View Full Version : Wanted : Kef Cadenza or Kef Calinda speakers

06-12-2016, 23:23
Wanted to buy..a pair of Kef Cadenza...or Kef Calinda speakers...main bass/mid drivers must be mint and working properly...not bothered if the rest isn't grafting..as long as the bass/mids are spot on cheeerz....

07-12-2016, 08:10
Alan, I have a set of Calindas for sale, perfect working order, crossovers totally rebuilt to original spec, few slight marks on the cabs but nothing a little woodworking wouldn't sort. Fifty quid collected.

07-12-2016, 09:29
Wow. Mega bargain!

07-12-2016, 12:38
Bargain at that price :eek:

07-12-2016, 15:59
Bargain! Care to pack? :lol::doh:

07-12-2016, 16:25
Ooops..post deleted..it was supposed to be a pm...Ha!

Alan, I have a set of Calindas for sale, perfect working order, crossovers totally rebuilt to original spec, few slight marks on the cabs but nothing a little woodworking wouldn't sort. Fifty quid collected.

07-12-2016, 16:25
Pm sent Martin..cheerz..Alan...

Alan, I have a set of Calindas for sale, perfect working order, crossovers totally rebuilt to original spec, few slight marks on the cabs but nothing a little woodworking wouldn't sort. Fifty quid collected.

07-12-2016, 17:24
Fifty quid? Bloody bargain!

Alternatively, I was going to suggest looking out for a nice pair of Concerto's, which can be so good if on low stands. They'd go for multiples of fifty quid now though...

07-12-2016, 18:15
Pm replied to Alan.

08-12-2016, 10:36
Still looking....or a pair of B200 SP1054 drivers required ta....

Martin made a smashing offer..but it's just too far for me to travel...

30-01-2017, 14:50
Still looking for a pair of Kef B200 SP1054 100 watt drivers...if anyone has a pair they would sell ta...

11-02-2017, 18:06
I have a nice early pair of concerto's somewhere, they have not been used for a few years but they where in good condition, not sure if these are any use to you... and Im not sure what id want for them, will need to do some research.

11-02-2017, 21:03
Offer much appreciated..but I'm after the B200 SP1054 drivers...and the Concerto's use the much smaller B110's...Although these are fine speakers...I'm after the Kef B200, 100watt 8 inch drive units...cheeerz..Al...

I have a nice early pair of concerto's somewhere, they have not been used for a few years but they where in good condition, not sure if these are any use to you... and Im not sure what id want for them, will need to do some research.

14-02-2017, 20:39
Are the kef still available macca if so would you be able to bring them to nebo8

14-02-2017, 20:48
Hi Steven. How's it going?

There has been some interest in the Calindas but they are still available. They are big speakers though, would only get one in the boot of Marco's car and it looks like all the seats will be occupied. Plus they might be bringing kit. So short answer is no, not much I can do about that. Sorry, man.

All the kit I have now is too big and too heavy to move easily. I know some people do move some big kit for NEBO and my hat is off to them. I'm too idle plus I don't have my own car.

14-02-2017, 21:00
Oh bollocks just my luck looking forward to seeing you again macca always good crack

14-02-2017, 21:16
I might bring my NVA P90SA along so it can get its comedy boos again. It is the only thing that is small and light. Or a Parasound CD player.