View Full Version : Luxman M-02 Power amp

25-02-2017, 16:34

quite fancy one but is it any good?

I like the look and the meters on it ( sad I know ), but will it be any good,the power looks good for my PMC 21's but not sure if there are any better out there with meters :eyebrows:

Seem to sell on eBay around £600.

Pre will be Croft Epoch.


25-02-2017, 16:45
Dont come up much, which is a good sign.. yup very sexy amp. Should drive most speakers too. 150 wpc. Huge meters:eek:

25-02-2017, 16:46
Dont come up much, which is a good sign.. yup very sexy amp. Should drive most speakers too. 150 wpc. Huge meters:eek:

Luxman M-02 (http://www.thevintageknob.org/luxman-M-02.html)

25-02-2017, 16:48
Yes thats the one... c2 on top. Luverly

Ali Tait
25-02-2017, 17:08
Worth getting just for the meters!

25-02-2017, 17:21
What a tasty looking thing. Again - Japanese vintage kit just does it !

Someone needs to 'picture' the link in post #3 - please ! :) The combo in that link is sweet !

25-02-2017, 17:23

There ya go Robert

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

25-02-2017, 17:42
Thanks Geoff,

As with so much vintage Japanese gear - just lovely :drool:

25-02-2017, 17:57
No bother pete :eyebrows:

25-02-2017, 18:02
What is it with large VU meters that everybody seems to like?

To my mind they are of little use, at best inaccurate and at worse distracting. Perhaps it's a macho thing - proof your amp really is 300W or whatever.

25-02-2017, 18:04
What is it with large VU meters that everybody seems to like?

To my mind they are of little use, at best inaccurate and at worse distracting. Perhaps it's a macho thing - proof your amp really is 300W or whatever.

Think its in a world where amps just sit there, the meters move. Makes you see its doing summat;)

25-02-2017, 18:06
Think its in a world where amps just sit there, the meters move. Makes you see its doing summat ;)

Don't your ears tell you that? ;)

25-02-2017, 18:11
No bother pete :eyebrows:

:lol: laugh my ar&e off Grant! - too funny fella, that'll teach me to get ya name wrong :lol:

25-02-2017, 18:25
Don't your ears tell you that? ;)

Think woman mate... you know they are there but much better if they bounce a bit :eyebrows:

25-02-2017, 18:46
What is it with large VU meters that everybody seems to like?

To my mind they are of little use, at best inaccurate and at worse distracting. Perhaps it's a macho thing - proof your amp really is 300W or whatever.

It's because they are awesome. And make amplifiers sound better - fact.


25-02-2017, 19:09
What is it with large VU meters that everybody seems to like?

To my mind they are of little use, at best inaccurate and at worse distracting. Perhaps it's a macho thing - proof your amp really is 300W or whatever.

My opinion too. I don't like unnecessary gizmos.

25-02-2017, 19:30
An Appeal On Behalf Of People Who Don't 'Get' VU Meters

Hello there.

It's at this time of year especially when our thoughts turn to those unfortunate people who, for no fault of their own, do not 'get' VU meters.

It is one of the greatest tragedies of our modern age and we know that it can be frustrating to think that there is nothing that you can do to help these poor folk.

But now there is. Your donation of just five pounds a month can help a 'meter denier' regain some of their sense. A rigourous program of education, training and watching some expensive Accupahse and Pioneer amps in use can help these people to live a normal life again. You will receive regular updates and photographs from your sponsored sufferer, charting their progress on their way back to normality.

Please, it's not to late to help. Please give as much as you can.

Thank you.

25-02-2017, 19:36
I will help by posting a 10 minute Accuphase meter only video.

Well, maybe.

25-02-2017, 19:38
I will help by posting a 10 minute Accuphase meter only video.

Well, maybe.

Your listening room is going to become the treatment centre. Didn't you get the e-mail?

25-02-2017, 19:41
An Appeal On Behalf Of People Who Don't 'Get' VU Meters

Hello there.

It's at this time of year especially when our thoughts turn to those unfortunate people who, for no fault of their own, do not 'get' VU meters.

It is one of the greatest tragedies of our modern age and we know that it can be frustrating to think that there is nothing that you can do to help these poor folk.

But now there is. Your donation of just five pounds a month can help a 'meter denier' regain some of their sense. A rigourous program of education, training and watching some expensive Accupahse and Pioneer amps in use can help these people to live a normal life again. You will receive regular updates and photographs from your sponsored sufferer, charting their progress on their way back to normality.

Please, it's not to late to help. Please give as much as you can.

Thank you.


25-02-2017, 19:42
Funny actually Jon the Apogee man was being hypnotised by them only a couple of weeks ago.

Random fact: just discovered that Acuphase (one 'c') is an anti-psychotic drug. So maybe a good dose of that will help sufferers - a kind of Accuphase double whammy:D

25-02-2017, 20:03
I might just buy it so I can just sit there and ogle her meters 😉 😁

25-02-2017, 20:17
Funny actually Jon the Apogee man was being hypnotised by them only a couple of weeks ago.

Random fact: just discovered that Acuphase (one 'c') is an anti-psychotic drug. So maybe a good dose of that will help sufferers - a kind of Accuphase double whammy:D

We'll have them cured in no time.

25-02-2017, 20:19
I might just buy it so I can just sit there and ogle her meters �� ��

You should. The pre-amp is sex on legs (well, little feet) as well.

Manufacturers take note - this is what gear should look like:


25-02-2017, 20:38
Mmmm -- mmmmeters.

I luv 'em.

Here's mine ---

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/Philips%20Black%20Tulip%20pre%20amp%20power%20amps _zpsizhc4osb.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/Philips%20Black%20Tulip%20pre%20amp%20power%20amps _zpsizhc4osb.jpg.html)

25-02-2017, 20:56
You should. The pre-amp is sex on legs (well, little feet) as well.

Manufacturers take note - this is what gear should look like:


I nearly went for an M-05. Nice one here on ebay Germany (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Luxman-M-05-/182452813924?hash=item2a7b090064:g:~h8AAOSwxp9W6Ao H).

25-02-2017, 21:12
I nearly went for an M-05. Nice one here on ebay Germany (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Luxman-M-05-/182452813924?hash=item2a7b090064:g:~h8AAOSwxp9W6Ao H).

That is lush.

“Zustand wie auf dem Foto,voll funktions fähig”

It sure is, buddy!

25-02-2017, 21:20
Looks like a true dual-mono construction - completely separate channels to the extent of having two mains leads!

Love the 'kick ass' speaker terminals. They almost make up for the egregious and pointless power meters. Now if it only had proper balanced inputs using XLRs …… :sofa:

25-02-2017, 21:30
What was the Luxman we had at MiBO? That was bloody good n'all.

25-02-2017, 21:32
What was the Luxman we had at MiBO? That was bloody good n'all.

Wasn't that a Leben amp? Equally good cosmetics, but using valve circuitry.

25-02-2017, 21:39
There was a Leben and a Luxman. It was like the Ambassador's reception.

26-02-2017, 08:53
That is lush.

“Zustand wie auf dem Foto,voll funktions fähig”

It sure is, buddy!
Translate the rest and he seems to be on about EU law requiring private sellers to provide a one year guarantee etc. Is this BS anyone?

26-02-2017, 09:04
News to me if it is true.

26-02-2017, 15:23
There was a Leben and a Luxman. It was like the Ambassador's reception.

It was my Luxkit...the rather rare [60w class A] z504...it did alternate with the Leben throughout the day but the amp in the Sony/[Lentek/Croft/Quad]/Akai 155 system which everyone liked so much late that afternoon was the Luxkit, the Leben had gone by then.