View Full Version : RCM Hire ?????

Jac Hawk
18-12-2016, 20:13
Does anyone know if you can hire a record cleaning machine, i've come into a few hundred LP's and before playing them i wanted to give em a clean so i can work out what's worth keeping and what's scrap. So before shelling out about £400 on a RCM that isn't going to be used week in week out, i thought i'd ask the question:scratch::scratch::scratch::scratch:

19-12-2016, 10:29
buy a 2nd hand machine, clean all the lp's and resell the RCM. It'll take you some time to properly clean a few hundred LP's and then listen to them to sort the good from the bad.

Ali Tait
19-12-2016, 10:36
Buy this-


Doesn't look much but does as good a job as any other RCM.

19-12-2016, 11:10
Looks a bit Heath Robinson to me Ali, that's not to say it won't work fine. I've also been looking at RCM's for when funds allow, but seem to be drawn to the one's that have record sized platters to fully support the LP.

19-12-2016, 11:27
Option 1:
I have always found Audio T to be very happy to let out equipment for demo over a weekend - they now stock the Project £299 cleaning machine - maybe you need to give it a demo ?

Option 2:
I use a cheap manual Knosti cleaning unit but always found waiting for the records to dry slowed things down, though judging by the colour of the cleaning liquid it certainly got the dirt out. While thinking about buying the Project device I happened to notice my wifes Karcher window vac on the sill and I got to thinking the blade was just about the right size for sucking the dirty liquid from my cleaned but wet LP's - and it worked :-) A nice cheap solution which does not take up much storage space.


19-12-2016, 11:31
Does anyone know if you can hire a record cleaning machine, i've come into a few hundred LP's and before playing them i wanted to give em a clean so i can work out what's worth keeping and what's scrap. So before shelling out about £400 on a RCM that isn't going to be used week in week out, i thought i'd ask the question:scratch::scratch::scratch::scratch:

Knosti Disco manual machine, did 200+ of my vinyl rescued from attic.

They are about £40. You can get better cleaning solution than the supplied.

Worked perfectly well for me, a bit time consuming but no problem.

Audio Al
19-12-2016, 11:40
You should be able to see if they are any good , Hold the LP at a angle to the light and all the scratches become visible

As already said , buy a machine used then sell it on when done ( However the LP's will become dirty again over time with dust and handling )

I owned a Oki Noki ( if thats how its spelt ) and a Moth , Not every convinced with either and have now invested in a Loricraft PRC3

Here is a video


If you paid to have 200 clean that would cost the price of buying a machine

19-12-2016, 11:43
Mike, I still have the Knosti you brought me.

You want it back? Happy to return it to you.

Ali Tait
19-12-2016, 11:58
Looks a bit Heath Robinson to me Ali, that's not to say it won't work fine. I've also been looking at RCM's for when funds allow, but seem to be drawn to the one's that have record sized platters to fully support the LP.

Yes I know what it looks like, but it works extemely well, as I said, as well as any other vacuum cleaner I've used before. Great bit of kit for the money.

19-12-2016, 12:14
Full size platters can be messy depending. The moth may not be stylish and maybe it noisy, but it just keeps on working. Hold their price fairly well too. Had mine 8/9 years now and not had to do anything to it.

Jac Hawk
19-12-2016, 21:30
Thanks Rich but it's not worth the trip over to the north east, i live in Bolton now.

Jac Hawk
19-12-2016, 21:35
It looks an interesting bit of kit Ali, well worth closer investigation and you're right, it doesn't make any difference what it looks like, i don't by a vacuum cleaner cos it looks good