFWFiz RTp4E3vol_NBdw4XqifVaODg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

27-02-2017, 20:21
The best ProAc sound of the show came from the Response D30S and Moon kit pictured. At least that I heard and the time I was in the various ProAc rooms. This really did sound quite good when I was in there. Good resolution, nice and tight bass. Nice sparkly highs and all that sort of stuff audiophiles like to hark on about.

I also really liked the finish, which looked better in the flesh than these pics show. I used to have a pair of Response 2.5s, which were good. I think these are quite a bit better than they were. The ones with the Esoteric kit featured earlier are almost certainly better still, but didn't sound it at the time.

https://wrqena-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mwCbc376Y0UCbxPMUiEDSc9fH1eAIpLWtSkqntGSy5zoMWiW ELfziHuisGEJzO8ktIJ59ACO_Of982T854sFgopQi68qTAY_U1 LSnm0QJEhkmEDlDDBcJogs2CrklX1-RNvUny3QEdny958n0AdboM5A1BBVKEl1gpBjBXRD7ZuI?width =1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://wrqz1g-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mkgF_-uKd5jWZk6olQ3vdxYiGQTjwMLV0lmZNsBgK4YglLh0r4PwGmss wnZTKK0eE4eOiVimFreTLZCMEjuWC3VTLbK7X2GFyDVjcRjBYb ULVIn8ufQ0_VHBFKyIaCyNkNDNfElsVRuAHm62LDIGiN2tHO6R tV9GLpv2tURv4ukA?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://wrrpvw-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m0a0aG8PyoZNGDI0x_uHMCOQDcd5NPF350s_2NoCToPn3g7P mP_P_AMUbk2p1ucTByeMjmX4JZCiDlAxosDME_z8KrvEdnU5_k aiKg5AtWwUOJrFY1oVZqA1HC0AGRyJz23i31bFukpwmY7QG3_l _RTZ_UsCuv7n3O2_h0GdrZP4?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://wrrwbg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mRsaK3qVew3AWMwzdXbR7UTnZltQcLpJk0J1qqWqVXsgLVyp NjJNTtFzw9yhrr_JipxthnuV9I3wU7q8soDg2B3CMTVP30J5Ln A7DNRTI5f65VIAkFDsWPf5RYhlZWqqaJbNs4wgV_XA2XsIWiE6 EFqqqHv-PlHu0SyCPpcVWqwY?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

27-02-2017, 20:29
One filthy TT. Dirty tarts usually come cheap. Expensiveness obviously not close to cleanliness here.

If she cleaned up her act people might be prepared to pay the good money she is probably worth.

https://kj0dka-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mXPrFqeLyRLIG0Fqev0qVRFH5J8hpLIcYGICYpwVwc7WeFq5 YxmGPRhXmRnCkl2cJO-l77mJ2unyFA1OXCjMHnJzg2nnSEhyYo4OuwxLCneL7s_XYvKEb vlCyqTOpkusB_6KczkqA0zDOBCHRrf7IC3mkxZ8XOwn-6WXLHq4b21Q?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

27-02-2017, 20:36
Active Acoustic Energy AE1s. In white? WTF?

Obviously made by deranged mods.

Will never forget a demo with AE3s years ago playing drums seriously loud. Extremely impressive dynamics. One thing they could certainly do well.

https://kj1teq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mgDk-UdOQrTwDL66I4GPmZwOOfyZ9-zOOhiwsAA-lRfOjEQMxZuA5srxQazN7vIDYR5oCYNSInm2KPC4D0DOprxMO1 ODuO5fPFYCnReqBvo56nIOCp048qR78GuASuEdaCM96sfPJ40s fR_zx25euQxFPuOHRXj2veguVAJa0IQE?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

27-02-2017, 20:45
Must say the aesthetics of a lot of this stuff, which the manufacturers have obviously spent a lot of effort on, leaves me cold. Maybe I'm just getting old :)

That little fella on page one with the bamboo speakers was cool though.

Thanks for posting Justin.

27-02-2017, 20:56
Must say the aesthetics of a lot of this stuff, which the manufacturers have obviously spent a lot of effort on, leaves me cold. Maybe I'm just getting old :)

That little fella on page one with the bamboo speakers was cool though.

Thanks for posting Justin.

The white AE1s upset me. I really did like the original looks wise. The 2006 repro just looks soooo much better... i.e. as per the original. Looked liked it meant business, even if it was a bit of an earful at times.


27-02-2017, 21:04
Spendor made me smile this year. I didn't take pics, but they pulled off an alarming trick.

They had three rooms, expensive (for them), mid price, and cheap. As I went from room to room in that order, the sound seemed to get progressively better:D


27-02-2017, 21:10
That's it really. All snaps are here, if it works. 112 pics, no edits, all I took. Anyone can do or post them wherever they like with no need to ask me.

Hit download and get the lot in one zip file. Send them to North Korea. Spread the hi-fi word.


27-02-2017, 21:20
The ProAc/Esoteric setup I mentioned above. Surely some volume and some music I like would have improved the situation vastly, I thought.

https://ivyrta-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mQVgRAM8BQK9EcupyhTLq93zIq3sQTMwAaujnBHFTeUCRy01 j8UXCs7H7hE5cTtEJDU5-QnMAz9CgT5mO4ai3z2CH6gS0kjXFMjx02Ls2LPrpO_F8XIQ63x xvaz3vc_HZMx6MPYHoKYQBzO8QRPlAwnLoNC1Lq-Y33oz3nOhRY3k?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmujta-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mDcyd2NkETJlerm172saoQsZrfzThUgRyJjX6SOtmrYyuENe QXe_F_EhARFd9Fq3yM24nn9_ZHkgor4Prd0vlpQ5Vs9FJoBAvT eraqFImN1mjlnkLuO6SQRsodsTqDPJmqRRigIDJNAlhybagC2T aDHaeebNeTdwmQaMlvtRlMr4?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://jmtaqg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mXgEVwPc3YXVAYd7GOwJ6Vzmghvq0GNbiHW1z1YWMKshlHHu VM4jNrreugxEmzp3edtJMpJWXcsclLk7dpffrn03-U5L3vVV31cgJVcACYyZMXF8eQwSuvzndqIEO_BldFL_4KFtecm rWunXxvQ8mwDkQIOuasJ04C9sbw_W0Qog?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://vz8qqa-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mVI3yAzWHCsP6ZSoF6a5xxpGVdRgmhXF0Kdg9e0lCwQhBfmC 4s7Rp4INBhuzdlN-UrQurkPgkm4W_mAHHw38AYLAxVqDJe-wNZFpiE6BnPN8x6n_GmpAmQSQLLj_7oEwHjo-op4dNFzVEbA7J67_FcfHaHoICscBDsW7uJmWepKc?width=160 0&height=900&cropmode=none

I thought this room suffered from a Nordost cable influence. I thought Warfedale is worth a mention for what they were achieving for £200. The TAD speakers were sounding way out of character (super bright) that I thought something must be broken in the replay chain.

the little audio company
27-02-2017, 21:35
I like the higher end TADs. But they are damned expensive. I think they are best appreciated at the likes of Munich where the relative price to the rest of the gear/other loudspeakers at the show isn't high.

Personally, for £18K odd, I kind of want more loudspeaker than this. One that can displace some real air.They're £12k odd. I'm not a major fan of piano music (nothing against the instrument, although I do like a lot of film scores that involve piano), but the piano track they played sounded amazing, really hitting home some really "crash bang" piano playing. I could quite easily detect what a lot of other loudspeakers struggle to do.

A better room may well get more out of them, but go from this room to almost any other room and everything just sounds like boom (I went in the Wilson Benesch room not long after, but much preferred TAD).

27-02-2017, 21:42
I thought this room suffered from a Nordost cable influence. I thought Warfedale is worth a mention for what they were achieving for £200. The TAD speakers were sounding way out of character (super bright) that I thought something must be broken in the replay chain.

What were Wharfedale showing?

28-02-2017, 08:35
Yeah - the usual Michell/ProAc thing. Was quite quiet when I was in there.

Are they losing the aesthetics a bit? I think they are. I don't like those big plastic cages they are using much. Still good quality stuff, though, I say, speaking as a Michell owner.

https://wrq6hq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mH2A32MIYLBOb8QLI1oQl_eWjHO4YflnXDHdffyQ4JxdgWU6 9-1YGPVzAFDYwRIeZIjEIaRCS114pVqjeR9T-nDCkOjAmynCkhmS7EgET2S8ysR7uClsKGpso5u_IVWZ-g9u5e18b7AT4gv30eia39onFLPFz_UZAgL5K-3bA2dk?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://wrtvkq-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mjNjS_hghkfcwhG-A23q3w0w-aZQ-uZG1Iim4jUWoNvQ_rdIzGmd5HVf_oOZ61wMjKcDLYTh7PzPtjf MTUhMrLrrTe3ew6DIYgPcgatSCP1OOFw7gLukis9NqmQf2NXbs TZ9tdczBrkZRyGa11OGMPv6jM5fh0O48wBTX6c8TruU?width= 1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://wrsm7w-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m1OdVm85X08uqJl03Eq6CJp8l3G4Vgp7aRQILitS7C4VliUR bcK37QHJmRtIbS1tM-gCZhhWhC087xJQHZgaB_nFJkmI5-LsHq5zUgnHnYdbGYK2Y6KFYdQnVVBrKqNPLo6BLq94FHjfn5V-cUgT4JC2oKe6AOzMzvLI0mWAKHtI?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

Hey - I can see my amp and phono stage there! Nice to think they are worthy of being in a Hi-Fi show. They were sounding good last night :) Thanks for taking the pics.

28-02-2017, 09:54
thanks Justin

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg160/phil125/DSC03089-qpr_zpsh7rjvxdf.jpg (http://s247.photobucket.com/user/phil125/media/DSC03089-qpr_zpsh7rjvxdf.jpg.html)

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg160/phil125/DSC03088-qpr_zpsbs3nnlfi.jpg (http://s247.photobucket.com/user/phil125/media/DSC03088-qpr_zpsbs3nnlfi.jpg.html)

28-02-2017, 10:27
Thanks Justin for taking the time and effort to show us what was there. For the many of us who could not get down there..

28-02-2017, 12:33
Yes cheers Justin, like your frank commentary on the gear you saw.:):cool:

28-02-2017, 12:58
One filthy TT. Dirty tarts usually come cheap. Expensiveness obviously not close to cleanliness here.

If she cleaned up her act people might be prepared to pay the good money she is probably worth.

https://kj0dka-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mXPrFqeLyRLIG0Fqev0qVRFH5J8hpLIcYGICYpwVwc7WeFq5 YxmGPRhXmRnCkl2cJO-l77mJ2unyFA1OXCjMHnJzg2nnSEhyYo4OuwxLCneL7s_XYvKEb vlCyqTOpkusB_6KczkqA0zDOBCHRrf7IC3mkxZ8XOwn-6WXLHq4b21Q?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

I feel I should apologise for this one!

Decent Audio had an issue with the turntable they were intending to use and so asked for this one back, which I had been reviewing for the past three weeks. As I returned from a short break on the Thursday evening to this news, in my haste to pack it for travel in order to deliver it on time to them on the Friday morning, dusting it may have had to fall by the wayside!


Mr. C
28-02-2017, 18:20
A few TAD shots. TAD Compact Evolution One loudspeaker. Worthy of a better room I think quite unable to justify itself and expose expensive speaker advantages in here. Nothing to complain about they clearly sounded fine this year, just not particularly memorable.

I like the higher end TADs. But they are damned expensive. I think they are best appreciated at the likes of Munich where the relative price to the rest of the gear/other loudspeakers at the show isn't high.

Personally, for £18K odd, I kind of want more loudspeaker than this. One that can displace some real air.

https://9sis1g-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3m3gRi_4NGfltdFeOEra5GL1QE8mTy8QHKAq8i9bqJWpzmbDW AFVpYqSP1GLTEamSxksImRN5aavSvtHCUuPhfIuVxghgfRtE1_ U_dSykRvg6nG09QGeUGll5jQhGrUmUAUDUwoQVDNgtyM1qXPPA AoF6L2U-Hwc_Ia_JsAw836Lc?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9sh27q-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mRwmUuuFgK0y39Pn4RtTufOoN0zWy_TsfkoxvUZyMffJdgu-qykWTzNfc1L7R-MK-I3GF67Ks9m1NiJkrFwma639tnQvPDyB1570pMQeSO7dTUxsJ7F sL0hPfq8LYhnoklmBsSxQnhDEXPOmvEmVMFjkkupksff4RXZOD 6jaenzI?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9sjbea-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mjHRxPQ1iM0Gdwm1az12rSv529oecaIFehslEfZkOJMWV4XT RNzzq1eg8aSAc0NSCIf_1MsyWTJ9gXm5FhUBckJZKanKXiwlh0 XOejbOg8t8J5Wvs3l3cLofdmaRuXk7aMcKg5FVQhyREWoh5joO CQ5rtykgMSvgIyXP_0teZX-U?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

https://9sgryg-ch3302.files.1drv.com/y3mmz-fRrO7pr8Dc8Jie_SJs2VLrn8TSgTaut1z1Uz5oFcIjbZcLISai TepgI_sxxSKdnkIWWNm6LWYq24YJ6TpQ5gZPMzK7sa-DSZ02mai3A4mKhs70v9HjhyyfIHPoxEAiHUvJ8cKK8fQE8U9Yl Sbg1vM4CgtqeZYBO3J0FXVpzg?width=1600&height=900&cropmode=none

Nice images thank you Justin

Though the speakers are the brand new Micro Evolution 1's (last year we ran the Compact Evolution 1's) and the cost is some five and half thousand pounds less per pair.

A big thank you for all of the very positive comments that room received.

28-02-2017, 19:29
and good to see you looking so well tony !:)

28-02-2017, 19:42
Nice images thank you Justin

Though the speakers are the brand new Micro Evolution 1's (last year we ran the Compact Evolution 1's) and the cost is some five and half thousand pounds less per pair.

A big thank you for all of the very positive comments that room received.

Ah - my assertion was based on the two leaflets I picked up in there - both for the Compact Evolution One.

28-02-2017, 19:46
Yes cheers Justin, like your frank commentary on the gear you saw.:):cool:

I hope what I say isn't taken too seriously, really. It was all done quickly whilst managing the media in a deliberate attempt to "get it done quick", whilst making a few points.

The Spendor comment was a bit harsh but I really was amused by the paradox at the time. The reason is probably simply what was playing in each room championing the actual speakers themselves. Or you'd hope:)

28-02-2017, 20:03
Cheers Justin, Brizzle is too far for me so this is useful. Interesting to compare your comments to the HiFiPig review.....

Mr. C
01-03-2017, 11:13
Hello Phil

Nice to see you as well, hope all is well with you and the family :)

For ourselves it was a very busy Bristol and would venture it was for quite a few exhibitors as well. One really pleasing aspect for many exhibitors was the amount of positivity that was evident about the show.

Plus a large contingent of new faces was pleasing to see as well.

Apart from the a very small smattering from self appointed audio guardians of the whippet thrashers and toe tappers forum, which bench marked everything against a steroid induced tune dem formula it was great.

Given the show was thirty years old this year and still in the same hotel the amount of visitors was encouraging.

04-03-2017, 21:37
Given the show was thirty years old this year and still in the same hotel the amount of visitors was encouraging.

I think I might have been to every single one of them. If I've missed one I can't remember it.

Shame Alternative Audio (http://www.alternativeaudio.co.uk/) didn't make it. I always enjoy the NAT amps and Analysis Audio Omega speakers. Less dynamic than an Apogee of similar size but still a very good sounding speaker. Planar magnetic speakers are thin on the ground, but my first encounter with one was the Omega. I got hooked...

08-03-2017, 15:10
Hello Phil

Nice to see you as well, hope all is well with you and the family :)

For ourselves it was a very busy Bristol and would venture it was for quite a few exhibitors as well. One really pleasing aspect for many exhibitors was the amount of positivity that was evident about the show.

Plus a large contingent of new faces was pleasing to see as well.

Apart from the a very small smattering from self appointed audio guardians of the whippet thrashers and toe tappers forum, which bench marked everything against a steroid induced tune dem formula it was great.

Given the show was thirty years old this year and still in the same hotel the amount of visitors was encouraging.

thanks tony , yes all well