View Full Version : FS. Audio Technica AT1100

02-01-2017, 14:36
Up for sale is my lovely Audio Technica AT1100 arm. This is a superb sounding arm and even though low mass (6g) I've used both a Grado Reference series cart and an Allaerts cart - both sounded sublime and tracked flawlessly. To be honest the AT has a slight sonic edge over my current Siggwan arm and I had thought about mounting it as a second arm but having just bought a cart that needs a high mass arm it would be silly.

The arm is a great example of precision engineering and is easily up there with SME in this respect.

Internally silver wired.

Fluid damping trough.

Precise VTF, antiskate.

Okay I've modded the headshell to provide a more stable and rigid coupling for carts. There is no finger lift as I was using a Grace finger lift which matches the wider headshell but am using it on the Siggwan. Can provide a pic and easily available on the bay.

Only other thing is the grub screw for adjusting VTA - it's perfectly functional but has seen better days.

I can't emphasise how good this arm is.

I've seen these go for over £500 on fleabay - I'm looking for £275 ono. PayPal gift.

Will tracked - £15.

PM if interested.




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02-01-2017, 15:15
Is the arm a gimballed bearing or unipivot or something else?

02-01-2017, 15:47
Hi. It's gimballed and the bearings are A1 condition with zero play or chatter. The armwand is detachable for easy cartridge mounting and azimuth is easily adjusted.

Armwands come up on the bay so you can have ready mounted carts and easily swap over.

There's also a heavy S shaped wand that occasionally comes up for sale.


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02-01-2017, 15:50
Gimballed arm. Really nice. I bought one back in the mid 80s, when it was in vogue with the reviewers. I had it paired then with a Micro Seiki LC80W - lovely. Since then, I used it with an Ortofon MC10 Super, Decca Gold, Ortofon M20FL, and an Allaerts MC1B. Worked fine with all of them. Beautifully made (by Audiocraft, if my memory serves me correctly). I even had a boxed spare arm tube. Sold it about 3-4 years ago, as it had sat unused in my cupboard after buying a Schroeder and getting J7 to rewire my vintage Hadcock for my Deccas.

02-01-2017, 18:11
Yes it's a lovely arm and my carts all worked beautifully with it. Strangely the heavier mass S shaped arm wand didn't get the same response from reviewers.

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03-01-2017, 09:43
More pics...



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03-01-2017, 14:02
Price drop... £210....

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03-01-2017, 14:45
Bargain alert folks ... perfect for fans of high compliance cartridges.

03-01-2017, 17:50
A couple of folks have pm'd me but I couldn't reply because of my mailbox being full. Unfortunately I deleted the new messages :duh. Please PM again and I will reply.


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03-01-2017, 21:14
Bargain alert folks ... perfect for fans of high compliance cartridges.
Still available... And equally good with medium compliance: wink.

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04-01-2017, 12:09

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05-01-2017, 08:48
Another price reduction... £190 for superb engineering....

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05-01-2017, 16:57

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06-01-2017, 11:10
Bump before eBay...

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06-01-2017, 22:23
Adrian how have you modded the headshell ?

06-01-2017, 22:38
The original was basically a rather flimsy fingerlift that doubled as fixing for the cart. I replaced it with a lightweight, solid carbon compound (taken from a carbon compound headshell) platform fixed to the AT's aluminium 'stalk'. It matches perfectly and is the same size as a Grace finger lift (see bottom of post). It has the usual slots for precise alignment.

The weight increased by 1.5g - making effective mass 6.5g.

This means carts, even quite heavy, can be very firmly and precisely aligned, whereas before this was a weakness with the arm. I just couldn't get the (large and quite heavy) wood bodied Grado Reference to sit right before the change. Once it was done fitting the Grado or my Allaerts was a doddle.

I can take some better pics, including the finger lift (not included with arm but easily found on the bay, got mine from a seller in Scotland, can find his details) tomorrow.


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06-01-2017, 22:44
Extra pics and an ebay link for finger lift be appreciated Adey

06-01-2017, 22:56
Leave it with me. Trust me I had no intention of selling the arm - it's transparent and lovely to use - but I just committed to buying a Miyajima shilabe (bloody expensive cart) from Hugo at ammonite audio and extra money is needed.

Will post tomorrow.

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07-01-2017, 09:22
Some user reviews from VE.

*AT 1100


A lovely piece of engineering and great quality, but not the easiest arm to set-up and a delicate object. VTF is a bit of a fiddle and the headshell design does not make for a simple alignment. The sound is a little unfocused lacking in real bass. What it does reward with is a very detailed sound, a precise delicate treble and a nice sound-stage. Just find it a little overly complex in use.


I have the Signet XK50 version of this arm since the 80's, and still am using it for vinyl playback on my Thorens TD160 Super. Its tracking and music extraction from the record groove, no matter how complex, does an excellent job. The stylus pressure is exact, and the counterweight being on a lower level than the tonearm, is able to maintain an even stylus pressure even on warped records. The tonearm is able to also extract detail with control throughout the frequency range and do so with control, balance with tonal purity. I also upgraded my soundboard with one custom made by Soundsupprt . . . and the result has been most satisfactory. Not only does it couple with the XK50, but it was finished with the utmost care. It is always tempting to try a new tonearm as is other components, but when you have success and the quality the Signet provides -- why bother?


Undoubtedly the best low mass tonearm I've ever used or heard. My Denon DL-103D cartridge never sounded as good as it did on this arm.

*by*DrPan K

9.5/10..excellent build quality, silver wiring, oil damping, adjustable VTA. with the right cartridge (AT 20 SLA, AT 24) will provide a resonant frequency of exactly 10 Hz and at the same time among the best MM experiences. close to perfection


The most incredible arm made...like a black widow but with better damping...

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07-01-2017, 17:18
More photos of the 'headshell' ...
Sorry with my crappy mobile.



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08-01-2017, 16:34
Weekend bump...

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10-01-2017, 09:42
Bump for this awesome arm before eBay...

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10-01-2017, 15:16
Bargain time. Final price reduction before eBay and the inevitable fees. £150!


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11-01-2017, 09:04
For those wondering what fingerlift I used here is the one I bought and used. It's a perfect fit for the carbon compound headshell. The seller often has spares and the lift is easy to source.


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11-01-2017, 18:57
OK Adey I'll have it @ £150 pm me your payment details

11-01-2017, 20:44
PM sent

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11-01-2017, 22:53


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11-01-2017, 22:56
Love it.

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12-01-2017, 22:19
clear inbox Adey

12-01-2017, 22:22

In perpetual pursuit.

12-01-2017, 22:38
nope still cant send

12-01-2017, 22:40
I just emptied it from the web aos, not on the taptalk which doesn't do it.

Hang on

In perpetual pursuit.

15-01-2017, 14:09
Sold and paid for. Packing it up right now.

In perpetual pursuit.