View Full Version : STEREONOW: Unexpected incoming emails

Neil McCauley
10-02-2017, 09:26
Neil here, on behalf of Stereonow / HP because he rarely gets directly engaged with fora.

Here is an email he sent me after the AoS posting yesterday regarding Stereonow leaving the retail HiFi business. http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?49444-STEREONOW-LTD-Moving-out-of-the-retail-darkness-and-into-the-light-of-a-new-era

Good morning Neil.

Here is a small but representative sample of emails received after the news that Stereonow ltd has closed down its HiFi retail business and invested heavily in http://www.hifianswers.com/ I am rather moved and I wonder if you would be kind enough to post this on AoS please? I suspect that a few of these comments have come from AoS members and I thank them most sincerely.

Today I received the news of your retirement from audio retailing.
It saddened me greatly.
However I can appreciate its frustrating nature and you deserve to be at peace.
Not only were you a solid, dependable and trusted confidant in the fickle escape of audio, but I greatly enjoyed our communication.
I sincerely hope our connection endures.
I wish you the very best in the next chapter of your life.
Hello Howard,
Sorry to learn of this but completely accept your position.
Thank you for all guidance and patience in helping me realise my musical goals, the LFD equipment has - since the first week in my possession –m continually allowed me great insight and delight in musical reproduction.
Hi Howard
best of luck to you. Since welcoming me into the world of Listen Carefully or Stereonow (I don't remember which it was at the time), I have never purchased anything from you. And yet, at no cost to myself, I have enjoyed the benefit of your huge personal experience and audio philosophy, in informing my own audio knowledge and attitude, through your online pages. And I have enjoyed our occasional email correspondence. I just hope that being one of the thousands of page visitors is better than nothing for you.
It was a pleasure dealing with you, albeit briefly, as a retailer! It was even more a privilege having you as a friend and correspondent.
Wish you luck
Thank you Howard for your unbiased and free advice, good luck in all you do.
….. and I bought a pair of Eminent Technology LFT8B loudspeakers from you in 2010 and, I must say, that they have proven to be outstanding, I’m truly sorry to see you go, there are too few dealers of true integrity in the audio world, so to see one closing his doors for the last time, is sad, and bad news for the Industry.
I fondly remember your shop at Mornington Crescent Station in the mid 1980s, as an Aladdin's cave of wonderful audio and, when visiting Camden market, would always walk down to peer enviously through the windows.
I hope that you are successful in your new venture. Best wishes for the future.
Sorry to hear this, i really appreciated your help
Howard, all the best. Thanks for all your help if my purchases. Hope you now have more time to enjoy the music you like. See you soon.
I just read you email and I am sorry to read you are leaving the retail end of HiFi.
You probably don’t remember, but I sold a pair of PA2M's to your good self back in 2009 from here in Ireland. You were a true gentleman to do business with and I am still using the pair of LFD Inter-connectors you thoughtfully sent to me.
May I wish you all the best in your new venture in publishing and I will take the time out to take a look at your magazine,
I remember you many years ago when I bought my KRELL, It has since gone to the great hifi heaven, now all I have is a digital nothingness 11 thank you for the first introduction into my Krell — the best amp I know….. best wishes for your future


Spectral Morn
10-02-2017, 11:46
Why unexpected ? Howard is a legend, and one of the good guys. I would have been shocked and saddened if folks hadn't contacted him.