View Full Version : Wanted - SOtM-sms200 streamer

09-02-2017, 18:23

Anyone wanting to sell me their SOtM sms200 Streamer ?

Not interested in any other models.



13-02-2017, 23:26

16-02-2017, 09:06

25-02-2017, 11:49
A mRendu has just come up for sale on the Wam but I'd rather have an SoTM 😉

23-03-2017, 07:01
Nothing doing?

02-04-2017, 13:41
Still looking 😀

03-04-2017, 13:59
Not surprised really as some seem to be switching from the URendu.:)

The SMS200 is a really nice sounding unit but it may be better to wait until SOtM bring out their super clock SMS200. Some will be upgrading and more movement of the standard unit may be happening more often.

I’ve seen one for sale privately on CA but the $50 price drop was less than attractive.

You may be lucky now but later could be better.:eyebrows:

Good luck anyhow.

03-04-2017, 19:33
Not surprised really as some seem to be switching from the URendu.:)

The SMS200 is a really nice sounding unit but it may be better to wait until SOtM bring out their super clock SMS200. Some will be upgrading and more movement of the standard unit may be happening more often.

I’ve seen one for sale privately on CA but the $50 price drop was less than attractive.

You may be lucky now but later could be better.:eyebrows:

Good luck anyhow.
Thanks for info, it's really just a hopeful search. In fact I might not buy one at all my Sparky streamer is sounding pretty good.

If one comes up I'll decide then 😉