View Full Version : Beolab 90

wee tee cee
20-01-2017, 17:52
Was walking through the merchant city in Glasgow the other day and had a wee shuftie in the B&O shop window. The stuff looks marvellous aesthetically so went in for a closer look. Got chatting with the manager who was very pleasant and knowledgeable.
I spied some really unusual speakers in their listening room-a sort of big oragami looking futuristic electrostatic and asked if I could have a wee shuftie!

Really unusual design, like a piece of art-nice alloy/castings/wood/unusual shapes. Manager asked if I would like to hear them- rude not to really.

Tidal streaming/John Martyn-Heaven and earth/Willing to work. Room heavily treated with acoustic panels /soft furnishings/carpet.

They are active so plug and play with a digital source-sounded very good indeed, frequency extremes were a bit more than Im used to with 57S and it takes me a wee while to dial back into conventional drivers.

Manager demonstrated some function that makes them omni directional for dinner parties-sound stage collapsed but returned pin sharp when he switched back.

Not blown away but impressed-asked the question, how much mister?


20-01-2017, 17:55
I'll get a listen to them the next time I'm over at yours mate . Remember the cinammon buns .:D

20-01-2017, 18:00
Not an electrostatic Tony. I would love to have a go on them though.

You must look wealthy if he quoted you £84K they are practically giving them away on line - http://www.bomerchantcity.co.uk/product/beolab-90-2/

wee tee cee
20-01-2017, 18:03
They are a bit posher than that-I reckon wee cocktail sausage rolls/ cocktail sticks with pineapple and cheese.

You would be required to eat them with a pinkie sticking out/ignoring the crumbs falling into yer cravat.

Pure class none of yer cheap pish cocktail sausages.

Next cocktail party Im having .....

wee tee cee
20-01-2017, 18:05
I looked like a guy that should have a cup in my hand....

20-01-2017, 18:08
Crackin design, copied it (as much as I could) for a packaging design project I did at work.
Need to take a butchers next time Im in Glasgow, see em in the flesh!

wee tee cee
20-01-2017, 18:16
Design was outstanding-real art installation feel to them. Finnish was exemplary. Reckon Lou would prefer them to the 57S.....

20-01-2017, 18:30
The price though...that's a lotta handbags n shoes!

20-01-2017, 19:00
Not enough drive units are used. For that sum I would expect at least double the number! :D

I'll stick with my '57s.

wee tee cee
20-01-2017, 19:17
Came home and played the same track on the 57s.....didnt feel small changed.

20-01-2017, 19:22
That's good to hear. In times past after having heard a very good (and usually very expensive) system, I would often think how disappointed I am going to be with my own. Yet in every instance that did not happen. Guess I struck lucky. :)

wee tee cee
20-01-2017, 19:38
Im pragmatic regards the 57s. The shortfalls are well documented but having heard big money systems I always think of the adage that you cant polish a shite but you can roll it in glitter....

If you can get a similar sound to a good headphone set up in your listening room then life is good...

20-01-2017, 20:46
Fabulous design but what a price :eek: