View Full Version : FS: DENON DL-103C1 Limited edition, rare.

15-01-2017, 10:45
This is a rare and high spec 103 variant from 1991 that sports a ceramic bodyshell and (C1) premium copper internal wiring. Think of it as the SA model of the time. It has similar spec to the 103R with 13ohm impedence and 0.25 output. The ceramic body takes the weight up to 9.7 This cartridge showed my R version a clean pair of heels and quickly dispaced it but I looking to thin out my collection now.

I bought and imported this little firecracker NOS from another 103 hoarder and it has done two tours of duty in my rig on rotation and I would estimate the hours would between 65-80. It is in mint condition as I am fastidious with stylus care. Comes with all accessories.

I would like £249 posted for it.



31-01-2017, 21:21

30-03-2017, 20:17
Hi Nick,

I've sent you a PM. Can you get back to me please.

31-03-2017, 08:34
PM sent.

01-04-2017, 06:34
Morning Nick, I'm still waiting for you to PM me back please.

02-04-2017, 08:59

I sent you 2 PM's and an email but your still not replying. You've been online to read the PM's on them 30-03-2017 @ 20:45 but you seem to have forgotten to reply to them.
Maybe your on holiday i don't know but i will leave this for another week just incase.

Hopefully I'll speak to you next Sunday.

02-04-2017, 17:42
I've just found an email from yourself in my junk folder which was sent last night at 9:30pm

I don't agree with any of your comments...the 103C1 was playing badly the Moment I received it. I took weeks trying to set it up correctly. I then sold it thinking my SME 3009 S2 non- improved was a bad combination.
The buyer contacted me 2 days after explaining he was also getting bad results and looking at it through the microscope he explained to me that it was looking as if it was at the end of its life which would explain the very poor sound (strange as you stated it only had 65-80 hours on it)
Obviously I took it back as this was the right thing to do!!

You say I was using the stylus on dirty records:
I use an RCM and all the vinyl I have has been thoroughly cleaned with the right stuff before playing.
You said,I dont have much confidence that the C1 has been treated particularly well:
how dare you! I treat all my equipment with the upmost respect seeing as I've spend my hard earn cash on my setup.

Anyway!! I'm not going to prolong this anymore.
If your not going to either pay for a re-tip (£130 from expert stylus) or allow me to return it then I'll take the hit on this as I'm not that type of person to hold a grudge.

I hope to hear from you soon, but if not have a great life.

02-04-2017, 17:59
Chaps. If you intend to take this debate further. Please do so via PM's.

I'm considering editing the foregoing post.

02-04-2017, 18:12
Chaps. If you intend to take this debate further. Please do so via PM's.

I'm considering editing the foregoing post.

I'm not taking this any further Geoff. I'm done.
Sorry if it's out of line.

03-04-2017, 08:20
I would send all correspondence on a PM to Marco 😉

17-05-2017, 15:14
Nick. For your information I've just had the examination report back from expert stylus & cartridge company.
If you would like to contribute towards the re-tip I'd appreciate it.


Date: 17/05/2017

Dear Mr

Model: Denon DL-103C1 Serial No. 1200

Having carried out a detailed examination of your cartridge confirm as follows:

Coils: 16 ohms - good
Suspension: good
Cantilever: Aluminium - good
Diamond: Very badly worn

Recommendation: Cleaning of the cartridge and re-tipping existing aluminium cantilever with low mass Paratrace profile diamond and audition.

Cost of necessary work: £130.00 inclusive of return insured postage.

Please confirm if you would like to proceed.

Payment will be requested upon completion of work.

Delivery: 3/4 weeks

Packaging:Original inner and outer boxes .
Guard: Yes

17-05-2017, 16:08
sounds like you've had your pants pulled down there mate :(

17-05-2017, 16:36
sounds like you've had your pants pulled down there mate :(

Yep! I'm afraid so Jamie.

17-05-2017, 16:43
Wow...I thought this place was above this sort of skullduggery!
I was looking at that cartridge, due to its low hours and unusual body (Im a bit of a 103 type of guy).
Pretty fair price from ESCo as ever and a very honest appraisal.
I think it would only be fair that, as the cart was sold as very low hours, the seller stump up or accept a return for full refund!
Anyone can make a mistake...but if you do, you should do the honourable thing and try your best to sort it!
Thats just my opinion and what I would do...but hey ho!

17-05-2017, 17:20
I nearly bought it too

18-05-2017, 07:05
Has scoobs been back on the site recently or made any attempt to get back in contact with Nuff?

18-05-2017, 09:16
Isn't this the kind of behaviour now expected on a certain auction site ?? NOT here .

18-05-2017, 12:05
I'm sorry i had to post this on here but i feel everyone should know about people like this. It took me a some time to decide this and I'm sure the mod will not appreciate it but it's done now.
I've still had no contact from Scoobs and he has still not signed in since reading the first PM i sent him. I'm afraid I will have to take this one on the chin :(

Thanks for all the support but i think it's best we leave this one alone now to quietly disappear into the bottom of the classifieds.

Cheers again all!

18-05-2017, 12:07
Its been left for a reason Nathan . We are all upset about it too

Spectral Morn
18-05-2017, 13:25
It would certainly be in Scoobs interest to reply to you either here on this thread or in private via pm, otherwise this matter is left unresolved for you and looks very bad for Scoobs.

Audio Al
18-05-2017, 15:24
Looks obvious now the scoobs has done a runner and has no intention of resolving this issue
Very poor conduct in my opinion :(
Trust is hard earn

I would have the re tip done if it were my cart , Then its good to go for a considerable time :) as the report gives the OK on everything else

Hope you get over this soon as I fully understand it leaves a bad taste :steam:

18-05-2017, 16:42
Looks obvious now the scoobs has done a runner and has no intention of resolving this issue
Very poor conduct in my opinion :(
Trust is hard earn

I would have the re tip done if it were my cart , Then its good to go for a considerable time :) as the report gives the OK on everything else

Hope you get over this soon as I fully understand it leaves a bad taste :steam:

A re tip is being done as we speak Al.
Never mind, win some loose some I suppose!

18-05-2017, 16:46
The C1 is a good cartridge, so I hope the retip makes you happy with it.
It is a shame it has panned out the way it has though.

18-05-2017, 17:01
Looks obvious now the scoobs has done a runner and has no intention of resolving this issue

In view of the inspection report, it would seem to me that a contribution towards the retip cost would be the decent thing.

18-05-2017, 18:51
It would be very nice Geoff but I can't see it happening :rolleyes:

21-05-2017, 15:59
He's active on pfm with the same username and last logged in last wednesday (17th May), he has been posting sales ads there so I'd try and contact him via pfm or at least warn Tony L that he's a scammer.

21-05-2017, 19:30
He's active on pfm with the same username and last logged in last wednesday (17th May), he has been posting sales ads there so I'd try and contact him via pfm or at least warn Tony L that he's a scammer.

Nice 1 thank you Chris!