View Full Version : FS - kind of. Linn Asak / VdH tipped cartridge

03-02-2017, 10:56
FS - providing someone can loan me a cartridge box which I can mail it in!
I don't have a secure way of sending this. No stylus guard.

Anyway - a superb version of the Linn Asak mc cartridge.

Sounds very dynamic and highly resolved - substantially due to the VdH re-tip, I suspect.
Quite stunning - but I'm giving up on vinyl. ... I really am this time! :D

This significantly trounced my previous Ortofon MC25FL.

Cantilever straight and true.

I've no real idea of the mileage left on this, but it tracks like a champ and I suspect there is a lot of life left.

A match made in heaven with the Lentek head amp I also have up for sale. :)

£125 inc UK delivery

But note the 1st line of this post!!

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSCF6075_zps70ae8f64.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSCF6075_zps70ae8f64.jpg.html)

http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii114/jandl100/DSC_1597_zpst5g77ekp.jpg (http://s262.photobucket.com/user/jandl100/media/DSC_1597_zpst5g77ekp.jpg.html)

03-02-2017, 11:23
Very tempting Jerry ...........oh go on then.

I've got a suitable box I can send down, pm your address :)

03-02-2017, 12:39
Very tempting Jerry ...........oh go on then.

I've got a suitable box I can send down, pm your address :)
Surprised you've gone for this Alan, I thought the 103 had your full attention!!!! Pretty sure this will be a winner though.

Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

03-02-2017, 12:56
When I post cartridges without a box I just use one of those plastic takeaway trays and drill two holes in the lid to screw the cartridge through ;)

03-02-2017, 13:01
You can also use the plastic boxes that house printer ink cartridges.