View Full Version : Wanted - World Audio Designs Phono II or Phono III bare PCB

23-02-2017, 19:05
I'm looking for a bare PCB for the WAD II or WAD III phono stage if anyone has one as an unfinished project etc.

01-03-2017, 00:56
If you don't find a used one, WAD will sell you a PCB or any component individually instead of part of a kit. If I recall correctly PCBs for the Phono 3 were under £50.

08-03-2017, 18:56
If you don't find a used one, WAD will sell you a PCB or any component individually instead of part of a kit. If I recall correctly PCBs for the Phono 3 were under £50.

Hi Surayne

Thanks for your post. However I already tried that avenue.

Matthew has refused to sell me a Phono 3 PCB as he is adamant I don't have the right to replace my damaged Phono 2 PCB with a Phono 3, although the two are virtually identical, and it's not possible to buy the old Phono 2 anymore. Bizzare in the extreme.

08-03-2017, 19:32
Whats damaged with your Phono 2 board Martin.

Can it not be fixed, I've fixed up some weird things in the past.

08-03-2017, 20:28
Whats damaged with your Phono 2 board Martin.

Can it not be fixed, I've fixed up some weird things in the past.

Hi Alan

My Phono 2 board is getting a bit worse for wear from various mods under taken over the years where I have changed some caps and did the 3.18uS pole mod with trimmer capacitors, a couple of the tracks have lifted. It's not really a problem as I have fixed it with small wire links.

The phono works fine, but I wanted to tidy the whole thing up and rebuild the PCB and put it in a better case, but Matthew decided that amounts to a new build and refused to sell me a PCB.

I will probably make a new PCB myself now anyway.

09-03-2017, 08:40
How strange he won't sell you one!