View Full Version : Audio Technica AT33 Mono

26-02-2017, 14:41
Less than 20 hours use from new. Complete packaging and accessories.

For sale £160 collect/meet or postage at cost.

http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff384/petrat56/20170226_141528_zpsgymrysjc.jpg (http://s1233.photobucket.com/user/petrat56/media/20170226_141528_zpsgymrysjc.jpg.html)

http://i1233.photobucket.com/albums/ff384/petrat56/20170226_141614_zpsdvj0rpm2.jpg (http://s1233.photobucket.com/user/petrat56/media/20170226_141614_zpsdvj0rpm2.jpg.html)

26-02-2017, 23:04
Here's how AT describe it ...

The AT33 Mono is made specifically for use on mono systems. It has a horizontal coil, and so in principle only generates electricity horizontally.

The AT33 Mono produces sound to a very high quality because it does not easily pick up unnecessary strain components from distorted or scratched records, producing audio that you couldn't possibly get from a stereo cartridge.

The AT33 Mono also has appropriate compliance in the vertical direction, so will not cause damage to stereo records. Enjoy those well-known classic mono records with the AT33 Mono.

Selling because I've only got a few mono records that I listen to, hence the very low usage. Hopefully, it'll go to a new home where it gets more action :D

Non-Smoking Man
27-02-2017, 10:26
Ive recently got myself a mono cartridge and it has greatly added to my enjoyment of my mono jazz and blues records. The switch to stereo happened around 1970 and there was some great music laid down in the 50s and 60s and if you have a sizeable collection, or a medium sized collection looking to acquire more then this AT33 is a cheap introduction.
From Petrat's description it sounds 'true mono'.

If you delve deeper into the subject you will find a choice of stylus profiles to suit the vintage of your mono collection.
Some members may wish to know if this is a spherical or an elliptical profile, Petrat. And is that a .7 mm or 1mm diameter diamond on there?

Good luck with the sale - its a good price imo.

27-02-2017, 12:51
Thanks, Jack.

The stylus is 0.65mm, so is the one recommended for all modern re-issues, and all mono LPs of the micro-groove era ... 1960s and later. Any mono LP that says 'mono' on it was (obviously) issued in the stereo era, and this cartridge is perfect for those LPs.

I believe older LPs (mono LPs that don't have the word 'mono' on the packaging) were cut with a range of groove types, depending on their age, which were all wider than today's norm. This cartridge will work satisfactorily with those historical LPs, although aficionados would want a 1mm or wider stylus for optimum performance. Incidentally, I was told that a cartridge with the 1mm stylus will not work well with the more modern micro-groove LPs.

So, if you only want the one mono cartridge, then this is the one to have. At least, that was the advice I was given.

27-02-2017, 13:09
Thanks, Jack.

The stylus is 0.65mm, so is the one recommended for all modern re-issues, and all mono LPs of the micro-groove era ... 1960s and later. Any mono LP that says 'mono' on it was (obviously) issued in the stereo era, and this cartridge is perfect for those LPs.

I believe older LPs (mono LPs that don't have the word 'mono' on the packaging) were cut with a range of groove types, depending on their age, which were all wider than today's norm. This cartridge will work satisfactorily with those historical LPs, although aficionados would want a 1mm or wider stylus for optimum performance. Incidentally, I was told that a cartridge with the 1mm stylus will not work well with the more modern micro-groove LPs.

So, if you only want the one mono cartridge, then this is the one to have. At least, that was the advice I was given.

I had one of these - they are very good indeed and unlike some mono cartridges (Miyajimas and SPUs spring to mind, I guess because I have a few) it doesn't need a high-mass arm to be effective, also as it has vertical compliance you won't trash your records if you use it by accident on a stereo LP. Happy on any normal arm.

Indeed some early stereo masters, from before producers figured out what to do with it - like those Dylan albums where Dylan, guitar and harmonica are panned out left to right - are best heard with a cartridge like this which will fit a stereo groove, but also turn the sound into glorious mono.

(As an aside this is what the Denon DL-102 was designed for, so that stereo records could be played effectively on AM radio stations - helpfully for radio stations, but not for listeners, the Denon only puts out frequencies up to 10khz, whereas the AT Peter is selling is full range).

01-03-2017, 12:09
Sold, STP.