View Full Version : Warped

24-01-2017, 14:19
Hi people,

What's the best way of sorting a warped record?

I've considered putting it in a sleeve, under a t-towel, then piling a load of books on it.

Should I apply heat first (hairdryer not heat gun!).

24-01-2017, 14:27
2 sheets of glass. Put it in between.. leave in sun or in cool oven for a little time. When they cool it should have flattened. Might need 2 goes for bigger warps. Really big ones and your unlikely to remove it

Or you can send it away to get done.. there are a few companies doing it

24-01-2017, 14:52
Send it back. :doh:


24-01-2017, 17:08
Send it back. :doh:


Woolworths aren't answering the phone.

24-01-2017, 17:09
2 sheets of glass. Put it in between.. leave in sun or in cool oven for a little time. When they cool it should have flattened. Might need 2 goes for bigger warps. Really big ones and your unlikely to remove it

Or you can send it away to get done.. there are a few companies doing it

Fab. I'll give it a go. I may wait till the summer ;)


martian sunrise
24-01-2017, 17:17
i bought a 'limited edish', coloured vinyl record a month or so ago, direct from the label and it was like a pringle. i sent it back and they sent me another oner one, which was worse! in the end, they just dent me a different record. it's a bit of a bastard if you don't spot it straight away.


24-01-2017, 17:19
Woolworths aren't answering the phone.

Woolworths closed.. taken over by Very.

24-01-2017, 21:21
i bought a 'limited edish', coloured vinyl record a month or so ago, direct from the label and it was like a pringle. i sent it back and they sent me another oner one, which was worse! in the end, they just dent me a different record. it's a bit of a bastard if you don't spot it straight away.


That's pretty much what happened here. It's a lovely marbelled reissue of Belly's first album. Now sold out.

25-01-2017, 06:58
Weights plus airing cupboard, if you have one.

25-01-2017, 07:18
I have been tempted to get a Vinylflat from the states, with the separate heating bag. It works out at roughly $200 + shipping which puts me off. I think it would be better to send the warped records I have to someone who offers a flattening service and spend the rest on new vinyl.

25-01-2017, 08:40
By all means try the two sheets of glass and sun / oven approach if you think you can make it work: the theory suggests it's a winner and I really wish you well with it.

I tried it (gentle oven method) and once released from the glass sandwich had a minimal improvement in the flatness - if at all. What I did get was a horrible glaze across the areas where the glass touched the record surface suggesting a flattening and distortion of the groove peaks - and I'd taken hours running it up to temperature and allowing it to gently cool. This was on an LP that now sells on ebay for eye watering amounts of money that I'd had from new. What did an album cost in 1973?

In a recent thread this advice was offered by Alfonzo "I have just had some warped unplayable lps flattened by analogue seduction for about £4 per lp plus post and in all cases they are now playable". This seems a much safer approach to me.

If only I'd known at the time.:doh:

25-01-2017, 09:40
In a recent thread this advice was offered by Alfonzo "I have just had some warped unplayable lps flattened by analogue seduction for about £4 per lp plus post and in all cases they are now playable". This seems a much safer approach to me.

That does sound like a better option.

25-01-2017, 10:31
I have a copy of Renaissance's first album from 1969 I think.

It developed a nasty warp which made it virtually unplayable. After a couple of years I dug it out again and some by some strange magic it was now flat and played fine! So, put your album away and give it a couple of years for the anti-warp fairies to do their work :)

Pierre De Grenoble
25-01-2017, 11:05
In a recent thread this advice was offered by Alfonzo "I have just had some warped unplayable lps flattened by analogue seduction for about £4 per lp plus post and in all cases they are now playable". This seems a much safer approach to me.

If only I'd known at the time.:doh:

I have used the glass (10mm float) in the sun on the patio and it works, the record was flatter and playable, the downside was that I could hear it and it wasn't subtle..

I'd love to know how others got on with analogue seduction's service.

25-01-2017, 11:14
I knew someone who used big glazed tiles in oven.. low heat when at right temp tokkthem out and sandwiched the record which was in a paper sleeve. Left it for a few hrs to cool. Worked well.
Ive been lucky and dont have much probs with warps.
I guess its better to try with a non valuable one first