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View Full Version : New member from Kent

16-12-2016, 21:08
Hi everyone
I have been looking in on the forum for a few months as a guest decided it was about time i became a member as there seemed a lot of interesing stuff going on. My taste in music is pretty varied from rock to country to opera to blues no to keen on modern jazz or the spoken word(rap)
My system comprises michell gyrodec with qc power supply origin live modified rb300 arm ,croft phono amp meridian 506 trichord modified cd player, tag mclaren P20 pre 2xaudiolab 8000p powers bi amprd to sonus faber signums

16-12-2016, 21:13
Some lovely kit there martin. Enjoy the forum

17-12-2016, 10:14
Hi Martin. Welcome to AOS.

We have similar taste in CD players. I have a Meridian and Trichord as well.

Tell us what plans if any you may have for your system.

Feel free to join in the banter.

Enjoy the forum,

17-12-2016, 15:18
My next planned upgrades. For the system are a new tonearm and cartridge so i will be posting in the analogue section for some advice and oplnions soon