View Full Version : For Sale; Firebottle Dulci Single ended class A EL84 valve power amp

05-12-2016, 13:35
http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac233/Macca_photos_2009/DSC_0024.jpg (http://s903.photobucket.com/user/Macca_photos_2009/media/DSC_0024.jpg.html)

http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac233/Macca_photos_2009/DSC_0025.jpg (http://s903.photobucket.com/user/Macca_photos_2009/media/DSC_0025.jpg.html)

Asking £200, collection only from Stoke On Trent. If it was in a shiny case and had an Audionote badge you could add a zero to that price so no offers will be accepted. 4 Watts of single ended class A lushness, but you will need very sensitive speakers or just want to play music quietly in a small room.

Only selling as it is not in use here and it should go to someone who will get the benefit of it.

05-12-2016, 13:40
A bit of diy case wise and it will be worth nearer that. You and Alan were very taken with it

05-12-2016, 14:53
I have heard this amp and it is very sweet indeed. It drove my Spendors well until it ran out of steam but in its own 4W limited world it is a gem.

05-12-2016, 17:02
It drove my ESL57's to a respectable volume and they are quite insensitive speakers.

A volume control could be added very easily to make it an integrated, albeit only one input.
As it was my design and re-build I offer free support should it go wrong, as it was designed to not over stress any of the valves and should give years of faultless service.


05-12-2016, 17:13
Thanks Alan. I'm not needing to sell it but it is a waste that it is not being used and enjoyed by someone.

05-12-2016, 17:56
Is there any info on this amp? Approx input sensitivity, what all the iron is (heater TXs?). Any option on the OPT for 4, 8, 16R? Was it built on an old chassis?

05-12-2016, 18:30
It is built on an old chassis, as for the rest Alan might know.

05-12-2016, 18:35

05-12-2016, 21:27
Something that fugly must either sound crap or cosmic... I'm impressed!

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

05-12-2016, 21:33
She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts

05-12-2016, 21:58
it would be mine if I had the readies lol. Ive got a nice set of speakers for it for the lucky buyer :D

05-12-2016, 22:10
It would be perfect for your Telefunkens. You could have lend of it if no-one wants it, although I'm not keen to ship it because of the tubes getting broken.

05-12-2016, 22:47
It would be perfect for your Telefunkens. You could have lend of it if no-one wants it, although I'm not keen to ship it because of the tubes getting broken.

indeed it would with the singles set. Its a shame they are not currently being used. Sure someone here will give this a run, and expect them to enjoy it too.

06-12-2016, 07:22
The good news is that the output power is actually 5.5W at clipping, into 4 or 8 ohm speakers.

There are no output tappings so maybe that suggests the optimum load is 6 ohm, but I never tested it at 6 ohms.

From above, on the left is the original Dulci mains transformer for ht and heaters, in the middle the 5 Henry ht filter choke, on the right the vintage output transformers.


Internal shot, note the original valve rectifier base is only used as component support lugs.
The volume control at bottom left is no longer fitted.


Circuit diagram for those that are interested:


The gain is x10, input impedance 800K ohm, input sensitivity is 330mV rms.


06-12-2016, 20:48
Thanks guys for the additional info. Part of me wants it but I too have plenty of amps. My speakers 100db 16R should be a good match even if the OPT is optimal for 6R or 8R.

Tempted but when I think about it, do I really need another amp?

09-12-2016, 08:34
Still for sale.

If you've always fancied a taste of Audionote but don't fancy the prices, this is for you.

25-12-2016, 00:53
Hi, can the two channels outputs be connected in series to drive one Mono speaker (or am I being completely stupid?).
Cheers, Mark.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

25-12-2016, 06:16
Unfortunately not Mark, as each speaker output has a common connection to signal earth.

25-12-2016, 10:30
Could you connect one channel to a dummy load?

25-12-2016, 11:19
Hi Martin

I would love to buy it. It would be a great asset to me.
I would just need you to post it. How about if I sent you a strong box and packaging and I sorted out a courier?

25-12-2016, 11:48
I can ship it if you want, if I remove the power valves. Not short of packaging. It is pretty solid build wise.

25-12-2016, 11:57
Ok great.
Let me know about payment

25-12-2016, 12:27
Will get back to you tomorrow James if that is okay. Am at my brothers place at the moment and children running me ragged.

25-12-2016, 12:31
Yes mate, really no rush.

05-01-2017, 11:53
Hi Martin

Have you got over the Christmas celebrations yet, really know rush but I'm ready when you are .

05-01-2017, 12:03
Hi James

I'll ship it out to you on Monday if that is okay? Will send you a PM later on.

05-01-2017, 12:07