View Full Version : dynavector

18-12-2016, 15:50
anyone heard the dynavector dv-10x5 cart read some good things about it and was wondering if anyone here had heard one.
Thinking of upgrading my sumiko bps

18-12-2016, 16:09
I used to have one on a kuzma stabi and enjoyed the system at the time very much. I never did really compare it to much else though in that same setup.

I presume you have MM stage only?

18-12-2016, 16:11
yes i have the croft riaa

18-12-2016, 16:55
They are OK but rather expensive nowadays.

18-12-2016, 16:58
anything else you would suggest around that range

21-12-2016, 08:02
Are we talking MM input only and what's the budget?

I'm rather smitten with my Benz ace SL at the moment. If the SH is close to it, then that would be worth looking at imo. I also enjoyed the soundsmith that I recently had and I think there's an Otello out there on one of the sites.

21-12-2016, 16:40
i was thinking mainly mm but could always add a sut to my croft. budget would be aroun £500