View Full Version : Castor wheel dollies from Homebase

06-12-2016, 17:29
Popped into Homebase this afternoon and spotted these.


http://i68.tinypic.com/2q9jm68.jpg http://i63.tinypic.com/2coskso.jpg

Very strong hardwood castor dollies at just over £5.50 each. Just the job for standing my Tannoy Cheviots on after a lick of black paint. I may remove the carpet pads.

They measure 18" by 11 1/2" and raise the speaker just over 5" (and for those of you who don't do Imperial measurements -- tough! :D)

Anybody interested in some should be quick, as they are a 'special' with very limited stock.

06-12-2016, 18:34
Another bargain discovery!! Good one, Geoff.


06-12-2016, 18:42
addition of some castor oil will make em go real quick :D

07-12-2016, 09:28
The photos don't do them justice. These are really strongly made. You couldn't buy the parts for the money they ask.

07-12-2016, 12:08
For some reason - that reminds me about a discussion I read on Trebuchet design (https://msu.edu/~hartle35/KHweb/webquest/WebQuest%20Stuff/Trebuchet.html) where they found that putting them on wheels resulted in them flinging objects further. It's all about the body of the trebuchet being able to move back and forth as the weight falls - thereby allowing a more vertical fall of the weight. The more vertical the fall, the more efficient the transfer of gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, and therefore the more effective the trebuchet is at flinging things.

Which makes me wonder whether there are acoustic benefits to having speakers on casters, rather than firmly coupled to the floor.


05-01-2017, 20:07
Really! I didn't know that. Thank you!
Will have to try adding wheels to mine.
Built it with/for the Sons , years ago
A fun project for us.. so I kept it.